Jun 3, 2013


Growing up my Mom wasn't a huge fan of us girls doing anything "crazy" to our hair. You see, my mom is a major tomboy. She doesn't wear makeup, in fact, the first time she ever wore make up was on my older sister's wedding day. She has only ever worn make up on our wedding days, because we made her :) So she has worn make up five times now in her entire life. The first and only time she wore nail polish was on my wedding day! Can you believe that?! Nail polish is my favorite, crazy woman!

Needless to say, when my older sister wanted to dye her hair pink in high school you can imagine my mother's reaction. Not happening. Fast forward to 2013 and my older sister always has some crazy piece of color in her hair :) I had virgin hair up until a week before my wedding. I had never touched my hair with anything and then a week before my wedding I let my soon to be sister-in-law put highlights in it. Good thing she is a good hairstylist because looking back, that was crazy to do something to my hair I had never done before right before I got married, HA!

I have always wanted to do something "crazy" with my hair but have never had the guts. Mainly because it takes my hair a million years to grow. Usually when I get bored with my hair I get bangs, but I usually hate my bangs after a week because the upkeep is so annoying. My hair is naturally wavy and can get really curly, so I hate having to make sure my bangs are stick straight every morning. So no to the bangs, no to drastic cuts, the next step would be some cool color. Well because it takes forever for my hair to grow, I don't want to do something that will take a million years to change if I want to. I have always wanted to try being a red head, I think that would be great, but don't want to take the risk of hating it and then not being able to get my blonde back for years! So I figured, I am a blonde and I am staying a blonde, so what can I do? I can try going SUPER BLONDE! Platinum anyone?

Every person tells you how hard it is to be platinum, the work, how damaging it can be to your hair - but since working at a school where they do hair, I figured, when else would be the best time to try it out? Touch ups, trims, etc.? I am here everyday! So I took the plunge, which I am sure you have already seen! And I LOVE IT!

Will I keep it forever? Probably not. But I wanted to do something fun and different :) Plus, in a way I am getting a sneak peak into my future as an old lady. Although if I am an old lady I won't care what anyone thinks and probably do awesome colors for special events and holidays and such, I mean why not? Especially if my hair is this white :)

I have had a lot of questions regarding going platinum, so I figured I would share what I have learned over the past few months of having platinum white hair.
  • Everyone's hair is different. You don't know how your hair will react to going platinum. For example I was told this could destroy my hair. My hair could just fall out, I would have to cut a ton off, that the texture would be fried. Usually the blonder you already are, the less damage there will be because you don't have to lift the color as much. Thankfully for me my hair has responded very well! It is still soft and very healthy considering what I did to it. I did have to cut off three inches, I probably could have got away with only doing two, but I wanted to be cautious and make sure the ends were super healthy!
  • Going platinum you have to realize that you basically took every last nutrient out of your hair. So it is important to put those back into your hair as much as possible. So I use more products then I normally would because I am wanting to add protein back into my hair. I make sure I take my vitamins and use products to help damage.
  • Don't wash you hair. Well you can sometimes, but not a lot. The beauty of this is with platinum your hair does not get greasy! It is a great perk in my opinion. Your hair just soaks up all the oil because it has nothing in it. So I try to not wash it too much, when I do I use deep conditioning mask treatments, and I try to let it air dry. The whole key is to prevent as much damage as possible.
  • Purple Shampoo is your BEST friend! Purple Shampoo was created to take the yellow brassiness out of blonde hair and make it more ashy and white. I for one did not want that nasty bleached hair look, I wanted white hair. So it is important to make sure you use purple shampoo every once in awhile when you do your hair. I even used purple shampoo when I wasn't a platinum blonde. It is just a blonde's best friend. If you haven't tried it, you need to get on that! Along with the Purple Shampoo you should also be getting it toned. A good toner every three to four weeks will help that white color hold much longer. You would need to get it toned at the salon you get your hair done at.
  • Overall for me because I was already so blonde I have had minimal damage and don't feel like my hair is THAT much more maintenance. Yes it is more maintenance, but I don't feel like it is enough that it is a burden. I have been loving the color! My only complaint is how dark my natural hair looks when it is growing in compared to the WHITE. I mean I am pretty blonde naturally and it is funny to see it look almost black because of how white the hair is. Before I could go forever with outgrowth and people wouldn't even notice, with platinum, you notice! haha

What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair?!


  1. oh wow, I absolutely LOVE it!! It totally suits your complexion. I'd look like a creepy vampire if i did it :)

  2. So love it! Wish I could pull off this extreme color :)


  3. Fun post, Alycia! Glad you like the results - it looks great.

    Your mom is missing out. BIG time. ;)

  4. I'm OBSESSED with you hair. Like....i want platinum now. SO amazing.

  5. Purple streaks throughout for graduation.

    1. Fun! I feel like with the white I need to do play around with some hair chalk ;)

  6. I love it! You look gorgeous :D

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

  7. I'm glad you love your hair, because ever since you changed it, I have been IN LOVE with it!!! Every new picture, I just become more obsessed!!!

