Apr 9, 2013


A few weeks ago I was totally inspired by miss Bonnie, from the Life of Bon. We have only met a few times, but we have done some fun blog things together - and she will probably never want to do anything blog related with me again because of how many times I send incoherent e-mails and for the fact that I can never seem to manage everything I have going on in my life! :)

Bonnie wrote about what makes her love a blog. For her, it was an honest blogger, and then she proceeded to express some different "truths." I absolutely loved it. And it totally has inspired me to write down some of my own truths... so here we go...

+ I went to school to be a teacher. I wrote all about the experience as to why I am not teaching right now. While I feel very blessed and love what I am doing right now, I sometimes fear finishing up my teaching credentials and getting a Masters degree wont happen. Getting my Masters is something I really want for myself, but waiting for the right time can sometimes feel daunting. The whole idea of putting off your goals and dreams for what is best for your family can be a tough pill to swallow sometimes. It will all work out and be worth it, right? It has so far, so I guess I just need to trust more.

+ I am terrified at the thought of becoming a mother. I fear I won't ever get that feeling that I am "ready." I am afraid of everything surrounding it. I am afraid that I won't be able to get pregnant like my sister. I mean, how would I handle those feelings that come with infertility? I am not sure I would hold up so well. But with that said I am also afraid to get pregnant, because I am afraid of the physical aspect of pregnancy. And to top it off I am afraid of raising a child and what that will do to who I think I am now. I am just point blank afraid of it all, in all honesty.

+I hate being put into some box because of my religion. I don't feel like my religion does this, I feel like people within my religion and outside of my religion do this. I consider myself a progressive thinker, and hate being judged on the masses opinions. For example with the hot topic issue these days with gay marriage. Yes, my religion supports traditional marriage, but they also support agency. With our country dealing with issues of gay marriage I feel just by saying I am Mormon people feel like they already "know" what my stance is on the issue. I like to think that I can think outside of that box that I feel people place me in. What is my stance? My stance is that everyone can choose to live their life the way they want to. What do I propose? I propose we throw out the idea and the word "marriage" in how it relates to the government. I am always for less government involvement in our lives, especially our personal lives.

I feel like you can have whatever union you desire under your own organization, because let's be honest, if gay marriage didn't exist, it isn't like all of a sudden gay people are going to stop living together and being together. That is crazy! I think that the government should only recognize partnerships, and that you can put whoever you want as your partner. What if you are a 50 year old woman with cancer who has never been married? Maybe you want to choose to have your best friend in the hospital with you as you die?! For me this isn't a "gay" issue, it is an issue of how far we let the government go in defining our lives. If marriage as a word to me means between a man and a woman, then let that be what it means to me. The government shouldn't be able to tell me what it means either way. Then people can go get "married" wherever they want and there wouldn't be a tax right off, or incentive to be married. I could go on forever about the details of my ideas, I actually LOVE to have conversations about sociology, politics,  and those things that really matter. However I tend to keep this blog for more of the fun loving fluff.

+My brain runs a mile a minute and there are so many different things I want to accomplish and do in this life, and it seems almost impossible at times that I will be able to do them all. This kind of joins into my fear of dying young. I do not fear death, but I do fear dying young. I experienced my first sense of loss when my Brother's best friend died in a mountain climbing accident at the age of 19. I realized when I was 16 that I wanted to have the opportunity to grow old. I don't want to miss out on anything life has to offer me, and I think that is where I developed this need to "do it all."

+ I am my own worst critic. I expect a lot from myself and there have been nights where I just cry because I feel like I am not meeting those expectations. Failing. It can be really hard for me to remember that life is about progression and not "already being there." Any mean thing someone has said to me or thought about me I have already said a million times to myself.


