Apr 29, 2015

23 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Okay before I get started with my update this week, let's talk about this adorable maternity countdown t-shirt that was sent to me by the sweet Daniela of Put A Bird On It Shop! I may have got a little excited when crossing off the weeks and crossed off week 23, which is how far along I am now, oh well :) haha I guess I am only a few days away from 24 weeks, and you get the idea! I can't wait to put a big ol' heart around the week this little lady makes her debut! This is such a fun way to document your pregnancy. The shirts are on sale right now if you want to get one for yourself or someone else you know who is expecting, I think it would make such a great gift!

How far along: I am 23 weeks and 4 days

How big is baby: The size of a Grapefruit!

Weight Gain: 20 pounds with lots of bloating and retaining water! Seriously, my fingers are becoming little sausages.

Stretch marks: Yes, same ones, although I think I might have some behind me that I can't see! haha Don't care enough to examine in the mirror. 

Sleep: Haven't been sleeping very well this week, but I have had worse weeks, so I will take what I can get! haha 

Craving: Cereal and PB&J Sandwiches

Random: Baby girl has this thing she likes to do where she gets all up in my lungs making it hard for me to take a full deep breath. My goodness it is annoying! Thankfully it usually doesn't last long.

Feeling: Trevor really wants to feel the baby but she rolls around a lot more than I ever feel her kick so it is hard for Trevor to feel that when it is such internal movement. However on Sunday night she kicked me so hard a few times it kind of hurt. Of course Trevor was sitting right next to me and missed it. I am sure he will be able to feel her soon as she gets bigger and the movements feel even more pronounced over the next few weeks!

Notes to my little girl,

Your Daddy and I are going on a little vacation baby moon while I am still able to walk around comfortably. We are headed to New York City! A place we have both always wanted to go and spend some time. I remember when we booked the trip I thought about how I would be looking pretty pregnant by then and I can't believe we are already here. The time is going by so fast! You will be here in just four months, which means I really only have three months to get everything ready for your arrival. We have so much to do because I want to get a bunch of house to-do items done on top of all the regular stresses of preparing for a baby. Buying our first home, a fixer upper mind you, and finding out we were expecting within the same week, was a lot at once. But we are up for the challenge! :)

XO Mom


  1. I LOVE THAT SHIRT! Next person that gets pregnant is totally getting one for me. Or should I get one for myself for the future? Hmmmm

  2. That shirt is so cute! I wish I had it for my babies!


  3. Very beautiful t-shirt!! Love your hair by the way!! Babies are so exciting!! Congratulations!!

  4. what an adorable shirt and such a good idea! You look so great :)

  5. Your Baby moon in NYC is going to be such a blast. Adorable shirt!!

  6. That is the cutest shirt!!


  7. You are looking gorgeous!! I'm excited for your trip to New York!

  8. That is seriously the cutest shirt... and bump! Although the bloating and water retaining is no fun :( I'm hoping to avoid that this time around, but I doubt I'll get that lucky. I don't know how some girls sail through pregnancy with no swelling?!
    Your NYC trip is going to be a dream! I can't wait for a million pictures!

  9. That shirt is awesome! I love it! :)

    I am so jealous that you'll be heading off to NYC, I need to get my butt out there!

    Mandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/

  10. You are absolutely glowing and if you need any NYC suggestions I have lived here for the past three years, you can going to have an amazing time!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  11. Awww, that shirt is too adorable!!!

  12. Oh, how Ilove this TOP!! I wish I'd had one with my PGs


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