Sep 9, 2009

all about me, the hubz, and this blog :)

Hi! My name is Alycia Crowley pronounced crow (like a bird) -lee. I started this blog when I moved to Utah for school and my Dad, who was an avid blogger, kept bugging me to start one. My family has always been incredibly close, and they wanted me to give them more than just a phone call update. So I obliged, but didn't post that often. Then one hot night in August I met a cute boy named Trevor and all of a sudden felt like I had something to blog about. Nine months later we were eating dinner watching an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie and Trevor got down on one knee and proposed. After I said, UM, YES! Trevor got up, hugged me tight and said,  "We are going to have so much fun!" That has become a motto in our little family, we think life should be a party and want our life together to be just that. Hence the blog title Crowley Party.

While this blog started out documenting our life together, it has since grown into a creative outlet where I can share everything from the daily happenings of my life, to my personal style and favorite beauty products.

I also have a YouTube Channel as an extension of my blog where I post about my life, style, and beauty products.

And if you aren't sick of me yet, you can also find me at...
Twitter @alyciagrayce
Instagram @alyciagrayce

Basically, if you search Alycia Grayce, you can find me anywhere. 

Still want to know more? Well, I do aim to please. Here is more of the nitty gritty...

I am a sister, daughter, aunt and wife. I have a big family whom I love. I was born in Canada but raised in San Diego, California - I am a California girl through and through. I am loud, I enjoy eating, cuddling, movies, reading, working out, the beach, lacrosse, and anything the involves sunshine. In fact, sunshine was my nick name in college. I like donuts, ice cream, cheeseburgers & pizza. I could, and have, eaten a box of mac n cheese every single day for a straight week. I also love the color of mac n cheese :) I love the smell of the sea, my husband, &all that glitters. I have a serious case of wanderlust & love celebrating life! I graduated from the University of Utah with a Social Science Teaching Composite degree and a Teaching History Minor. I have a passion for education, learning, culture, travel & pretty much everything the world has to offer me! I have spent the last several years working in Marketing, putting my husband through Law School. He recently graduated, started a job at a firm, bought a house, and now we are both working and wondering if this "we are now adults" thing is really actually happening! Speaking of being adults, we found out this past December that we are going to be parents! We will be welcoming a little girl this August and are pinching ourselves that this is our life right now :)

We don't hear too much from trevor on this blog. Maybe someday if we are all really lucky he will grace us with some words. While on that subject, I might as well tell you that Trevor is a man of few words. His passion in life is music, guitar to be exact. Our apartment is covered with guitars, and recording equipment. Trevor grew up in St.George, Utah and is a lover of the hot heat and anything that includes water and being outside a.k.a skim boarding, wake boarding, boating... you get the idea? Trevor likes to eat whole pizzas by himself, but don't let that fool you, most of the time he is a total health nut! (which is good since I have the mac-n-cheese addiction thing going on) Trevor served an LDS mission in South Africa, and graduated from the University of Utah in Political Science and Jazz Guitar
Performance. You can usually spot Trevor in a crowd pretty easily, just look for holes in his t-shirt and clothes (he wears things until they literally fall apart) a 5-o-clock shadow that grows back every 24 hours, and a pretty impressive cow lick on the side of his head that resembles Alfalfa :) He recently graduated from Law School and became an Attorney. He loves his job, and is constantly an example to me of what incredible hard work can accomplish!


  1. I love how you updated this. I never clicked on those side bars before. Great update!

  2. Okay, this is adorable & I love your blog!

  3. dude. HOW do you use a different font as a title? i've been trying to do that FOReverrr!
    please help?

  4. What a gorgeous couple. You could be on TV!!!

  5. You guys are so cute! You have an awesome blog. Thanks for commenting on mine even though it's fairly new.

  6. super cute blog! my hubby and i got married in the SD temple too! (8 yrs before you i that old really?)


  7. Hey Alycia! So I saw your comment on my old blog {mydesignphilosophy} and just took a look around yours! I love it! I can't wait to see your Etsy shop grow! Do you collaborate with other bloggers at all? I'd love to chat! My e-mail is and the new blog is

  8. This is so cuute! I wish I found a person like that : You're a great couple!

  9. y'all are too cute. I can't wait to catch up on older posts!

  10. this is such a cute description of the two of you!! i love it! =)

  11. So fun, and I used to teach history in my pre-kid life. Fun to find those things in common. :)

  12. YAY! It's great to learn more about you!
    <3 leigh

  13. Ah, I love your words - too sweet! My Aaron has a narley cow lick as well, manly men with lite boy hairs - it swoons me.

