Mar 18, 2014

HAUL! - Target, ASOS and more!

Beauty and Fashion Hauls are some of my favorite YouTube videos to watch. If you are new to YouTube you may be asking yourself what the difference between a Favorites video and a Haul video is. A Haul video just shows you different things I have recently purchased or received that I think you might want to know about. A cute dress from ASOS, or a killer sale on adorable flats, you get the idea? A Favorites video is the creme de la creme of the different things I have been using and absolutely LOVE. Make sense? Links to all items mentioned in the video below! 


Maybelline Color Sensational Vivids Lipcolor

Hot Plum
Vivid Rose

Almay Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover Liquid

Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm for Lips

Women's Mossimo Supply Co. Shauna Huarache Sandal

Women's Mossimo® Veronica Ankle Strap Two Piece Flats

ASOS Smock Dress With Bleach Wash

ASOS Smock Dress In Stripe And Floral

Cotton On Kimono Top

Medium Tortoise Cuff

Crystal & Tortoise Earring


  1. That lipstick looks amazing on you!! I might have to run out and buy it!

  2. Where is the turquoise ring you are wearing from? Love it!

    Megan from Chasing Davies

    1. Hey Megan! It is from an amazing turquoise store in St. George, it is on Main Street!

  3. I am wearing those shoes right now and I am OBSESSED WITH THEMMMM!! So fun!

  4. Okay, so I adored you and your blog but all these videos lately just make me love you even more! And I might just have to head to your Target because this down town Salt Lake one is lacking in the shoe department and well, I just need those blue shoes! haha

    1. The blue shoes are awesome right?! haha and thanks :) I do find my personality comes across better on video! Thanks!

  5. LOVE the sandals from target! I have tired the Dr Lipp stuff before & the whole nipple thing threw me off! LOL but it works!

  6. You're flipping the best!!! I love that I heard nipple, awesome facial expressions, and the glitter reindeer from our craft night all in this!! Adore you lady. Don't be a stranger. xoxo

    1. YES! I love that glitter reindeer from your awesome craft night! :) I miss you doll!

  7. Love all of your purchases! I especially love the smocked dresses you have been wearing lately from ASOS. I haven't ordered from there before... is the sizing pretty true to size?? I think i NEED the stripe and floral one ;)

    1. Yes! I find ASOS to be very true to size, everything I have ever purchased fits like a glove!

  8. love your pink lipstick!!

  9. That was so fun to watch. You are just adorable! Blessings!

  10. You are hilarious, it's so much fun watching your videos. What nail varnish are you wearing? I love the colour!

  11. i love haul videos. Now I feel like I need to buy everything! You should make a video tutorial on how you do your eye liner/ what brand of eye liner your use. I love how it looks on you!

  12. Okay, Dad and I were laughing so hard. He loves your bright lipstick and I think it looks good on you also :) I love the shoes, kimono and jewelry. There was something else I wanted to say but now I don't remember :)

  13. "If it's good enough for nipples than it is good enough for me." HAHAH you are hilarious! Those sandals from Target! I am in love. I may need to go there. ASAP. And shut the front door. Those blue shoes. Woman, you are making me feel the need to go on a shopping spree and I just bought 5 dresses from Target hahaha. Maybe you said and I missed it, but I must know what lipstick you are wearing in this video? Such a fabulous color!


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