  8. The light color looks really good on you! Hanna

  9. The new hair colour brings out the fairness of your skin. Love it! The only crazy thing I've done was cutting bangs by myself, and it was horrible.. haha.

  10. I seriously like that color on you! And I don't say that about just any platinum blonde... In fact, you just may be the first! It looks awesome. And I'd have to say chopping all my hair off and donating it to Locks of Love. Scary, but good!

  11. My junior year I added bright magenta pink to the bottom layer to my hair! My dad FREAKED! Once it faded it was kinda cute :)
    Love the platinum , that's usually my summer hair! Love it!

  12. Love the color on me. I let me friends experiment on my hair a lot while they were in beauty school. My hair went through a lot. However, my favorite was that I died a large portion of the under part of my hair deep purple. I loved it. Felt rebelious as I was about to serve a mission. Fast forward to the next day, washed my hair, it turned gray. Hated it. ha

  13. Glad you love it. You are gorgeous and it looks amazing in you! It's always nice to know your work is appreciated. I would love if you would send any referrals my way!:)

  14. I put some red in my blonde hair on a whim a few months ago. I LOVED it. I knew I wanted to go back to blonde but I loved the rebellious red streaks hidden in my hair haha. And my stylist said they would fade to brown and they did. So it was super fun. :) LOVE your platinum blonde. If going as blonde as I do now kills my hair, going platinum would be horrid. haha. but I loved it on you and it looks super healthy!

  15. I love your hair! I'm super blonde, but next to you I would have very dark hair :)
    I've never dyed my hair. I have used peroxide spray to lighten it (it's just like Sheer Blonde Go Blonder). The craziest thing I have ever done is probably cut off 13 inches, going from loooong hair to a pixie cut. Everyone said I would have short hair for life, that I would never grow it back out, but I did! And now I think I'm going to do it again :)

    1. 13 inches!! BRAVE GIRL! haha I always love pixie cuts on people but would be to scared to try it myself.

  16. You look so good with the platinum! The craziest thing I ever did with my hair was dye it almost black brown and cut it into a really short bob. I looked so different. I would always get backhanded comments like "I usually don't like short hair but..." which were hilarious and awesome. But it's taken m 5 YEARS to grow it back out. So even though I miss it, its not happening again any time soon.

    1. I would love to go short but won't for that same reason, it takes FOREVER for it to grow!!!

  17. I love it, this look is absolutely gorgeous and your hair is GREAT in platinum!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  18. I am absolutely LOVING platinum on you!!!

  19. Your hair looks so healthy! I have experimented a lot with my hair, from chopping off 12 inches (regretted it immediately and it took 2 years for it to grow back!) to coloring it ombre with the tips being platinum, to having brown on top and black in the underneath layers. Of course right now it is just a solid dark brown color, but I'm loving it!

    Small Dog the Blog

    1. I really did luck out in how healthy it is for being platinum! I don't think it is the norm haha. I am jealous of brunettes because I feel like they can do so much more with their hair. If I was brunette I would have totally done the ombre trend!

  20. Craziest thing I've done. . My hair was really long in high school and I chopped it off when I went to college. It was a super short pixie cut and I miss it occasionally now that I am growing it out. Right now I have a blue streak in my hair which is quite exciting.

    Love the platinum!

  21. you look absolutely gorgeous! love the platinum color!

  22. you look gorgeous in platinum!
    The crazy thing i made to my hair, i wanted a scandal red for new years eve, so i went with an aunt who was a stylist,she blenched my hair and lets say that the red turned orange! and it was new years eve, 5pm so there wasn't much that i could do about it, but i do not take pictures that day :)

    1. OH MAN! It is stories like these that make me not feel so bad about never really doing anything crazy to my hair, haha. You just never know how your hair will respond!

  23. Looks great. With your fair skin it seems to be a perfect match. Craziest thing with my hair.... I had it braided in corn rows on my honeymoon to the British Virgin Islands. I also chopped it to short layers way above my chin when I was pregnant with my third child. It will be a long time before I'm ready for the upkeep of really short hair. I love my long, easy hair. :) Take care,

    Shauna xoxoxo

    1. Isn't that funny about short hair. Everyone says its less maintenance, but when I chopped mine I felt like it was SO much more maintenance then my long hair. I missed my long hair because of that! haha I will never go that short again!

  24. omg! I love it!! it looks so pretty! and agree with you on the purple shampoo and not washing your hair, even if it isn't platinum.

