Jul 22, 2010

An evening in Cochrane.

While up in Canada we were able to go to Cochrane and see my Grandma Leavitt. I was really excited to see her since it has been so long! I absolutely love going to her house because it is such a cool and beautiful place. Her house is just full of interesting things, it is almost like a museum, you could just spend hours looking at everything on the walls and around the house. She has so many collections! The house is on a farm located in a very beautiful part of the country! I love being there. For dessert Grandma Leavitt made these amazing homemade donuts... they were... indescribably amazing! SO GOOD! It was a great night of conversation and enjoying each others company.... and getting a massive sugar high on these homemade donuts!

(I made sure to get the recipe from her! They are SO amazing!)

(Just part of her candle stick collection. She had some that were as tall as an 8 year old!)
(Part of her amazing spoon collection)

Grandma has an extremely large bush running down a fence of Lilacs. They are gorgeous! She cut me some to take home with me :)

I made them into a bouquet haha

The Leavitt's (minus Alex and Ben)

At one point Hayley just started doing this hilarious spinning thing. It totally reminded me of our dog Bridget who use to do this to scratch her butt. hahaha she is hilarious :) I love her. Enjoy.


  1. Oh my gosh! I just started laughing again watching her spin. Remember the one time she was spinning so much she got dizzy and fell over? Ha!Ha! I ate too many of those donuts! What a great evening.

  2. Yummy...I want to know how I can make those cuties, please:) hahaha
    That spoon collection is so cool..I love visits like that:) Glad you had fun:)


    ps: I hope you had a change to enter my GIVEAWAY!!!

  3. I was thinking the same thing...I would love it if you shared that donut recipe! :)

  4. Those donuts look so good!

    What a gorgeous place!

  5. WOW those donuts look AMAZING!!! My mouth is literally watering.

  6. It sure is beautiful where your grandma lives! Glad y'all had fun :)

  7. my Mam-maw used to make the most amazing homemade donuts! now my mouth is watering!!
    your gma looks like a sweetheart :)

  8. What a fun time. Hayley cracks me up, does she scoot instead of crawl?

  9. what great pictures! those donuts looks sooooo good! i'm really hungry! lol!!! :)

  10. Hi! I just found your blog and I think you're absolutely adorable!

    Have a super day! :)

  11. Cochrane looks beautiful! Your grandma seems very sweet as well :)
    I'm glad you had a good time.

  12. ::cutest::blog::EVER:: i am so happy you stopped by my blog so that i could come stalk yours! you and your hubby are too cute -- i was also married in august '08!

    p.s. - your grandmother is absolutley adorable! xo

  13. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog :) Yours has given me a craving for donuts! They look so scrummy!

    L x


  14. Love your blog, I am a regular viewer! It's nice to see you have been in Calgary, and Cochrane, I grew up in Calgary, so I am missing home at the moment!! Those doughnut looked amazing btw!! xoxo

  15. so fun to be back and read your take on the vacay!!! I should have thought to take pictures of Grandma's collections!!!! Glad you did!!!

  16. lilacs are my favorite flowers, i love their smell.
    I'm a new follower, i really like your blog


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