twenty five

For those who have been looking for these boots, THEY ARE BACK!

Today I am officially a quarter of a century years old. Halfway done with my twenties, how did that happen so fast? I guess I am now eligible for a quarter life crisis! The funny thing about birthdays is that they change as we get older. They become almost bittersweet, for me they have become a bit nostalgic. I think back on all of the birthdays I have ever had, and looking into one's past can be an emotional thing. Remembering where you were at each age, who your friends were or still are, what you were dealing with. You can see how much you have changed and it can make you smile and cry at the same time.

If you took a snapshot of me on every birthday I have had it would be a pretty good summary of my life. And boy have I had a beautiful one. It has come with some heartaches, like all lives do, but it has been full of so many blessings as well. And the best part? In a lot of ways it has only just begun. 

While you are technically an adult at eighteen, I feel like I am just now starting to feel like one. Your early twenties is a funny phase. Your an adult, but your still so young. Your stuck in the in-between. Isn't there some Britney Spears song about this? ;) But really, with Trevor finishing up Law School in the spring, us moving, and everything that follows that... I sense I am beginning a new chapter in life. I feel like I am phasing out of being a "teenager" for good. 

A lot of people resent getting older. They don't want to tell you their age, and thrive on staying young. But so many young souls don't get the precious gift of aging, and for that reason alone I will cherish every year I get to be on this beautiful earth. I hope I can always remember this, and that I can relish in my life and blessings. 

Being Twenty Five just feels really good, and I can't wait to see what this new year of changes has to offer me, because what I will be doing by my next birthday is a total mystery... and that's incredibly exciting.


  1. love the fun color!
    Ellen from Ask Away

  2. Happy Birthday! I totally understand not feeling like an adult at 18. -Hanna Lei

  3. Happy Birthday Alycia! Hope you have an amazing day! Enjoy 25!

  4. Those boots are so cute!!! Happy Birthday Girl!

  5. 1. Happy birthday!
    2. I love the new blog design.
    3. I love how you look with your eyebrows darkened.
    Hope your birthday is great!

  6. Happy are gorgeous!

  7. SERIOUSLY. what a babe you are. and happy birthday girl! i hope you've felt special this past few days. because it's your birthday and you deserve it! ;)

  8. Happy birthday! You look perfect btw. Love it.

    xoxo Birdie

  9. Happy birthday! What a gorgeous picture!

  10. I love those hunter boots in that shade and know exactly how you feel about being stuck in-between in your early twenties.

    xoxo One Stiletto At a Time fashion and beauty blog

  11. Happy birthday, Alycia! You and your blog are fabulous!

  12. Happy birthday! 25 looks stunning on you, beautiful lady!

  13. Happy birthday for yesterday! Even though I'm 32 now, I still feel like I'm 23!

  14. Oh my gosh I love those boots & your necklace!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, gorgeous!

  15. Happy Birthday beautiful, I hope you had a great day!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  16. Happy Birthday!! 25 is an awesome year!

  17. Happy birthday, Alycia! I love that sentiment we should appreciate growing old. Our culture tries to portray it as something to be depressed about, when in reality it should be celebrated. I saw this quote on Pinterest that I think of often. I want it to inform the way I perceive and treat my own aging process:

    "Growing old is a privilege denied to many."

  18. Happy Birthday my Belle! Our lives have been filled with and added measure of happiness and love since you joined our family. I love your perspective which hits home for us because our own sorrowful experience. I love you!

  19. Happy Birthday, my dear! And you kept the eye brows! Lovely!

  20. Happy Birthday... Hope you have a blessed Birthday. xoxoxo :O)

  21. Happy Birthday to you, hope it has been a bloody great one and yes I love the colour of those boots


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