Oct 10, 2012


As you may have read, the night before the Marathon I was feeling very anxious. I was nervous about my knee injury that had happened the week before, and just wondering if I could really do this. My body, my mind, could I do this?

Running the Marathon with me was my older brother Ben, my Dad, my brother-in-law Justin, my little sister Sarah and her husband Sam. Justin flew in from Canada and had a couple of friends with him running it as well. As luck would have it, there were a few family friends from San Diego from the ward I grew up in that were running it too. It made for a fun group :)

The night before the Marathon we had a big dinner full of lots of spaghetti, bread, cookies... pretty much all the carbohydrates that I could fit in my body! I felt like I hadn't drank enough water so without even thinking before I went to bed I drank about 6 glasses of water. Bad. Idea.
I couldn't fall asleep because I had to pee about every 15 minutes, giving me a total of three hours of sleep before my alarm went off at 3:00 a.m. to get up and get ready for the Marathon. Having almost no sleep didn't seem to slow me down because I was just so anxious. I got up, stretched, got dressed, ate my bagel and headed out to meet my family at the buses that would be taking us up to the starting line.

Breaking in our gloves for tomorrow morning!

The start of the race was my favorite part of the whole experience, yes even better then the finish line. They had about 20 fire pits going, tons of food, music blasting and everyone is so excited. You could feel the adrenaline. My brother-in-law Justin is always super outgoing and his excitement made it even better. After we had taken off our sweats and went to the bathroom as many times as we could manage, the race started!

My Dad and I had done a lot of our practice runs together and found that we were usually the same pace, so we figured we would start the Marathon together, but no one was going to wait for anyone else if the other fell behind, we all wanted to get the best time we could.

It became a blessing that my Dad and I stuck together the whole race! We both agreed that having each other there helped us each do our best. When I was feeling weak he was feeling strong, and when I was strong, he was feeling weak. It was a great balance to have during the race and kind of made the experience even that much sweeter. I felt like I had come full circle since we had trained so much together and were able to run the whole Marathon together.

We were doing great, and didn't have to stop (minus walking right on through the aid stations for water etc.) at any part of the race until after mile 21. Then the notorious wall everyone talks about hit. Mile 22-26 were the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! I have heard several people talk about how they get really emotional at the end of the race and are crying when they cross the finish line. I didn't cry when I crossed the finish line, but I did get emotional at mile 24. For me mile 24 was it. I was done. I was tired, and I used every ounce of what I had left in me and I got a little teary as I told my Dad I couldn't do anymore. I had to just stop and tell myself to get it together.

Although it was excruciating mentally to have to tell my body it was not done and to keep it up, I  was able to regroup it to the point where we finished the Marathon. I always knew I would finish, but those last couple miles sure do play tricks on you. I was just so dang happy to be finished, and so was my Dad. The end was hard for us, but we both crossed the finish line holding hands with smiles on our faces as they announced our names.

WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! What a mind trip, and talk about pushing your body further then you ever thought it could go!

Not only was my entire family there but so was Trevor's family. Such a great feeling to be surrounded by friends and family :) After the race I headed home to get a shower while I could still manage to somewhat walk - you think I am joking - ha. We ended the night off having a big joint family BBQ full of amazing food and gorgeous views of the red mountains to match. Such a great weekend :) I wish I had picture of the beautiful red rocks we got to see on our run, despite the pain, I did take moments to enjoy them :) 

 I was just a tad excited to see my family haha :)

 P.S. I still can't walk properly...


  1. What an awesome experience--Congratulations!!!! Huge accomplishment:) I just did my first half marathon and the feeling of finishing was more than I had imagined--hoping to run a full next year. Awesome awesome awesome for you!!!

  2. That is amazing, and so impressive!! Great work! Now go rest up for a few days :)

  3. Congrats - what a beautiful place to run!

  4. Congrats! Miles 22-26 are definitely the hardest. It is incredible how much we can push our bodies... and totally a mind trip. When I did my marathon there was a little battle in my head going on saying "you can't do it, quit...no you can do it keep going" It is great to know you have completed such a great accomplishment!