  25. I say good for you, the colour looks fabulous! Being a dark brunette I could never do it!! I've never really done anything very outrageous with my hair (though I've had some bad hair cuts!). I have such fine hair that I'm afraid of damaging it too much, so I'm pretty careful. I used to love dying it all the time in high school though-I had highlights all the time. I'm jealous that you don't have to wash your hair much and it doesn't get greasy! Ps. Thanks for leaving a sweet comment on my blog:)

    1. Mine is really fine too so I was worried about it, thankfully it has taken to it well! I am lucky. Oh and there is nothing then a bad hair cut!

  26. Gorgeous gorgeous hair! LOVE IT!! Thanks for the tips too :)

  27. I just got some blonde highlights put in, and my stylist told me to find some purple shampoo. What brand do you recommend? I need to go out and get me some.

    1. There is a popular brand called Shimmer Lights. If you go to a beauty supply store you can find it. There is a generic version of it that is just as good and so much cheaper! So ask for the generic shimmer lights purple shampoo!

  28. I would be so interested in reading a post with little tidbits about all of your siblings (your sister's colored hair made me think of this) -- :) I know you have a few and I would love to know ages/what they're doing/whose married/etc! Little profiles. I have a teeny tiny family (just one sibling) so it is fun to know more about bigger families!

    1. I LOVE that idea Dani! I will have to do that! Maybe I can dedicate a post to each one :) I have FIVE and we are all different!!

  29. I also went through a super platinum phase but the upkeep was far to much for me because my hair grows super fast. Looks stunning though!



  30. Oh my gosh I love it, you look gorgeous! I can't believe that you colored your hair for the first time a week before your wedding... that's super brave! The most drastic thing I've done is I used to have super long, brown hair, and one day I let my best friend, who is a hair stylist, cut it into a bob and dye it blonde... I loved it and I've had a similar hairstyle ever since!

    Sarah @ Life As Always

    1. Always nice when you take a risk and it pays off!! Some girls look so great in bobs!!

  31. If I didn't know, I would have thought that you were naturally a platinum blonde! It looks great.I jumped on the straight front bangs bandwagon about 2 years ago on a whim. Thankfully I loved it and haven't really gone back (except for a couple months when I was traveling and too lazy to trim them).

  32. Hello, Marilyn! (Monroe).

    So beautiful. I love hearing you talk about your mom. She raised daughters certainly different than her!

  33. I may have never worn make-up or nail polish but I have always been particular about my hair :)

  34. I ADORE the color girl! Your beautiful! xo

  35. eeek. i LOVE it. gorgeous. :)


  36. i love it! i love it i love it. you look so good.

  37. The color looks fantastic on you. And not fake at all...totally natural!! I wish I could pull it off, but alas, my hair is too dark to attempt it. The most drastic thing I've ever done was chop about 10 inches off and go really light blonde at the same time. I had spent a few years growing it out so it was a huge change!

  38. I'm loving this on you! Holy cow, you can rock the platinum!


  39. i love it! i have been every hair color. so fun to change it but i did destroy my hair! i remember at westview i went from platinum blonde to dark brown and they made me get a new ID after no one recognized me.

    1. hahaha too funny!!! I work with someone who looks like a totally different person on her license too because she was platinum and now she is brunette haha.

  40. Loooove the new hair ! This is a good color for you !

    I'm a big fan of doing drastic with my hair, I've done it all ! Sometimes the result is fun (like this winter I went Taylor Tomasi Hill red and I loved it, but it's too much maintenance !) Sometimes not so much, like the time I decided to get blonde, I swear I'm the ugliest blonde on the planet. It was horrible !

    1. Ooo I want to see pics of that red!!! :) I love a good red.

  41. Love that you posted about this.
    I'm one of those annoying instagramers that keeps asking about it!

  42. I have been wanting to go platinum for ever.. ever since Heidi Klum did it for he May 2003 cover of ELLE. Pretty sad I havent since its been a wish for that long. I've gotten close but just not there. You;ve pushed me that much closer to taking the plunge. My hair is naturally darker than yours.. and since I don't work in the environment you do, upkeep would be so hard. Girl you look AMAZING and I'm inspired. It looks natural on you! For real!!

    1. You should just try it once!! You never know :) I was always hesitant and now I wish I had done it sooner!! You can always let it go if the upkeep becomes too much. You only live once!

  43. Love your shirt, love your hair, love your blog!! I also love your glitter shoes in the post below - I have them also and they are the best shoes!! So cute!

    -Bree @ aBree Fashion

  44. Looks great on you!! I love platinum/blonde hair, but after sometime or during the winter mine makes me feel like I need to get a tan to pull it off! (I'd love to go brunette in the winter and platinum in the summer, but it's hard to do)

    Cute top, too!!

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