Dec 23, 2012

merry christmas - be of good cheer :)

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays with friends and family. I haven't been able to stop thinking about those little children that lost their lives in Connecticut, and how they can't be with their families on what would have been such an exciting and magical day for them.

During this season where we focus so much on Christ, I can't help but mention my testimony. I believe so deeply that there is a Heavenly Father who loves us, and that those little children are being embraced in that love right now. A lot of times when there is tragedy, people ask themselves if there is a God, I mean, how could he let such horrible things happen?

It is in moments of tragedy and heartache where my heart believes and hopes even more deeply that there is an afterlife and a Heavenly Father, because without that hope, then what is there? Where would be the justice for horrible acts like this? Where would be the rewards of love and courage?

I know Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ's birth, but I can't think of Christ and not think of the atonement.

"Each of us will have our own Fridays—those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays. But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death—Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come. No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come.”  
- Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin"

My favorite scripture is what gives me comfort in times where I can't understand, or am hurting...

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 

Remember the true meaning of Christmas, and enjoy this beautiful season with friends and family :) 
Love you all!


  1. What a beautiful post, Alycia!

    Our Heavenly Father cares so much for all of us, but sin and evil will always be in this world. Though that doesn't make it easier to understand why bad things happen. It truly saddens my heart for all of those families that don't have their little ones running around the house anymore. Praying God sends them peace and comfort.

    1. It doesn't make it easier to understand, but yes, I hope they have lots of prayers, peace and comfort sent their way right now.

  2. Hope you have a nice holiday and it's a great post.

  3. Wow!!! What a beautiful picture!!!!! Merry Christmas!!

  4. Beautiful post. Beautiful picture. And beautiful sweater. . .I love it.

  5. love that picture & this post. ahhh so cute!

  6. That picture is gorgeous! This is such a good reminder especially during this time. Merry Christmas!

  7. This was beautiful!!! I always feel the same way- how could there NOT be a God in heaven? Thank you for sharing, sweet girl, and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


  8. Beautiful post and a beautiful picture!

  9. what a beautiful photo! merry christmas to you & yours!

  10. I love my Savior to! and I love a good friend like you!

  11. merry christmas! this photo is stunning x

  12. beautifully said! and i LOVE the photo:)

    when horrible things happen like what did in CT it makes me even more grateful to have to gospel in my life, and to know what an incredible blessing it is! thankfully families can be together forever and we know there is more to life than just mortality. we can be with loved ones forever:)

    merry christmas:)


    1. Yes :) I hold onto that knowledge dearly, it what makes everything worth it!

  13. Beautiful post and beautiful picture!!!

  14. So beautiful. Love that quote! Sunday will come. Your Christmas card is beautiful girl :)

  15. So beautifully articulated. Love it. Wishing you and the fam a very Merry Christmas and all the very best!

  16. This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing you testimony Merry Christmas:)

  17. It's funny, no one asks where G-d is when good things happen. We are quick to take credit for our own ingenuity and enterprise. It is only in the face of trauma we ask why we have been forsaken, as if the same ingenuity and enterprise are no longer our providence. It's why I have always liked the image of G-d as the maker. The one who created and allows us to grow or fail without interference.

  18. You know I love this picture!!
    Merry Christmas, girly!
    Oh, Just Living the Dream

  19. First of all, could that picture be any better?? Amazing. Second... Thank you for sharing your faith. So easy to forget the reason for this season.

  20. Beautifully said Alycia. There is always so much comfort in the Word of God. Merry, merry Christmas to you and Trevor!

  21. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season, Alycia! :)

  22. Such a beautiful post, Alycia. Truly touched my heart. Lovies!


  23. Happy Holidays! I love your Christmas card <3

  24. This is just gorgeous. You are such an adorable lady, inside and out. I am happy to have followed your journey over the last couple years.

    1. Thank you so much Stephanie :) that means a lot to me! Merry Christmas!

  25. Love this. Thanks for sharing, especially the scripture, I so needed it today! xo

    1. :) My favorite scripture because it applies to absolutely everything in life.


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