  5. That is such an amazing accomplishment! I have suffered from severe asthma most of my life and my good runs might last 3 miles until I have to stop and let my lungs rest. I couldn't imagine 26.2! I also think it's great you did that with your dad. You two will both always have that special memory! :) xo

  6. Congratulations girl! Yes, I think everyone feels that way around mile 21. You DID it. So exciting! xoxo wear that medal proudly!

  7. I seriously teared up thinking of you and your dad crossing the finish line together. What an amazing accomplishment!

  8. Wooohooo! Congratulations!!!! I know that I could NEVER run a marathon!! Dang. I am scared of a 5k! I know a 50 some y/o man that has been doing marathons most of his life. :-/ Congrats again! <3

  9. Wow! Well done. Such an achievement. Quite an emotional read too. I am actually sitting here thinking of digging out my trainers. I feel a little inspired :)

  10. Congratulations, that really is such an awesome accomplishment!


  11. Congrats to you! Now you deserve this necklace!!!


    I don't think I'll ever even try...

  12. congratulations on completing it and on the knee holding up! what an achievement! :)

  13. Yaaa!!! Congrats girl! Such an accomplishment!

  14. Congrats to you that is a huge accomplishment! So cool you did it as a family

  15. Loved reading your Race Post!! You Go Girl!! So glad you were able to run with Family and Friends!! That right there makes it all worth it. I didn't cry at the finish line either. I hit my wall at mile 20 and my best friend showed up to run with me for a mile or two.....It's amazing how family and friends can help us over come the battles in our heads.
    Now go run a half marathon.....it's AMAZING!! after you have done a full.....enjoying a HALF is wonderful!
    Congrats again!! You Rock!!


    1. I was having that exact thought about doing a half later and how easy that will be! haha Once my knees heal up I def plan on doing one :)!

  16. Such an awesome accomplishment!! And how amazing that you had so much family around you for this experience. It pretty much sounds like the perfect marathon experience (well...except for mile 24...but the struggle is part of it, right?!)

    Good job girl!
    XO - Marion

  17. thats so awesome. my mom actually does the st george every year. shes done it close to 20 times i think, she even did it one year when she was prego! sadly this year she was injured shortly before so she couldn't do it. but this just brings back so many good memories of my mom. im trying to decide if i want to do the st george half with my sister or not. any tips? should i do it?

    also, do i need to email you for the giveaway or is there anything i need to do? let me know cute girl.


  18. you are amazing, girl! I don't think I could EVER run a marathon. :P sounds like you made a lot of good memories. <3

  19. Way to go! I can't even imagine...

  20. What an amazing accomplishment for you and your family! So awesome that you and your dad ran the whole marathon together. Someday I would love to do a marathon!

  21. Amaaaazing! I look up to you so much! Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment!

  22. way to go!! that is such an awesome accomplishment. crossing that finish line is the greatest feeling, congrats!!

  23. Congrats!!! Such a big accomplishment. I have run 2 half's and I'm doing another in March. Marathon running is no joke!!

  24. What an experience! It looks like fun and I am super proud that you finished it. I would not even have made it past mile 8 haha
    Great Job Alycia!

  25. I am so unbelievably proud of you, and I'm so glad that you got to run it with your dad! I wish that my dad's knees weren't shot so we could run a race together, even a 5k would make me happy! I'm seriously so proud of you!!!

  26. I am so unbelievably proud of you, and I'm so glad that you got to run it with your dad! I wish that my dad's knees weren't shot so we could run a race together, even a 5k would make me happy! I'm seriously so proud of you!!!

  27. That is such a neat experience! Finishing 26.2 miles is amazing! Congrats!

  28. This is soo awesome Alycia!! So happy for you! :) And how amazing to be able to do this with your family!

  29. wow! way to go! you are amazing! thats so fun you ran the entire thing with your dad! what a cool metal!

