May 7, 2015

24 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Even though I hit 25 weeks this Saturday I wanted to hurry up and get this past week's pregnancy update up on the blog! Being in New York kind of pushed things back for me but I have been doing good on these updates and I refuse to get behind! haha

How far along: I am 24 weeks and 5 days

How big is baby: The size of a Cantaloupe!

Weight Gain: 20 pounds with lots of bloating and retaining water! More on that below!

Stretch marks: Yes, same ones! I should just delete this question until I get any new ones! haha

Sleep: Oh sleep. I have been sleeping like a rock because every day hustling and bustling around New York drained every ounce of energy I had. I am still playing catch up on the sleep from traveling. My goodness... remind me again why we planned a walking type vacation when I was pregnant?! haha

Craving: Cereal is still a big one and I have a new one this week... Sandwiches! I have been craving chicken, turkey, and roast beef sandwiches lately. Which is funny because I am normally not a big fan of deli type sandwiches, but I just can't get enough of them this week!

Random: I have been having this slight buzzing/numbness feeling up high on my stomach the last few days. Mostly on my right side just under my breast but at the top part of my stomach that sticks out. I think it must be stretching going on or something but it feels very weird and it worried me at first until I did some google searching. My belly seemed to taper off a bit in terms of growing but I have a feeling the growth is about to ramp up again! Baby girl will be gaining a lot more weight every week from here on out! 

Feeling: SWOLLEN! We flew into New York on a red eye flight and spent the day walking around sight seeing. When we got back to our hotel and I took my shoes off, I noticed that my legs and feet were extremely swollen. They had been hurting a little bit but I didn't think much of it, and it wasn't until I was really looking at them that I realized I legit had no ankle bones showing. I had cankles! Just by looking at them you would have thought I broke my ankle. I was pretty taken aback, and a little worried but Trevor helped me massage them out a bit and I put them up and hoped they would be better in the morning. Unfortunately due to all the walking that we were doing this trip the swelling didn't really go down. I read up on it and apparently this is pretty common for pregnant women who fly. I am also in the part of my pregnancy where swelling can start, so I don't know if it was just the combination of it all but they are still swollen! I have a doctors appointment next week so if they haven't gone down I will make sure everything is okay then. I have been drinking lots of water and elevating my feet every night!

To my little girl,

Your Dad has been doing this new thing where he likes to just randomly rub my belly when he walks by. I guess it is his little way of saying hello to you :) It is rather adorable. He also sings and talks to you a lot and sometimes tries to "scare" you by talking loudly on my stomach. Yes... he is already teasing you and you aren't even here yet! Get used to it now! This past week we went to New York and with all the walking around I didn't get to feel you as much as I usually do. I missed it and it made me a little sad! I can't believe how fast the time is going. It is already May! Three more months and I get to officially meet you - I am so excited!

Love, Mom XO


  1. I love reading your pregnancy updates because as I read, I'm like "ME TOO" I just went on a girls trip vacation with my mom, aunts and cousins and we were walking around all day, every day. Not a 25 week pregnant girls ideal vacation but it was still fun. My feet just paid the price. My ankles and feet were so swollen from all the long flights and walking and hadn't been up until my trip. Thankfully it went away after a few days of being home. I got a pedicure before my trip but I think I should have just waited and got it when I got home haha! Also, I've had that weird buzzing/numbness under my breast too. I kept thinking maybe my bra was too tight or something but it makes sense with growing tummys. So many weird aches/pains/strange feelings with pregnancy but yet it's so cool and amazing I'm growing a human inside me! Counting down until the 3rd Tri and meeting my baby girl!!

    1. That is too funny! I love when you can connect with someone like that :) I was going to get a pedicure before and quickly thought I would probably enjoy one more after. However I am a tad embarrassed to get one now with my giant bloated feet hahaha And I am always surprised when I google search the oddest most random symptom and find women who have or are experiencing it haha I guess because the skin is stretching it causes more nerve endings to become separated and it can cause that sensation? Oddest thing!

  2. Super cute outfit and good luck with the swelling!

  3. You are such an adorable pregnant girl! Some people just look absolutely great when they're pregnant and I think you are definitely one of them! Adorable pictures. :)

    1. Aw thanks Brooke! That is sweet of you to say especially because I don't think any pregnant girl feels like she looks great hahaha

  4. You look beautiful!! I am about 20 weeks along and it's been so fun reading your updates :)

    I was just curious what size your top is? It's so cute and I was thinking of ordering it! Thank you :)

    1. Hey Jessica! I got this in a a medium and it fit perfectly!

  5. You two are the cutest parents already!! Props to you on going on vacation! My husband begged me to drive to Cali..but I just can't imagine that car ride! I'd rather go with a newborn at this point haha! New York though..can't wait for the post!

    1. Yes a car ride would be interesting hahaha A lot of stop for bathroom breaks! Maybe do a staycation or something fun in town :)

  6. Could your husband be any cuter? Love that little note your wrote to your little girl.

  7. You are so stunning!!! That note to your little girl could not be any sweeter. <3

  8. Enjoy your first Mother's Day! So exciting :)

  9. beautiful!! you'er getting closer!!!

  10. My ankles swelled like crazy during both my my pregnancies. I just drank tons of water, and whenever I was home my feet were always elevated on pillows... which proved to be difficult when my belly got so big I couldn't lay on my back and breathe at the same time. The good news is once the baby is out... you get ankles back!

    1. Can't wait! haha I have been using compression socks and they look SO MUCH better. I really think it was the flight that made that all happen, yikes!

  11. My best friend had cankels at the end of two of her pregnancies & her feet would get so swollen that her flip flops (the only shoes she could wear) would leave marks on the top of her feet. I was a good friend & gave her a pedicure one day to help her feel better. :)

    Mandie ~

    1. Oh my gosh Mandie, that sounds horrible! Thankfully my compression socks have worked wonders!

  12. love your Nena and Co bag, you rock that maternity style!!!

    1. These bags are awesome and I love the cause behind them!

  13. Bahaha! I will never forget the time Trevor scared the shiz out of little baby Mia! It doesn't surprise me at all that he tries to scare her with his loud talking :)

    1. Oh my gosh that was the saddest, funniest thing ever! hahahaha

  14. Such a cute baby bump and I love the bag!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  15. Love that bag!. I'm hosting a fashion link up at the moment and I'd love you to stop by :)

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