Jan 13, 2016

Postpartum Body & Killer Leggings

I recently shared on my Instagram my struggles with my new postpartum body, and the comments I received made my heart swell. Sometimes it is so comforting to know we are not alone in the feelings we deal with. I figured I would share it below here because, like I said, it is so nice to be able to connect about these things we all deal with.  

"I gained 48 pounds during my pregnancy. When you add that to the extra 15 pounds I already had on me when I got pregnant... I have a lot of work to do to get back down to my normal healthy weight. Pregnancy changed my body forever, and I learned a lot about how I view my body throughout that experience. Thankfully I had those lessons to pull from when I realized just how much damage the body can experience when going through the process of carrying a child. Sure, there are those women who hardly look pregnant, don't get a single stretch mark, and almost instantly look back to normal once they have delivered... but for the majority of us, that is NOT the case! I have excess fat, loose skin, and stretch marks galore! In all honesty I hardly recognize my body when I look in the mirror. Despite all of these changes, I am really trying to stay positive (because hello, I have an amazing baby from all of this!) But I have to admit it's been easier said then done lately. I couldn't help but feel a tad overwhelmed today. I have never had to lose this much weight before and the task feels daunting. I don't want to be ashamed of the aftermath of my body, because my body is pretty freakin' amazing. I grew a human being after all. And I am determined to be healthy and fit. Bah I guess I just needed a space to vent and give myself a pep talk as well? I know there are so many women who relate so if your out there and feeling "BLAH" today, you are not alone. The mind really is the toughest muscle to train, but I am here to say WE'VE GOT THIS!

Again, thank you so much for your support and sweet comments, it really means a lot to me. On this note, some of my all time favorite workout leggings are on sale at Nordstrom right now, Zella 'Live In' Slim Fit Leggings. They are called "Live In" for a reason people... they are amazing and they can totally be those leggings that double as your "real" pants because they are thick and suck you in just right if you know what I mean. I love love love them! I posted several of their pants below! I am also loving these ones with the mesh siding :)


  1. I can so relate! Had my second daughter in August at age 30. My first at 23. Not coming off as easy as the first time. :/ Also gained a whole lot more stretch marks.

  2. Girl I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. I struggled to find myself after having my daughter in 2014. They aren't kidding when they say it changes you. I did lose myself, but what I gained was a better me. I am so happy with the way I look now stretch marks and all. (: Don't worry, it's totally normal to feel this way. I promise you there will come a time you feel more like yourself.

  3. I gained closer to 50-55lbs with my baby. I lost half or so after having her. Now at 18 months old (the baby, not me ha) I still have half to lose. It is extremely depressing, especially when I look at myself. I feel fat and ugly and old.

  4. Thinks of stretch marks as trophies - you earned them!!!
    We are really too focused on our external bodies; it took time to for you to gain the weight and it will take time to lose it. Enjoy the journey.

  5. Stretch marks have been the hardest on my self esteem... None with the first baby, second time around is a whole different story. I did a Whole30 diet 5 months postpartum and am now 10 lbs under my pre pregnancy weight but my body lost muscle during this pregnancy I essentially have to rebuild. Sigh. I am trying to not be depressed I don't feel totally comfortable in my body

  6. Yes- you've got this. I gained 75 pounds with my first son. 75. Yes, crazy, I don't even know how it happened. I was newly married and just so happy/go lucky, I guess? Nonetheless, I relate to exactly what you are saying. Exactly. That said, I went on to have 7 children total and was able to get the weight off each time. Here's how: being active and staying AWAY from sugar. Period. Many will spout the Whole 30, they will tell of different diets, which are not necessarily bad, but you will for sure NOT go wrong with exercise and a low/no sugar diet. Also, lots of water but I bet you already do that. Alycia, you're beautiful and when I was in your position I wanted to hear what worked for other women and I took this advice from a few and it has worked. I still live this way and I hope I always will, it feels the best. It will take some time, but, slowly you will get into a routine of exercise, whatever it may be, and you will do what it takes. Try not to obsess but rather adopt an attitude of health and activity. Once, you start to see results and feel good about the way you're living, the ball will roll really fast. Good luck, and if you need any other tips, feel free to contact me. With love,

    Shauna Klippel

  7. You got this, cute workout clothes = motivation to workout :) I'm feeling this same way, but I had surgery and can't workout for 3+ months, a little different, but like you when I look in the mirror I feel sad for all that hard work I put in before the surgery is gone and I feel like I might never be able to workout again, I know cue the dramatics right?

  8. I wanna wear leggings because nothing else is comfortable to wear to teach right now. I need to lose some weight overall but I hate that they are so skin tight. Maybe it is because I am self conscious due to my big butt!

  9. These are so cute! And you got this, girl!

  10. 7 years after I had my last baby (4) I am finally shedding the baby weight... haha. Okay, I was sorta lazy these past 7 years, but hey, better late then never right? You are amazing and beautiful, You will accomplish it.

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