  1. I love this! I love honest bloggers ;) we all love the fluff, but it's fun to get to know the other sides too!

  2. Love those posts, I love to learn about other bloggers. As far as being ready to be a mom, my personnal experience is that you never truly are ready until they put that little one in your arms, that's when the maternity gene kicks in !!!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that someone else is scared of the whole physical aspect of pregnancy and the fear of infertility. I don't understand why no one else gets freaked out about the whole 'having to push a watermelon out my vajayjay" thing :s

    1. Right?! or how about tear out of my vajayjay! haha ACK!

    2. Trust me, I was scared too! But our bodies are designed to bear children so it shouldn't be too hard, right? Plus, by the end of my pregnancy, I was so ready to be done being pregnant that I didn't care HOW that kid came out, just so long as he did. Your brain lets you forget your fears in the face of "Get that baby OUT."

    3. PS, my baby had a 15 inch head and I had an episiotome, but didn't tear. TMI? You heal :) (Probably not helping.....)

    4. AHHH!! HAHA I don't believe in TMI :) That was great haha

  4. I am my own worst critic too! And being READY to be a mom...noone will every be FULLY ready, but it is the hardest yet BEST thing that has happened to me!

  5. Thank you for your honesty. It was super refreshing and much appreciated!

  6. i really love this post, alycia! i couldn't agree more with Bonnie about the importance of being and engaging with honest bloggers. these truths were probably difficult to hit publish on, but you're a better blogger for doing so. i feel the same way about motherhood. sometimes i feel like it's a required part of being a blogger to be trying to be a mom or pregnant or in the midst of motherhood. that's just not my life and i'm not ready to even consider it, much less blog about it.

    also, i just want to say that you're one of my favorite bloggers who identifies with the mormon faith. i loved your post a while back on being feminist and mormon, and i reference it all the time in conversations with people. you're such an important person in the blogosphere and i hope you know how much bloggers admire you!

    xo nicole

  7. Girrrrrrllll.... I sound like some old marm when I say this... But failing... The thing about failing is its impossible to be a " failure" if you get back up and try again... This will sound like a cliche but Abraham Lincoln failed twice as much as he " succeeded" you can NOT be a failure unless you stop doing what you're doing.... Failing is wonderful!!!! It's the only way we learn!!!!

    1. Can I just keep you in my pocket?! haha At the end of the day we all "know" this, I think it is just really making it apart of my daily thought process, to be proud of myself more. Thanks for the encouragement!

    2. Girrrrllll... I wish I was that little!!!!

  8. Oh! And one more thing... When I started just looking at blogs... You were one of my first faves... The fact that you look at my blog makes ME a success!!!!!

  9. This is a great post.

    I've been parenting for almost 3 years now, and I'm still afraid of it. I had a really rough transition into motherhood (emotionally/mentally) and I'm still trying to recover enough to consider having another without freaking out. It's a totally normal but real fear you have!

  10. Ok, you are amazing! Considering we're neighbors and in the same ward I think we need to go to lunch or something!
    Truly an inspirational post! Love your Blog as always.

    1. Can we really?! I swear there are always so many new people I never recognize anyone! haha :) Let's totally get lunch sometime!

  11. Love what you wrote on the gay marriage issue. I don't want a debate, but as a Christian, I am put into the same "box" as you but have the same feelings, especially in terms of choosing who you want with you in the hospital and the fact that people will make their choices regardless of the law. It is brave of you to be this honest in a public forum - to some people this opinion alone makes us "hateful," and that is sad because it isn't the issue at all.

    1. I am happy my ideas and beliefs came across the way I wanted them too. I was a little nervous to write that! haha :)

  12. I REALLY like your opinions on marriage, and I agree that the government should recognize partnerships and leave marriage to individuals or religious preference. That makes so much sense since everyone has a right to hold their own views, and there shouldn't be winners and losers in the "marriage debate." I could comment/relate to all your other points but I'll just say that you're not alone :)

    1. I know I just posted this, but I will reiterate! I am happy my ideas and beliefs came across the way I wanted them too. I was a little nervous to write that! haha :)

  13. we just got done with the battle of infertility and honestly it has been one of the hardest things on both of us. I wanted to be a mom over getting married growing up... I dont think any person is ever really ready to get pregnant the good lord just knows when it's the right time for you!

