Apr 2, 2013

CURRENTLY...Lobsta Lobsta

Sweater: Forever21 or check out this adorable crab one! Not sure what my love for sea creatures are these days.
Pants: Forever21
Shoes: Forever 21


Annoyed: That my butt still hurts from my spin class last Saturday! Back in college I took a spin class early in the morning so I would be forced to go to it and work out, my butt always hurt from the dang seat. I don't know how I forgot about that but the memories all came back to me last week when I sat on the bike! Maybe I just have a sensitive tush?

Loving: How Trevor and I sometimes whisper at night, even though it is just the two of us? haha

Watching: Nashville. Love this show. I can't get enough of Scarlett and Gunner! I am in love with Scarlett and her voice :) I love all the music in the show! Anyone else watch this?

Thinking about: Puppies! Every few months Trevor and I go back on forth on getting a dog. We want one so bad, and our apartment even allows them so we wouldn't need to get a new place, but we have a long list of all the reasons we shouldn't right now. This has been going on the past two years. It doesn't hurt to look though right? Sometimes we sit in bed and look up different puppies for sale in our area ;) Maybe one day we will just cave and get one before we change our minds.

Wondering: How on earth my sister thought this sweater had a Moose on it?! It is very obvious it is a Lobster right?! haha

Making me happy: When Trevor sings his random little song to me. Trevor writes the funniest, dumbest, most random little tunes. He sings them all the time and then they get stuck in my head. Sometimes we both just start randomly singing them. I swear if someone was a fly on the wall in our home they would be so confused by us haha.

Excited about: The Spring Fashion Night Out at FASHION PLACE MALL in Utah this Friday April 5th, 2013 from 6-8 p.m. You guys, Fashion Place Mall always outdoes themselves, so if you are in the area you HAVE to come. It is FREE, and you can mingle with friends and other bloggers :) The event is centered on fashion shows from Fashion Place and the Salt Lake Community College Fashion Institute, and will feature fashion photography and art from Art Meets Fashion!

Nervous about: Being on The Daily Dish tomorrow! If you live in Utah, you can tune in to watch me embarrass myself on ABC4 at 11 a.m. I am going to be talking about some of my favorite products this month :)

Want to link up your own currently or personal style posts?
Please just make sure to link back to my blog in your post!



  1. She thought it was a moose?!? How cute! Definitely a lobster.

  2. I can see both moose and lobster, and being from Maine I appreciate that you're representing two of my state's creatures in one fell swoop. HA!

  3. Love your mustard bag! And all the best for your radio talk show! (erm I think its radio right? Hee).

  4. What!! I love Nashville too! Scarlett is my favorite. I love her hair! And her voice is awesome. I'd buy that CD.

    You have now convinced me to go to F21 in search of sweaters.

    It's definitely a lobster, but from far away I could see the lobster claws looking like moose antlers. :)

  5. You're famous!!!

    And seriously- Provo has come a LOOOONG way since I left. I bet you're the reason why!

    I would be one of those hard core spinners with awesome butts if my crotch didn't always hurt afterward. No thank you!

    1. You kill me haha But yes, why doesn't your butt ever get used to it? I swear, mine never did after a whole semester of Spin haha

  6. You should so get a dog! Adopting my dogs was the best decision I have ever made!

  7. I LOVE Nashville and Scarlett! It's pathetic how sad I get when it's not on some weeks!

    My husband is a song maker-upper too…just wait until you have a baby--the songs get even goofier and more ridiculous…and they usually have to do with dirty diapers :)

    Love the lobster sweater!

    1. Oh my gosh Vanessa, I didn't even think abou that! haha Trevor will go crazy with the songs when we have a baby!! haha

  8. Spin classes are crazy and my butt usually hurts for a long time too. I totally feel your pain and it's one of those things you forget until the next time you do it again! lol

  9. good luck today! you'll be amazing. (and that is so NOT a moose) :)

  10. I love my spin class. My butt, well not really my butt but some other stuff down there, hurt for the first week. Now I'm in love with spinning. I'm so excited to watch you tomorrow. You'll do great!

  11. My boyfriend and I are the same way about dogs! We have all these reasons against it, but we could fantasize for hours.
    I love that sweater! Who knew a lobster could be so cute!

  12. have you tried wearing the bike shorts with the padding? zac got me some for mountain biking after i told him that my butt hurt and i would never do it again. i love watching nashville! scarlett is my favorite. and i think you are loving sea creatures because you miss san diego so much and need to come home!

    1. Ooo I am going to have to check for some bike shorts like that. Did you notice a difference?! &yes, I do miss San Diego too much and need to come home! When I do we need to get lunch or something :)

  13. Haha I can totally see the moose!

    I`ve never seen Nashville, but it sounds interesting- not that I need another tv show to ad to my (long) list!

