Jul 18, 2010

Cannon Ball

(who knew this could happen by doing a cannon ball?)

So yesterday we went with our friends Shawn and Alex to these rope swings at a lake. They were pretty cool and there were tons of young kids there since it was a hot day! Needless to say it was pretty crowded. There was a large fellow there and he was doing these intense cannon ball jumps! He was a crowd favorite. Anyways Trevor really wanted to do a cannon ball like this other (large fellow) was doing. Only thing is, Trevor's body isn't really "cannon ball" material. Instead of the cheer from the crowd when Trevor jumped...his body smacked so hard on the water the crowd winced.... you could just tell it hurt by the sound his body made when it hit the water. Trevor was in a lot of pain (poor guy) and this is what his back looked like last night before we went to bed. Lesson learned to keep the cannon ball tricks to the "big" kids.


  1. Ouch! Poor guy! I'm a girl (obviously) but whenever I (attempt) to do a cannonball, I usually just flop!

  2. o man, this looks sooo painful!!!

    Poor guy! Boys will be boys!

    LOve your blog look!!


  3. OH MY GOSH!!! That must have hurt!

  4. ouchhhh!! That looks ridiculously painful. And that's why I do not attempt such feats.

  5. yikes! that looks so painful!!

  6. Sounds awful!! Take good care of him ;)

  7. OMG that from a cannonball!? wow, if I ever get the urge to do one, I will think of this picture haha

  8. Oh that is SO ROUGH. Poor Trevor!! That is so painful!!

  9. ouch. That's gonna hurt for awhile.

  10. When the crowd all reacts in a bad way...you know it's bad.

  11. Yikes! That looks terrible and sore. I hope he heals quickly. Ice and ibuprofen.

  12. Holy Smokes - that must have hurt. Cannonballs aren't supposed to do that.

  13. Ouch...I hope he feels better soon.. :(

  14. oh my OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! that looks incredibly painful:(

  15. Ohhhh...poor guy! I hope he will feel better soon...That must have hurt a lot!

  16. oh man! hope its better today!

  17. Ouch!...Don't you know you're not supposed to land on your back. :)

  18. Owie! Take it easy Trevor! i did this once to my front side...never again did i cannon ball again. you're blog is adorable!

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  19. Poor guy :(

    When was about 11 I tried to do a back dive off of the high dive. I landed smack on my stomach. It felt like I hit concrete. Hopefully his bruises go away soon!!


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