  14. I just love you....and your blog. I really enjoyed reading your opinion on gay marriage, I feel the exact same way! Whenever the topic of gay marriage comes up, everybody is like "oh your Mormon, so you must be against it." Um, no I'm not, I'm all for it! I could go on for hours. P.s. we STILL need to do lunch or something sometime!

  15. Great post... and glad to know I am not the only one that feels some of these things :)

  16. This is wonderful, Alycia! Everyone has said it but it's worth saying again and again - thank you for this honest post!

  17. This is really great. I feel like I actually connect with you a lot more after reading this. I cannot wait to be a mom. But I'm totally freaked out about all the body changes and an eight pound watermelon coming out my little hole. And my biggest fear is infertility/miscarriages. Just thinking about that scares the shit out of me and makes me want to cry. My brain runs a mile a minute too. I just try to remember - "You can do anything, just not everything". Thanks for your sincere honest sweet girl!

    1. Okay seriously! Your quote is going to have to go up on my wall!!! haha I LOVE THAT! "You can do anything, just not everything." Thank you so much Jessica!

  18. Your truths sound so similar to what's been on my mind lately. motherhood, education related to a family, failing.... I'm consumed by those concerns. Thanks for being honest.

  19. LOVE your honesty girl... You are amazing!

  20. You have a lovely mind.
    Thank you for being so transparent - I (like many) totally agree with you on the marriage stance and less government involvement in our personal lives. Werk it, lady!

  21. I'm a little jealous you've actually met Bonnie. I've had a few email correspondences and I'm terrified every time I hit the "send" button. There's going to be a grammatical error and she's going to spot it instantly.
    Your stance on marriage and the government is fabulous. Couldn't agree with you more!!

    1. Hahaha well she still like me, I think, after sending her a million incoherent e-mails, so I think you are good ;) She is pretty great!

  22. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. Here I am and I have a feeling this blog of yours and I are going to become fast friends! :) I love Bon...wish I could meet her in person! I have so much to say in regards to this post, but since I'm new here I will try to keep it brief: 1. Yes on being pigeonholed by your religion. I wrote a paper on this in college. I feel very strongly against certain things in general (aka alcohol) and it has very little to do with the fact that I'm Mormon yet, when I express those opinions they're almost always invalidated by "She's a Mormon." so that's what she's supposed to think. And I'm a teacher and of course, every Mormon girl goes to school to be a teacher..it has less to do with passion and more to do with it works for when the kids go to kindergarten, or it is something a woman can use should she choose to stay home...etc.... Yes. I could speak on this topic all day. 2. Worst critic. That is so me...I'm actively working on this right now. In fact, my husband and I are reading the Screwtape Letters in the hopes that we'll both be able to recognize Satan's influence in our lives more. Specifically for me when I'm mean to myself. Yep...two breakdowns already this week. 3. You are beautiful!

    1. Sharlee I loved this comment!! I can totally relate to you on the teacher front! Oh man. I HATE, HATE when people hear I went to school to be a teacher and they instantly equate that to that is because I want to be a mother. Why can't I want to be a teacher for the great purpose it does to our society?! Geeze people haha :) You are great. &boy do I know about the breakdowns, happy to know it isn't just me haha

  23. Gosh it's funny because I feel the same way about people thinking they know my stance on everything because of my religion and I am right there with you on being your own person within that religion. I am catholic and I know what the church says but I agree exactly with what you are saying about the idea of marriage. My opinion has always been Love is too hard to find to limitations on it. Thanks for stopping by my blog BTW!

  24. This post is great and so much of what you said really is true for me too. I think that many people have different ideas than their religion and its great that you're expressing your own opinions based on how you feel rather than just going with the majority -Hanna

  25. This is interesting. There is so much I could say, I don't have the space. So, I will pick the topic of motherhood. I see this more and more with young women like yourself. Especially, in the blogsphere. I've attained most goals that most people think are important. I have a degree, I am married, I have worked, I have interned, I have won, I have lost, and I am a mother.

    Motherhood is not what I thought would be totally. It is the hardest thing I've done and it will be the hardest thing I've ever done, no doubt, in the end when I have all things to compare. I have never grown so much, I've never had to take a more honest look at myself, my character has never been stretched more for good, and I've never had a better opportunity to pour my sould out to God...as a mother.