    Some Snapshots Blog

  14. You are perfection in this outfit! Love the graphic print and the bright yellow bag, very cute:) And I agree about the spin bike, I keep thinking my bony bum is not meant for it, but I love to spin! Here's to building tougher bums!

    1. I have a nice amount of fat on my butt haha you would think that would be enough padding!!!

  15. Hahaha when I just glanced I totally thought it was a moose too, HILARIOUS. I love it SO much more now that I know its a lobster!! ;)

    That is funny about your butt, LOL... maybe get a soft cover to go over the seat, spin class sounds like NO joke!!

  16. how are you so cute and fun to read?
    at first I didn't even notice the lobster! i thought it was a bouquet of flowers LOL
    so as i was reading through your post I was like... what does this have to do with a lobster? hahaha

    ps i linked :)

    1. moose, lobster, bouquet of flowers, you know, whatever!! :) haha thanks for linking up! Hopefully people will be ready to link up throughout the week! :)

  17. That is such a cute top! Love your shoes as well :)


  18. I love the sweater and the yellow bag. Gray and yellow are such a great combination.

    I also have to say I am in love with the show Nashville too. I am so glad my co-workers watch it as well. We have Thursday discussions about it.


  19. LOVE this! my closest girlfriend and i have a thing for lobsters ever since the episode of friends when phoebe convinces ross he is rachels lobster:)

  20. I love your shoes! They're so cute! :)

    xx Denysia Yu

  21. ZOMG, you're gonna be on TV(-eeeeee)! Heh heh.

    Aaaaall the very best and may you kick ass! (No doubt you will.) Rapt for you that this fabulous opportunity came about!

    So, I didn't think I'd love a sweater more than the "C'est la vie" red/white striped one you had, but OH how wrong I was...! I think I might just love this one even more, if possible.

    (And I can totally see how your sister would see a moose, hee!)

    I totally need to do spin class, butt pain and all.

    Yogi also sings random/crazy songs to (at? :P) me, bahahah. Love it, it always makes me laugh.

  22. I love this little "CURRENTLY" post you are doing! Such a great way to talk about what's on your mind and update everyone on all aspects of your life!

    I'm confessing, I thought it was a reindeer at the very first glance too! HA! I think the little claws looked like antlers... maybe? :/

    I wish I was in Utah already, the Spring Fashion Night Out sounds so fun! Hopefully we'll be there by May!

    1. You should totally link up your own currently post :) &yes, you SHOULD be here already! It would be so much fun to finally meet you in real life.

  23. A moose? No way, definitely a lobster! And a super cute lobster at that.

    Kristina does the Internets

  24. I have always been kindred spirits with the lobster... strange, but true ;) and you spell your name the same as me! Love following your blog.

  25. Dogs are awesome and so is that sweater!

    We definitely took our time adopting a dog and went with a fully trained, 4 year old rescue dog as our first. SOOOOO much more awesome than puppies - he even knew "high five" and is now a certified therapy dog working with kids!

  26. I'm obsessed with Nashville. Wednesday have become my new favorite day.

  27. Ok I love this sweater! There's a J. Crew version that is $$$ so I'm stoked you found this one! :)

    <3 The Daily Dani

  28. Love that sweater it's adorable!!!

  29. Spinning always makes my butt hurt! I like to tell myself that it's from working out some serious butt muscles...but deep down I know the truth...it's just from the uncomfortable seats. :(

  30. This outfit is totally adorable - and I love your red lipstick! Nashville is awesome - Gunner ... so adorable! Glad I found your blog. :)
    xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.

  31. I love this outfit! And your hair, it's exactly the color and cut I am looking for! So cute!

  32. i love love love Nashville. & i vote for adopting a puppy. they are the best ever!!!!

  33. you look so much like skyler off of breaking bad!

  34. Love the shoes!! And puppies are so great to have..so much love! But I understand how you feel about the apartment thing.

  35. This lobster shirt is so awesome! Love finding fellow San Diego natives, come by and visit if you get a chance :)

    Xo, Amanda


  36. From a quick glance and camera lens it totally makes sense why it would look like a moose!! i see the Lobster now! :P

  37. If you are on the fence about a dog you should foster. Then you can see if you are ready there are sooooo many amazing rescue groups and shelters that need fosters. There are puppies and dogs that needs fosters. I have fostered 5 dogs myself and 3 puppies. I will say I like fostering dogs better. If you want info please let me know I would be happy to give you more info. Taralynnevans@gmail.com

  38. I actually can see the Moose hahaha


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