  30. Congratulations! Such an amazing accomplishment!

  31. I'm so proud of you! The 10 Miler I ran in college kicked my butt and I had no idea what I was doing. I did NOT train properly and running the whole way was the hardest physical thing I'd ever done. And you ran 26.2 miles!!! What a rockstar!

  32. Way to go!!! What an awesome experience to share with your family! PS, you are just gorgeous!

  33. Congrats Alycia! What an amazing experience...and to be able to do it with your dad by your side, gosh it made me teary eyed. ha!

  34. You're amazing! I am registered for my first marathon in March, you have no idea how inspirational this post is- THANK YOU for writing it!

  35. That was so cool to read your experience! Thanks for sharing, girl! I'm doing a couch to 5k, and can't even imagine doing a marathon, but it is definitely a goal of mine (one day!) WAY TO GO, Alycia!!! :D

  36. Such an amazing accomplishment! I'd be curious to hear if you would run another one? I ran one in 2006 and retired from that. lol I'll stick to the halves. lol

  37. You are getting me so excited for my marathon coming up! :)

  38. Hey, I'm so proud of you! And I was totally reliving my own marathon experience as I was reading through everything that you went through. My husband ran it with me, and he also hadn't planned to run by my side the whole time, but we were SOOOO grateful those last 6 miles that we had stuck together because we really did need that extra push from having someone right next to us.

    Running a marathon is one of the things I'm most proud of having done in my life, and even though it will probably be a LONG time before I ever attempt it again (if I ever do), it is an experience I will be forever grateful for since it showed me that I'm much tougher than I think I am.

    Thanks for being an inspiration to all, and you look so great in all your pictures! Woot woot for having done this!!


    1. I love how there is a connection between people almost instantly when they tell you they have ran one because it is like you both just know what you both went through :) Congrats to you!

  39. What an incredible experience for you and your dad to run the whole race together!! :)

  40. Congrats on finishing! It looks like it was a ton of fun!

  41. You are amazing!! What an incredible and inspirational experience!! I just started running a couple of weeks ago and I can't even imagine doing 26.2 miles! Maybe someday I'll get there! Haha.

  42. SO awesome! Go you girl! I love the picture of you and your dad holding hands and crossing together- LOVE!

  43. You go girl. How did you look so good after running a freaking marathon. I would've looked a hot mess! Ps. Your hair looks soo good!

  44. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pictures---and yes, your legs will go back to normal soon---been there, done that---no easy feat to walk the day after:)


  45. the paragraph about you and your dad sticking it out together kinda made me tear up (that is weird of me, right?) anyways, congrats congrats congrats! what an accomplishment!

  46. This is amazing! You're amazing! What an awesome accomplishment. I had knee surgery last year and I've been training my little bum off trying to get it back to normal. It's so emotional because I used to run track and now I can barely run 2 miles! So this makes me want to keep working at it! :)

  47. This is seriously SUCH a huge accomplishment! SO PROUD OF YOU! I can't even imagine what that would be like! I am shooting to do a half marathon in January and the thought of it getting me anxious!

    Love the bond that you have with your Dad, running together and keeping each other going and strong! Incredible girl!

    What a great experience to cherish forever! :)

  48. That is amazing! Made me a little emotional for you. And you are so freaking beautiful! :)

  49. This looks like so much fun! I love your bright pinkness! I'm running my first half marathon in February!

  50. You go girl! This post makes me get emotional, I KNOW THE FEELING! that is so great that you got to do the whole thing with your dad!! So awesome!

  51. Wow! How awesome! I would love to do a marathon someday. Every person I read about who does one makes me so inspired to do it someday! Way to go!
    Alesha <3

  52. GREAT JOB! congratulations on doing something so super hard!

    and by the way...I am absolutely LOVING your hair lately! I seriously love it straight and bang-less. it looks so pretty! you are so pretty! <3

  53. WAY TO GO!!! I love to read about racing experiences. Glad you didn't have any issues with your knee. I haven't done a full marathon yet, but I felt the same way when I had about 2 1/2 miles left of my half marathon....I could see the finish line but it NEVER. GOT. CLOSER. and it was so hard to push through. What an accomplishment! I commend you for all the time it takes to train for one of those things.