    Education is important. I am grateful and happy to have my degree. But I suspect, being a mother will make you who you really want to be. It is scary. It is hard. But it is just as Christ said, "it will be worth it."

    You are a progressive young woman. It is a breath of fresh air. Good luck with all you endeavor to do. Take great care,


  26. Me again. I love being a mother. It's also my favorite thing I've ever done. And to do it beside a man that I think the world of and who loves me more than anything, makes it even better.

    I hear this a lot in lessons at church and I've heard it a lot in conference talks too... There are so many good things we can be doing, but we have to try hard to pick the best things to with our time on this earth. Thanks for sharing your truths,


    1. Thanks for that beautifully, and uplifting note on motherhood :) I guess I just fear the unkown, but I also know that I wont let that fear hold me back :) Thanks for this!

  27. this is so inspiring alycia. i appreciate your honesty. it makes you who you are. i know God has the best in store for you and keep the faith. it's contagious.

  28. Love your truths! I so relate to the last ONE!
    I struggle everyday! FAITH! God Bless!

  29. thank you for sharing your opinion even if it isnt supported by all! so inspiring (and by the way I completely agree with you!)


  30. love your honesty. i agree with your last point about being afraid to fail. i'm not exactly where i want to be in my career right now, so i am very critical of myself too. i just try to remember to be the best me each day. lovely post.
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

  31. Thanks for your honesty! I agree I enjoy an honest blogger the most. You sound like someone it would be fun to know! Keep up whatever you are doing.

  32. Loved this post, thank you for sharing so honestly! I don't comment often, but I do love your blog! You talking about being afraid of dying young and fearing failure struck a cord with me- I have those feelings a lot! At least I know I'm not crazy haha. I wish I cared less about what people thought of me too- feeling the need to please other only heightens that fear of failure. Viscous cycle. Thanks again:)

    1. I wish I didn't care so much what others thought of me either!! I guess that's what we are here for, to learn and grow and be better. Thanks for commenting Rachael, I love to try and connect more with people who read here on the regular!

  33. Such a great post. I love it when bloggers are honest with their readers. So well done. I completely agree with what you brought up about the government needing to butt out of our personal lives (my words. lol) I'm all about equal rights. No individual should be put before another... But I don't want the government in my bedroom, or anyone else's.

  34. I feel the same way. like I'm not going to be able to do everything I want. But girl you should be proud of yourself.. You done some much already. You a good person . Things happens when you are a good person. I'm also a mom and your never fully ready. But when it comes time you will know how to handle everything. i know it sounds strange but the moment you have your baby you feel something come over you and you go into mommy mode... I had my son at 29. I'm now 31. so don't rush. it will happen in good time. i love your blog it inspires me

  35. I love all of this honesty. The blogger world needs more of it. I have similar truths. I have never thought of the gay marriage issue in this light...I'm Mormon too. This life really is about choices and our own agency....that's the point right? Thanks for being so open and honest and a wonderful blogger.


  36. Love the honesty! And I totally agree we need to get together more. PARTY!

    1. Well you were in the inspiration :)! haha and yes, the other day was fun! Love girl time and blog talk!

  37. I love the honesty you put out there!

  38. What a beautiful, and honest post.
    I feel like a lot your thoughts echo my own so you are not alone, especially, your thoughts on having a child.

  39. I LOVE your views. You really do think outside of the box and this proves it. This is a powerful argument, and pretty much undeniable. This is why I have always looked up to you ;)

    1. Thanks Janna! Sometimes I get a tad nervous talking politics etc. but I just went for it in that little blurb :)!

  40. Girlfriend. I think I just fell in love with you all over again. First of all. The motherhood thing. I have not been able to get pregnant for four years after I lost twins. (Actually today marks four years, wow.) I am amazed with how scared I feel to become a mother, even though I would love to. You are not alone in this AT ALL. I feel like you described me in a nutshell.

