Mar 21, 2012

four eyes.

 After 7 months of wearing glasses, I have made a list of why being a new glasses wearer full time can really be annoying.

1. Hugging your husband and by habit nuzzling your face into the crook of his shoulder, totally forgetting you have glasses on, which thus causes glasses to get totally smushed.
2. On the topic of husbands, you totally can't make out in glasses. Not that we make out much (hint hint husband if you are reading this) but you know what I mean, those suckers get in the way, so not sexy.

3. Forgetting you are wearing glasses and going to rub your eyes. Almost broke them doing that one.

4. Trying to read a book in bed. I like to lean on my side and I switch sides depending on which page I am on.... is that weird or do you guys do that too? Anyways, you can't lay down on your side with glasses on, it smushes them up on one side which is very awkward, and not good for them.

5. Opening up the oven that is very hot, just to get your glasses covered in steam from the heat, blinding you for a moment. Well we are on that lets just add anything that involved steam, the bathroom, a hot cup of soup... you get the idea.

6. Forgetting you are wearing glasses when you get into the shower. Fail.

7. Having your eye itch and trying to get at it, all to hit your finger right on the glass.

8. Getting your hair stuck in the part where the glasses bend and ripping out your hair. I hate that!

9. Bending over while cleaning the toilet lovely visual I know and having them slip right off my head! Oh yeah, that happened!

Why can't I seem to remember I am wearing these darn things?! As fun as I thought wearing glasses full time would be, I mean come on, cute accessory 24/7... I am so over it.


  1. observing surgery in the OR and glasses keep fogging up because of the face mask you have to wear. then you have to perch them low on your nose to avoid it and you look about 90.

  2. Haha, glasses have turned me into a very awkward person at times! Going in for a kiss with my boyfriend (who also has four-eyes) and clinking glasses on contact is always fun... ;)

  3. I've never worn glasses but now I can totally see how that is annoying!

  4. Not fun! But gosh darn it, you rock those babies! Where did you get them?

  5. i can so relate to #8 - ouch!! you look so cute with glasses :)

  6. You look cute in them :) You could always get some contacts and alternate.

  7. Haha amen to all of that. I live in such a humid area too. So when I go from inside to outside, fog up immediately. So annoying. Buts hat do you do with 3d movies?! I barely go to any but once I just needed them to see better, and then the 3d glasses over it was so uncomfortable. Lol

  8. Oh my goodness, I never really thought about the nuisances. You look adorable in your glasses! My husband wears them, switched to contacts but went back to glasses because he so unlike himself!

  9. haha, he *felt so unlike himself

  10. Hahaha I totally have done all of these, oh lovely glasses

  11. I've worn contacts for 10 years, but I've had eye problems lately that will eventually result in surgery so I've been rockin my glasses.

    My bangs look shredded. That's the best word to describe them because of how often my hair gets stuck in my glasses and rips out.

    My new trick is putting my glasses on top of my head when I walk into a building/house because I'm so used to doing that with my sunglasses. Happens all.the.time.

    And I was bending over cleaning the litter box the other day and had them fall right in. Gross.

    The list goes on...I can totally relate.

  12. haha i watch my sister do all of the things above when she is wearing her glasses (minus the making out with my brother in law).
    xx jes

  13. at least they make you look super smart…and adorable!

  14. Oh my gosh...these things happen to me ALL THE TIME. Thus why I wear my glasses only sometimes not all the time...I will suffer allergies with contacts just so I don't have to wear my glasses and deal with all those awkward things!

  15. I've been wearing my glasses full time for about 8 months now. I tried the contacts thing, and it didn't work. I'm going to give it another try this week. Hopefully it works this time, I'm sick of my glasses! But yours look super cute on you.

  16. Hahaha, isn't it funny how the making out sort of dwindles down once you get married? Or maybe I'm the only one.
    I am?
    Oh, nevermind.
    Anyway, now that I have publicly humiliated look adorable in those glasses.

  17. I completely agree with all of the above! I had an eye infection recently and had to wear glasses full time for almost 6 months and I was miserable. Also annoying is trying to do Zumba in them. You get all sweaty and they slide down your face or you fling them off with your flailing arm movements (maybe it's just me)! There's a reason I started wearing contacts in 8th grade!!

