Dec 20, 2012

half way there...

this is when I make trevor leave the law library and have lunch with me :)

Trevor is officially half way done with Law School. I can't even believe it. Time is a funny thing, somehow it can go by slowly and quickly simultaneously. That is how I would describe our Law School experience.

There have been moments where it felt like this was going to last for forever, and now I sit here amazed that we are already half way there. Yes, I say we. Indeed Trevor is the one studying and doing all the hard work, but as his spouse I have to deal with never seeing him, doing extra around the apartment, and lifting his spirits when things become too much for him. I have truly been his partner through this, and while it has come with its challenges, I think it is one of the best things that has happened to our marriage. We are much more patient and understanding with each other, and appreciative.

The other night Trevor and I were talking about life after law school and it gave me butterflies. I guess I just envisioned us in school for such a long time when we got married that I can't believe we are already needing to have conversations like this!

I tell Trevor I am proud of him every single day, but for some reason those words just don't do it enough justice, and when we were about to go to sleep and Trevor thanked me for all that I do for him to make his life easier, my heart melted. I am so thankful for a hard working husband and best friend in my life :)


  1. Sounds like you have a great husband, girl! You guys are so blessed :)

  2. My brother graduated from law school in May & it was such a hard few years for he & his wife! Good luck girl, sounds like you guys are making the most of it...and the end is in sight!

    1. It is definitely an experience going through all kinds of post grad school married I am sure! It sure can strengthen your relationship!

  3. You two are so adoreable!! I think back to when we first met and were constantly gossiping during kid's camp about our love lives, and I just love how God lined up something SO wonderful for you! It is seriously such an encouragement for me :) Love ya girl, so glad to see you so happy!

    1. Aw Amy, I really really miss those days! Work days were always better when you were there :) I know we keep saying this, but next time I am in town we really do need to hang out sometime! I miss you!

  4. You two are so sweet. Enjoy this time!

  5. My sisters hubby graduated in May from law school at SMU and like you, she would feel butterflies throughout the 3 years thinking about it! I loved to watch her talk about when he would be done, she was so excited! Although after he graduated he studied SO much for the bar a few months later. Hang in there!

    1. I know the bar is who different topic right?! haha They say that Law School is like being pregnant, and the bar is giving birth! haha

  6. Aww congrats to him! And you and him are truly blessed!

  7. You can do it! and congrats to your hubby!
    Ps. where is the sweater from in your snow pics?!

  8. this is so sweet! and congrats to him. i think being proud of your husbands is one of the most important things for a marriage.

  9. Not to sound creepy, but every time I think about my husband's law school days (which was not long ago at all) I can't help but think of you. I mean, he was EQ President, on Moot Court, and Law Review during his last year and sometimes I thought it would never end. And then I think of you and think, "Man! She's so positive about it all!" I would like to think I was, but I'm pretty sure I nagged a lot haha!

    1. Man he was sure busy! I am not always so positive about it :) But thanks! It is a unique experience for everyone I am sure!

  10. Congratulations to Trevor. The second year is definitely the hardest in terms of workload. It gets easier next year.

  11. How cute! My boyfriend is almost finished Law too, only 4 more subjects to go, yay!

  12. You two are too adorable! The look on Trevor's face is hilarious. He definitely had been spending too much time in the library.

    1. haha yup, that is his drained "let me just eat and don't take a picture face!" haha

  13. Congrats to you guys ! I can relate, I went trough law school myslef and my hubby's has been a saint all the way and made all the hard work so much easier ! When he's done, hell barely remember how hard it was, just how fun it is to be a lawyer ( I love it !)
    My Blog - A Pretty Nest

    1. Way to go Marie, I know how hard you must have worked! Happy to hear it is paying off!

  14. I can completely relate! My fiance finished grad school about three months ago and has been working full time ever since! It's crazy to think that it's over and there were plenty of times where I was standing right where you are! Time goes so fast, and all the while, we do learn so much about patience and understanding :)

    1. You are dead on about learning a lot about patience and understanding! haha

  15. I so relate to this!! My husband finished law school a year and a half ago and I remember those days when I felt like it would NEVER EVER END. But at the same time, the 3 years flew by. It is such a wonderful thing to be able to support your husband through something like that. I felt like those 3 years were really good for our marriage. The next year and a half will fly by and you will be supporting him as he studies for the BAR before you know it, then watching him get sworn into the BAR association... I think that was the most wonderful moment for me!

    1. Oh my gosh Allison you just have me goosebumps when I read the part about being sworn into the bar!! haha :) I bet it was the best moment!

  16. Totes agree! You are such a good wife! WE are graduating from Med School in May. WE have a 3 year residency on top of this. That's like law school all over again for you guys. HA HA. Thank you for this post!

    1. Oh man, yes, I have to hand it to you Med School Wives!! So much school! Congrats to you guys!

  17. His face cracks me up! Congrats on 1/2 way!!!

  18. How awesome! It seems like everyone is going to law school these days. I have at least 3 lawyers around at all times on accident haha. Their not such bad folks to have on hand though. I always hope my words of praise and reinforcement make those around me feel as good as it makes me feel to share how proud I am. Keep on keepin on!

    1. "Their not such bad folks to have on hand though." this made me laugh Caitlin haha &thanks!

  19. We are proud of both of you! :)

  20. Congratulations. That is a big milestone. The last half always goes faster than the first half.

  21. That post is so sweet!
    And remember with hard work comes great rewards :)

  22. I really like this post...and I really feel for you. My boyfriend an I are both in Med school right now, far apart from each other. So not only are we in super demanding timetables...but we're also doing long distance :(
    In other words, CONGRATULATIONS are definitely in order; it's no small feat and whilst I know it really does strengthen your relationship, I know that there must have been many tears along the way too.


    1. ANNIE! You and your boyfriend must deal with a lot! Hope things stay manageable for you both! Thanks for the sweet comment!

  23. Oh my gosh. He looks either really angry, really tired, or is thinking too hard about torts (I learned that word from a friend who goes to law school -- I was all, "why did they name it after a dessert?" but I'm a dork like that).

    Annnnnyway, I found you via your guest post on Brunch with Amber. You said to come pop over and comment, so here I am! :) I blog over at Grace for Gayle. I really hope to get to know you! Like, for real. You seem like good people.

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle


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