    Love, Richelle from Lynn + Lou

  41. Great post! I really admire how you were able to put yourself out there and be so honest. Especially the comment about having children. I feel the same way. I still don't feel "ready". I'm scared to have a baby, but then scared not to. I just want to have a definitive feeling. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. I really appreciate it! I love your blog and am off to peruse more. I'm your newest follower:)

  42. I love how open and honest you are all the time! You are amazing!

  43. ooh i love this post! i agree with you on the same sex marriage idea. why does our church meddle in politics? whyyyyy? (: but either way, thanks for sharing!

  44. Love these! You're opinion about marriage is very similar to mine, in fact its sitting in my drafts folder right now just waiting for a once over before I publish, so don't think I stole your ideas!! :)

    And I'm also working on a post about why I decided to have kids because you and Bonnie have put way more thought into it than I ever did, which begs the question "Why did I jump in so quick and with very little thought??"

  45. Beautifully honest post Alycia! Your truths are so relatable. I'm sure all of us have identified with several points you mentioned above, if not all of them or more of them!! I love that we have these online communities to share with and to build one another up with. You are brave for sharing, and I hope you are lifted up by so much support and camaraderie from your online girlfriends here :) We're all just trying to do the best we can, and being vulnerable and supportive to one another is so edifying, so strengthening! Love the conversation you've started here :)

  46. I loved Bonnie's post and I love yours too! I struggle to write honestly. At least publicly honestly. When I know it's something I'm going to publish on my blog I just can't find the words. But then I can write pages and pages in my personal journal.

  47. I just want to say that I think you're beautiful on the inside and out! I loved this post!

  48. Seriously Alycia, loved everything about this post! We are living in LA and we are always getting asked our opinions about the marriage debate and I feel like as soon as they hear that we are LDS they automatically assume. I couldn't have said it any better than you! And honestly, I don't think anyone ever feels completely ready to have a baby. It is so SCARY because it is the unknown and we are all comfortable with what we know. But I can tell you one thing, it is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and my family. It has strengthened my marriage in so many ways and I am so grateful for that. You will be an amazing mother when the day comes!

    1. This comment made me smile :) I have only ever heard great things about becoming a mother, for me it is mostly the fear of the unknown!! Thanks for the uplifting comment!

  49. What a wonderfully honest post. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself! I think everyone can relate to a 'runaway mind' (at least I definitely can!) As much as I'd love to just turn my brain off sometimes, I think I'd hate it if my life was always that way.
    With Luck Blog

  50. what an amazing post. i feel very similar to you in a lot of this. especially about being a mom. i am no where near ready and not sure I will ever be and I wonder if that is a bad thing.
    thank you for opening up your heart!!

  51. I am seriously my own worst critic too. To hear me tell it I've accomplished nothing in my life. I know it's not true but sometimes it feels that way. I also am terrified of everything surrounding having a child. The body change. The life change. The financial changes. Everything. Love the honesty of this post.

  52. I love what you wrote about your religion. I feel like if more people thought this way there would be so much more peace.

  53. Honesty truly is the best element of a blog! Great post and honestly I do not know a lot about the Mormon religion so whenever someone takes the time to educate their readers, it is so appreciated :)

  54. Beautifully written post! I'm not a Mormon, but I am a Christian and I feel the same way about how people assume that we're on the "apposed" side of the gay marriage debate. I will not judge anyone based on who they love and want to be in a relationship with, they don't judge me, that street runs both ways.

    I understand being your own worst critic. I'm going through a potential career change and it scares the HECK out of me (I've been at my current job for almost 10 years). But I know I'm doing what's right for my future. There's a quote by someone (and I'm paraphrasing), "If you never try due to fear of failure, then you've already failed."

    Keep up the great work, I love when bloggers open up and are honest with their readers (not that they need to be airing all of their dirty laundry) but it makes them seem more real and allows their readers to connect on a deeper level.

  55. Love the post, to be honest I thought you were trying to have kids because you have been married a long time (that is in Utah time). That is good to know, I admire you for being bold

    1. haha yes, I guess almost four years with no kids it "long" in utah time. But I got married very young, so I don't see the rush :) I am only 24!