  14. what a cute blog! i love these side bar's. i'm new to blogger so i'm not sure how to add them, but what a great idea. can't wait to read more : )

  15. You guys look too cute! Love the yellow skirt! I like that you like yellow!

  16. Love your blog! It is also clear that you love the colour yellow, as do I. :) Looking forward to keeping up with you!

  17. Love your blog... beautiful header with the flowery letters!

  18. what a fun couple! YAY party!!!! :D

  19. Hey,
    Just found your blog through a "life is a party" button on another blogger's page. :) Love your blog, and love the party idea!

    Yay for San Diego bloggers :)


  20. hey girly, just found you :) i'm also from san diego xoxo i'm your newest follower!

  21. I giggled when I read in Trevor's description that he has a 5 oclock shadow that grows back every 24 hour b/c my husband is the exact same way! Too funny.

  22. I just found you via Little Miss Momma's site. Seems like we have a lot in common--craftiness and partiness and a love of yellow clothes. I look forward to visiting your blog again soon!

  23. So glad to meet you alycia! I'm so happy to have found your blog too! I'll be sure to follow! Xoxo

  24. After you commented on my blog I had to browse yours. And I totally fell in LOVE! You both are adorable and cannot wait to read more...ya know when I am not at work =)

  25. You and your husband make such a cute and happy couple! I love your blog, it's so vibrant and personal! Thanks for the sweets comments on our blog. :)

  26. haha you're funny!! hang in there, law school isn't too bad and it will be over before you know it!

  27. New follower! Love your beautiful blog!


  28. Love your motto! Do you have Google Friend Connect so I can follow you?

  29. I've just read your about me, I just wanted to say that I found;

    "When Trevor proposed to me, and after I said "YES!" He responded with,
    "We are going to have SO much FUN!"

    Seriously the most cutest thing ever!!

    and I wanted to thank you for being the firt person ever to comment my I know at least one person has been reading my blog :)

  30. the only thing i can think about now is mac and cheese...this post made me want it so bad for some reason. haha

  31. How did you get your readership to be so high? It seems to happen to some people so easily!:)

  32. Whoa, you guys are a stunning couple! So glad to find your blog :)

  33. haha, myhusband is currently married to medical school! I know what you mean!

  34. I LOVE this sweater, any chance you can let me know where it is from?! Or the brand?!

    Thank you sweets! :):)

    1. I wrote a blog post about these pictures and I mentioned where I go it here :)

  35. You guys are adorable. I also live with a constant 5-o-clock shadow, and I love it!!
    And I completely commiserate with your Mac-and-Cheese addiction. Yum.
    I am a new follower and I am very excited to be here! Thank you for stopping by my blog :)

  36. I just found your blog and I already love it! This is so cute:)<3

  37. Hi! I'm a brand new follower. Already love your blog. And I'm also a San Diego girl, so.. hi neighbor!

  38. I am so happy you updated this part of your blog. The pictures you chose to illustrate it are so beautiful. Have a nice live Alycia :)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hi! I just came across your blog and am so glad I did! It was so fun to read this unique about me page and learn a little more about you! I blog as well and it seems like we have a lot in common. :) I'm excited to follow along on your journey here! Glad to be a new follower! Have a great day :)

  41. Your husband sounds so much like mine! He is very much into music, he keeps his favorite guitar by our bed! I had to fight him to stop wearing gym shorts to law school, but it finally worked! And the beard thing, I totally get. My husband will shave in the morning and by the end of the day it looks like he didn't!

  42. Ok, I found you while watching some FT4 Polar on YouTube and it amazed me because I want to get into better shape, etc. I'm bipolar and it means that the meds are doing crazy stuff to my body.
    But, hey! I'm LDS TOO!!! living in Venezuela. I'm graduated historian, currently teaching at Universidad Central de Venezuela, History Deparment. I'm 28 years old, single, two cats, living in a country where NOBODY gets "the Mormon thing" hahahahaha.
    Well, great to read you. I hope to get in shape.

  43. I grew up in Saint George! What high school did Trevor go to and what year did he graduate?? I went to th U as well!!

  44. You guys are adorable. Such a fresh breath of air in the blogging word. (:

  45. Adorbs!

  46. You guys are so adorable! So fun learning more about the two of you!

  47. Crow like a bird? Ha! All this time I was pronouncing it wrong. How embarrassing. Consider me corrected.

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