  54. High five to you for running a marathon with a knee injury! It looks like you and your family had a blast! You look beautiful in all your photos! xo

  55. what a great experience! so nice that you ran with your dad :)

  56. Amazing! You did it! What an experience. The story of you and your dad is so sweet and something you'll remember forever. How fun. You did something i could never do. I admire your for that. way to be!

  57. I always knew you were a little crazy... this confirms my suspicions. Really though, I am impressed. Way to go!

  58. You go girl! What an exciting experience. I'm so glad you were able to do it! Awesome.

  59. Congratulations. That is such an awesome achievement!

  60. Way to go! I really wanted to run a marathon with my dad back in high school, but I developed pneumonia while training and he hurt his knee. Oh well! So glad you did it.

  61. Congrats!! I bet you feel such a sense of accomplishment. :) I know I did just doing a 5k... I can't imagine the strength/guts/determination it would take to do a marathon! Way to go!

  62. You are amazing! This almost makes me want to run a marathon...almost.

  63. Congratulations on pushing through and finishing! Your family is so darn cute too :D

  64. Congratulations on running a marathon! What an awesome feeling that must be. I've only gotten as far as a half marathon and am thinking about tackling it at some point ... thanks for the inspiration.

  65. I bet that was an awesome feeling running across the finish line - good for you!!

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  66. That is just awesome, congrats! I started running after I had my son but have stopped with this pregnancy. I hope to pick it up again after this babe comes.

    P.s you & your dad are adorable running across the finish line! Congrats again.


  68. Yay! So very proud of you :) What an accomplishment!

  69. way to do it! I've cheered on friends + siblings for numerous marathons and I've never left without crying tears of pride for everyone crossing the finish line. what a cool thing do have accomplished!

  70. congrats girl! what an amazing memory you'll always have of running a marathon with your daddy! love it!

  71. Congrats!! Way to stay strong. Your experience almost makes me want to run a marathon...almost. ;)

  72. great job!!! that is such a huge accomplishment! please tell me how you still managed to look cute at the end of it!?

  73. oh my gosh! congrats! it must feel SO good to accomplish that. i just started running this summer and have running a marathon on my bucket list!

  74. congrats!!! such an amazing accomplishment :)

  75. That's so awesome!!! Congrats, enjoy the reward...even if you're reminded of it every time you walk haha

  76. Congrats gal! What an incredible experience!!!

  77. Awesome! I admire anyone who runs a marathon so much. When I had my first baby naturally I felt like I was preparing mentally for a marathon, so I can kinda relate in that way. You know, minus any actual physical training or effort!

  78. I'm not sure I'd ever be able to walk properly again after running a marathon. No, I kid... but seriously, how amazing that our bodies can push that far?! What a memory crossing the line with your dad too.

  79. what a huge accomplishment!! do you want to do another one? (btw..thanks so much for stopping by my blog!).

  80. This is beyond impressive to me! I can't even run around our block:) Just found your blog. Love it!
    xo, amy

  81. what a wonderful experience, specially because you shared it with your family, loved this post!

  82. how do you even look that good after running? holy cow.

  83. this is amazing, you and your family are amazing, well done!!

  84. Awesome accomplishment! My almost 50 year old mother is training for a half-marathon. I would love to run across the finish line with her like you guys did. Good job!!!

    1. That is great! Isn't it amazing?! My Dad is almost 55 and was in just as good of running shape as ME!

  85. ugg just thinking about this makes my stomach churn, haha. Good job! And you look amazing for just running so far in your pics! I think i would look like i rolled around in trash ;)

  86. So cool. I really admire you for doing that. Well done!


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