  18. Girlfriend. I have had ALMOST all of those happen... I literally get mad when my hair gets caught... I DONT WANT TO LOSE ANY MORE HAIRs :) BUT, if you look good in glasses then you are a lucky one - so rock them! I wish I could pull those off!

  19. Haha true life to all of these. My worst habit with wearing glasses is walking into walls and doors. My depth perception is completely off so I always think I'm farther away than I actually am... oops!

  20. Oh yes! All are so true! Love your glasses!!

  21. Pretty sure EVERYONE in my family wears glasses except me-- I used to feel like the oddball, but after your list, I'm probably glad I don't have 'em! ;)

  22. I love ready on my side and I hate that when glasses (sunglasses) in my case (when I layout of course.. I don't wear them in the house) don't allow me to do that.

  23. I love ready on my side and I hate that when glasses (sunglasses) in my case (when I layout of course.. I don't wear them in the house) don't allow me to do that.

  24. i totally agreeeeeeeeeeeeee. i am contemplating contacts at this very moment.

  25. Hahahaha!!! I've done all these things too. :)

  26. I was over glasses before I even got them. Happiest day of my life (then)? The day I got contacts.

    Contacts were a whole different story ... but still. I wouldn't trade.

  27. yes, yes, yes and yes! I can relate to ALL of these things. Except for the toilet, they have yet to fall in. (knock on wood.) Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I make my husband clean the toilet.

  28. I was nodding my head to all of these. So annoying. Working out in glasses is the worst! And dog nose marks! :)

  29. I hate when your glasses pull your hair out too!! Even if it's just one or two lousy HURTS!!!

  30. HAha and for all of these reasons and more contacts are my best friend! Lasik surgery would be my best friend but because of wearing my contacts for 10 years I am no longer a candidate! Boo blindness!

  31. Hahahahahahaha. These always happen to me. At least you look really cute in them!

  32. I totally know what you are going through. Until I got Lasik surgery done! Best thing ever!!! :-))

  33. I've never had to wear glasses, so I can't really empathize. If it helps, you look adorable in them!

  34. Oh!! I always wish I had glasses. This is a good list for me to careful what you wish for and all;)

  35. did they fall IN the toilet ???!?!?!?!?!?!?

  36. #4!! i read like that in bed too!

  37. This post made me laugh! I don't wear glasses, but I've heard all these things be complained about by family member who do! ...except for them slipping off your face into the toilet...that was a new one! =P Lol! =)
    Alesha <3

  38. ive wanted glasses my whole life. now, im not so sure haha

  39. I totally agree with ALL of those except the very last one...haven't dropped them in the toilet yet, but give me a few more months and I just might!!

  40. nice hahaha! on the positive side-they look good on you!

  41. Ugh...I feel the same way. I usually wear contacts, but when I do wear the glasses it's a mess. The oven true. Also lying on your side to watch tv...not so comfy...

  42. trying to watch a 3D movie

    watching TV while laying on the couch

    taking family pics & realizing there's a glare

    smudges of all kinds

    I'm 7 months in as well & totally with you here!

  43. I can't imagine how difficult wearing glassed would be to get used to!

  44. I've been wearing glasses since I was a child, and that's been, well, far too many years that I'm willing to admit. I can relate to almost all of these. However, you've got me with the toilet bit. That's never happened. I'm unable to wear contacts, so for me, it's glasses 24/7. I don't mind it. I did mind, actually, having to take them OFF, recently when the DMV said I had to for my new photo. The photo makes me look unrecognizable because I'm never without glasses. It's so weird.

    You learn to live with them. I don't have the issue with reading in bead because, thankfully, I'm near-sighted enough that I can lay down without my glasses and see anything up to about 12 inches away.

    For me, the worst is walking in the rain. I love the rain, but wet glasses? No fair!

    Then, there's makeup. Putting on makeup without glasses is tough enough for the near-blind, but then you have to do it totally differently to compensate for the glasses so you don't look funny.

  45. Oh yes! Totally hate wearing my glasses. So not fun but they look extra cute on you!

  46. I don't wear glasses but my husband does... it really does hinder the cuddling

  47. I second everything you said. Its a pain in the butt. I am about to suck it up and just pay the 90 bucks for contacts again. I miss them!


