Nov 18, 2011

Macarons at the Bijou Market!

Normally I do my Pinterest "Pining" posts on Friday, but I decided to feature something just as sweet today, literally. Mercedes (a fellow Canadian herself, love that) has a great blog called
Merceds White French Macarons. 
Mercedes has mastered the one thing most people are scared to ever make on their own, Macarons! She says it better then I do, "I began making Macarons as a sort of culinary challenge while waiting for my US immigration papers to be processed. I decided that while I wasn't working I wanted to learn how to do something "hard."  I love Macarons and had always heard that they are a pretty tricky cookie to make--so decided to go for it. It took over a year for me to figure out what I was doing (they really are THAT hard to make). Making Macarons, however, turned out to be so rewarding that when my green card finally arrived, I decided to bag Islamic Studies and open my own business.  The rest is history!"

Remember this post and giveaway where I mentioned Bijou Market? Well Mercedes will be there selling her Macaron mixes and even classes! You heard that right, classes. How cool is that? To see what fun the cooking classes can be, check out this video of a class she taught with a bunch of local bloggers here in Utah!

So who will be there November 18-19, in Provo, Utah at the Historic Southworth Hall
116 West Center Street Provo, UT 84606?
I will be there Saturday morning into the afternoon, so I hope I see you guys there, and I hope you check out Merceds sure to be, enjoyable spread!

 Merceds is being SUPER generous and will be holding a Macaron Cooking Class with me and I get to bring along a reader! So this will be a giveaway to come learn how to make these cookies with the help of a Pro, along with me :) Who is in? If you live in the area, or will be able to get here, ENTER NOW!

How to Enter:
Be a Follower of the Blog & Let me know why you would want to learn how to make a Macaron!


  1. So much fun!!! And super delicious!! MMM!

  2. i would so love to take a class! that video is sooo cute and looks like sooo much fun!

  3. Oh, I wish I still lived in Provo to do this. How fun!

  4. wow - sounds amazing!! Wish I lived closer :) Enjoy mon amie! ;)

  5. ah, wish i could join in!! looks like a great time!

    Hey, the recipe exchange is still going on over on the ole blogaroo! join in for some thanksgiving recipes!

  6. sounds so fabulous! now if only i didn't ruin everything i touched when it comes to food, ha
    xo TJ

  7. I LOVE to bake and learning how to make macaroons would be awesome!

  8. hey alycia, great post! i love the idea of macaron MIX! that should make it a ton easier for me--I've tried a total of 7 batches of macarons, all which have flopped quite disappointingly :( I think this is because I've refused to purchase a kitchen scale, but maybe a mix will remedy that!

  9. hey there, thanks for leaving a comment on my little blog!! this macaron cooking class looks amazing and I really wish I could come, but I'd have to cross the ocean for that and right now I don't think it is possible, haha. have fun though and please report how it went!! :)

  10. If I lived there I would love to go, if for nothing else than some more expert tips, cause I already know how and can make macarons successfully (I'm tooting my own horn, as should anyone who can make them)! Bwahahahahahahahaha.

    You will have a blast I'm sure!

  11. I want to come! Macarons are yummy...

  12. Macarons are my new obsession. I recently discovered them on a trip to philly with my in laws. Ah-mazing.

  13. the reason i'd love to is because i have no idea what they are! so, enlighten me! :)

  14. This would be so much fun!!! Pick me!

  15. ooooh I would LOVE to learn!! they look amazing and I have been dying to try them. but totally intimidated.

  16. oooh pick me so my poor husband can eat more then just mac and cheese :) and we could have a blast!

  17. i think i might be too late?
    i have never made them before! or even eaten one.....
    so i would love to learn.

  18. So Wishin I lived in the area!!! *Sydney*

  19. I'd love to go! I took a class earlier from Sur La Table but didn't feel like I got the one on one help I needed. It would be really helpful to get a refresher - and I'd love to meet you!

  20. Oh how I wish I lived in or around Utah. A macaron making class would be like a dream come true!

  21. I love baking and learning! These would be quite the treats for the Christmas season {haven't ever had one!} Plus, it would be fun to get to know you better {after being Law widows and all}. Plus, like the theme of your blog- partying is my favorite! :)

  22. Ok. I love her! I SO want to take a class from her! I bought a bag of her mix at Bijou! I'm scared to try it though!

  23. how how FUN! What a great idea, getting everyone (bloggers) together like that! YUM! cute video!


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