  56. This is such a beautiful post. I LOVE it! I feel the exact same way about school. I worry that my goals and ambitions will get kind of shoved aside by other important things. Finding a balance is hard.

  57. Wow, thanks for this post! I'm right there with you on the religion box thing. My husband is studying to be a pastor and we're so often thrown into the "judgmental, boring, homophobic Christian" box and that's not who we are at all. Hopefully, the world will begin seeing that people are not defined by the stereotype of their religion.

  58. love love love these honesty posts!

  59. I am with you all the way on being afraid of everything pregnancy related and raising a child. It scares me too! It is a huge decision to bring a child into the world and I'm not sure I will ever be there, which in itself is scary!

  60. Nothing better than bearing your soul and being completely vulnerable. LOVE IT!

  61. I loved this post! Sometimes I feel like it can be difficult to put yourself out there, especially on the internet. You never know what kind of response you're going to get. :) And as far as motherhood goes, you know that quote where they say its like having your heart walk around outside your body? I've never heard a truer thing! But its also the most rewarding thing I've done yet! I could probably do a whole post on it.

  62. Ok, first of all...that photo of you is incredibly beautiful. Also, I totally feel you on being put in the "Mormon" box. Of course our religion is a huuuge part of who we are, but we are all still individuals, with our own opinions and feelings!

  63. Love the genuine heart and voice behind this post! oh AND love, love, love the new look!

  64. Loe this post! Being a mom is scary. Pregnancy never felt awesome for me, and yes it will feel like your vajayjay is tearing and at times you will be crying because your 3 year old acts like a beast, but it is worth it. I personally would love to have you as a mom, so those will be some lucky kids! Also the Mormon thing is so annoying, people always assume things about me, and they always group me with the worst Mormon they have ever meant. According to "Mormon time" you should have at least 2 kids lol, but seriously don't rush. On the other hand I never felt "ready" to have babies, I just knew it was time.
    Sorry for the comment novel :)

  65. Read every word of this post... And could say so much to that I guess... It's just hard to put thoughts together =)))

    Being an LDS in Russia can be hard sometimes...and usually I try to avoid mentioning that I'm a member...Last time some of my collegues found out about me and a couple of my friends are Mormons... they started making fun of us saying stuff like we kill roosters on sunday, or about finding a girl for my friend cuz he was 19 and had never slept with a girl... And stuff like that...
    Not all members of my family know I'm mormon =)))

    Talked about that gay marriage thing with my husband the other day... Got to discuss a few few points of this topic =))

    For the last few years...There's this fear that just won't leave... 1) I'm afraid I will never be able to get pregnant... and 2) There's some kind of intuition I'll die young... of breast cancer... There's no really a reason for that... but these two feeling just won't leave me...

    And there's no point of talking about a self-critic =)))) It's been my life-long problem =)))))))))))

    But now I try to take things easier and believe in the brighter future for me and my family =))) I try to work harder on my thoughts and my attitude towards things... It takes time but i can still see some progress in that =)))

    I have a lot more to say =)))) But this would probably be too much for one comment =))))

    Just rememeber that everything will be great!! Positive thinking brings positive things =))))

  66. Great post. Sometimes its difficult to express & share our feelings that too on internet, but you did. Congrats.
    I loved your honesty.
    By getting so many responses now you must be feeling relax & good, don't you?
    How you're feeling now?

  67. You remind me so much of myself - except for the fear of having babies, being pregnant etc. You are brave to bare your soul online - braver than me!

  68. This post was very heart warming and so true. I identify with you on some points I am for sure the last two, the mile a minute thing. Like I feel like my brain will never shut up, and I always doubt my self.