  48. i would love to wear my glasses more, but my eyelashes push up against the lenses and i lose it. grrr... but you sure are cute in yours. :)

  49. I suffer from the reverse. I wear glasses all the time. When I have contacts in I a constantly adjusting my invisible glasses. It's geeky!

  50. haha! i've worn glasses for the last sixteen years of my life... i can relate to ALL of these. my head used to hurt from where the rest by your ears, too. but don't worry, you get used to it after time:)

  51. Love this! Haha. And you are adorable with your glasses. Also, I'm sorry to break it to you but I do pretty much all of these things and I'm not a new glasses wearer. I've been wearing them since fifth grade! You may never get super used to them. OH, and the whole trying to read in bed thing is totally normal. I switch sides a lot too and it really doesn't work with glasses. SO frustrating!

  52. Haha, oh too funny! You and Rockstar Diaries though... are my two fave peep I've ever laid eyes on wearing glasses -like seriously you look fab in them!

  53. I hate it when glasses get steamed up! Having said that, you sure do rock the look. :)

  54. This is all so true! I also just hate looking through stuff. I don't know, maybe that one's just me, but I don't want to feel like I'm always looking through a window!

  55. hahahaha! literally every single one of these things has happened to me. glasses are fun stuff.

    really though. I love glasses. 'cause some days I just don't feel like wrangling my contacts.

  56. I completely understand how annoying glasses are. I'm supposed to wear glasses but I got tired of them getting in the way of everything that I no longer do. You look gorgeous though! :)

  57. glasses totally suck to wear full time. and getting your hair stuck hurts so bad! add a baby to glasses wearing and it's a whole new level of hate. babies love those things! annoying....

  58. I've been wearing glasses since third grade. So annoying.

  59. haha YES TO ALL! Another thing- bending over a steaming bowl of soup and never being able to see anything! I love your glasses- where did you get them from?

  60. I've been wearing glasses for so long that the only one that's still an issue is the steam!

  61. Ok, i just keep laughing and laughing because i do a lot of these things when I wear my glasses too!! I mean the laying on the side with glasses on while reading IS SUPER IRRITATING isn't it? And don't even get me started on pulling something from a hot oven! Holy heck that is NOT cool at all! Like literally! LOL

  62. I always change sides while reading in bed so I don't have to hold it up in the arms get too tired doing that. That sucks about the loo one! Guessing you haven't made some of these mistakes again :D

  63. I'm new to your blog, but OMG I had to comment on this post! I wear contacts 90% of the time, but during that 10% of glasses:

    I get so frustrated when I hug my husband. It always ends with massive smudges!

    Prior to my Nook, I definitely switched which side I was laying on depending on which side the page I was reading.

    My hubs & I laugh [hard] every time I open the oven with my glasses on. Hilarious!

  64. I love your blog!! Thanks for checking out mine! And I've never worn glasses...but I completely can see where you're coming from. I'm your newest follower :)

  65. My husband thinks it is *hilarious* to try to kiss me while we are both wearing glasses, so we have a total nerd moment. :)

  66. At least you look good in them!!! I remember a time when glasses made you appear nerdy .... Now it makes you look chic!!

  67. I laughed at quite a few of these, but I definitely get how annoying it is to have steamy glasses while cooking. I leaned over a hot stove last night and steamed up my glasses... not fun having to wait a few seconds before being able to see again. :P

  68. I don't wear glasses, but I TOTALLY do that thing where you switch sides when you are reading! I thought I was one of a few weirdos, but I'm glad to know I'm in good company.

  69. Yah... I agree with pretty much all of these :) I've been a glasses wearer my whole life - OK, not out of the womb... But, since I was like 7? ish? ...Anyways, the hubby and I both are glasses wearers... You DEF can't make out with BOTH of you wearing glasses - I hear ya on that one in particular :)

  70. I don't usually forget that I'm wearing my glasses, but other than that I experience the same things. first world problems for glasses wearers, i guess.

  71. Being at the beach and constantly having to clean the "sea spray" off of them.. argh!

  72. Mostly it sounds like your husband just needs to be smart enough to take your glasses off when you want to make-out or just be a little romantic. I dated many young ladies that wore glasses and I think everyone of them knew when I took off their glasses what I was after. Your glasses can actually be very sexy. You just need to start using them that way.


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