Jul 14, 2010

Lilith Fair

Our first day in Calgary was a blast! Justin had got all the girls tickets to the Lilith Fair! Boy was that a treat. So along with all my sisters my mother and the women on Justin's side of the family we had a blast. We walked around and got free samples of everything and then headed down to enjoy the show! I was super stoked about Colbie Caillat, Sheryl Crow, Sugarland, and Sarah Mclachlan! Sugarland was the big surprise to me... I had heard their music but hadn't given it much attention, BUT BOY do they know how to put on a show! By FAR they were the best performers. Everyone else was amazing of course... except I would suggest Sheryl wear a bra next time she is on stage bouncing around singing and playing her guitar, just a suggestion. We all danced and got up as close to the stage as they would let us and it was a fun fun day! We were so hyper that on the way back home we blasted the radio and sang and danced the whole way home. I love how much fun my family is to hang out with :) It was a great way to kick start the trip! 

 Colbie was great :)

Sheryl Crow's son came out and played on the stage with her. It was priceless! 

Leavitt Girls....

.....and our long long legs.

 Sugarland Rocked :)

Hot Dogs the size of my head....yum.

Canadian licorice is the best.... it is so different then American.... it is SO MUCH BETTER!

Sarah killed it.....of course.

Such a FUN night :)


  1. that looked like a blast! i love sugarland!!! :)

  2. Your post almost makes me wish I was there. Almost, but not quite. It sure looks like you had fun though.

  3. how fun!! it sounds like it was a blast! and i have to say, i'm in love with your BOOTS! where did you find those??

  4. That looks like a fun day:) Love all the photos and adore your shoes:)

    Kisess and have a wonderful Thursday:)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing!! I loved all the pictures and it looks like a fun time was had by all! =] I love families and this really warmed my heart =] Blessings!!

  6. I would love to go to Lilith Fair! It looks like you had such a blast!

  7. so jealous right now!!! glad you had a great time.

  8. that is so awesome! i'm so jealous! ps i LOVE your shoes.


  9. i am so jealous! i wanted to go so badly when they were here but it just didn't work out. looks like fun!

  10. It was fun and you girls are adorable :) P.S. Dad would not have had fun.

  11. That looks like fun! Such good musicians to see. I love Colbie Caillat, I saw her when she came here to STG. :]

  12. that looks like such a blast! and what a concert! im kinda, sorta, a lot jealous! glad you had fun though!! :)

  13. that is my kind of hot dog. mmmm. and you all have such long legs! i'm so glad you had so much fun!!! it looks like a blast!

  14. What a great post, I felt like I was there with you! Looks like it was a ton of fun

  15. thanks for the comment! i'm sooo jealous...sugarland is my favorite. what a fun night. and great pics. ;)

  16. have you heard sugarlands new song- stuck like glue??
    love it!

  17. awesome! i went in 1999 in edmonton...and so wanted to go this year but timing just wasn't on my side. you're so lucky...looks like you girls had a great time!


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