  69. Hello to the viewers on this site i have found a real spell caster (Dr Brave).

    My name is Kelsey Jordan from Canada and I have been married to my husband for 24 years and live with him for 4 years before our marriage which made it all total of 28 years together. we have a wonderful daughter who we both love dearly, my husband went to work in New York because he could not find work in our home state. while I was the only one working and taking care of our child back here in NC and was preparing to move down to NY so she could school at Stony Brook University and we all would be together again, then I found out that he is cheating on me, when I confront him he lied and lied over and over again, and he keep on telling me that I need help that some thing is wrong with me and he is there to work and to keep us happy and making preparation for us to move, and I only accusing him, until one day when my husband's sister called and told me everything I was saying for 18 months and that my husband is having an affair with her cousin and it's hurt her to see all this because I was the one suffering from all this, but he keep on denied all of it. till when i saw a testimony online were Dr.Brave stop someone husband from cheating on his wife and I also contacted him for help because I had no other choice, after I wrote him i was told what was wrong with my husband that make him cheat on me all the time and that he have been doing this for a very long time even before he left NC for NY, funny enough Dr.Brave told me that it will not take more than three days, that after the spell have been casted that my husband will change totally and show me love like never before and that he has the money to make preparation for us to come over to NY to join him, but he have refused because of his cheating habits, and to my surprise it all happened exactly the same way he had said it would three days after the spell was casted. My husband called me asking for forgiveness and told me that all my suspicion was correct and that he was sorry for everything he had done in the past and that he would start with the preparation for us to come down to NY to meet him with our daughter asap, now i having a wonderful marriage today because of Dr.Brave, I and my husband are now living happily together with our daughter in Ny and he have change totally, he now show me love, buy gifts when coming back from work and take care of me and the daughter like never before. i will always share this testimony to the whole world, so that anybody out there with the same problem can be saved, if you need any help in your marriage life you can contact Dr.Brave on his private mail.. bravespellcaster@gmail.com, he will help you out, there's nothing too big for him.


  70. Hello, my name is Miss faith, I'm from USA. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant.odia spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on ogbonispelitemple@hotmail.com he's very nice and great.


  71. Henderson Elizabeth
    Dr joy is a trust worthy spell caster and he will be of great help to you. I never believed in spell casting but After 4 years of marriage my husband left me because I lost my womb, and i was unable to give birth to children. I felt like my life has come to an end, and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time, but thanks to this spell caster called Dr joy whom i met online after my friend Becky Ross told me how he also helped her to bring back her husband in less than 2 days. I believed her and decided to give Dr joy a try and i contacted him on his email joylovespell@gmail.com. and explained my problems to him. He laughed and told me that In less than 2 days, my Husband will come back to me again, and that he will restore my womb and i will give birth to children. At first i thought it was a joke but i took courage and believed as Dr joy has said and it did happen just as this Great spell caster said, My husband called me and was crying, begging for forgiveness. I forgive him and today i am so glad that all worries and problems has gone away, and we are even happier than before, another good news is that i am pregnant now, and very soon we will have our baby. Dr joy is really a gifted and a powerful spiritual man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. I advice you all If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems just Contact Dr joy on his email on joylovespell@gmail.com. because he will always help you to solve all problems. Once again thank you Dr joy. Thank you, thank you.


  72. Henderson Elizabeth
    Dr joy is a trust worthy spell caster and he will be of great help to you. I never believed in spell casting but After 4 years of marriage my husband left me because I lost my womb, and i was unable to give birth to children. I felt like my life has come to an end, and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time, but thanks to this spell caster called Dr joy whom i met online after my friend Becky Ross told me how he also helped her to bring back her husband in less than 2 days. I believed her and decided to give Dr joy a try and i contacted him on his email joylovespell@gmail.com. and explained my problems to him. He laughed and told me that In less than 2 days, my Husband will come back to me again, and that he will restore my womb and i will give birth to children. At first i thought it was a joke but i took courage and believed as Dr joy has said and it did happen just as this Great spell caster said, My husband called me and was crying, begging for forgiveness. I forgive him and today i am so glad that all worries and problems has gone away, and we are even happier than before, another good news is that i am pregnant now, and very soon we will have our baby. Dr joy is really a gifted and a powerful spiritual man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. I advice you all If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems just Contact Dr joy on his email on joylovespell@gmail.com. because he will always help you to solve all problems. Once again thank you Dr joy. Thank you, thank you.
    you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348100452479.

  73. Really Work Fast,

    Contact him for Relationship/marital problem,

    Thanks to [[[robinsonbuckler11@gmail com]]]



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