Jul 26, 2010

a bunch of wild animals


My family and I spent a warm (very warm) afternoon at the Calgary Zoo! The grandbabies loved it of course. Our grandpa drove all the way from British Columbia and surprised us at the Zoo! I was so excited to see him, because I don't get to see him nearly enough. He gives the best hugs, and calls me pumpkin. It was a great afternoon and we had a lot of fun walking around talking and looking at all the animals.
After the Zoo we went to a pretty well known spot in Alberta called Peter's Drive Thru. It has been around for forever and would say it has the same appeal as an In-n-out does to Californians. It is that place people just have to go when they are in town or if you live Calgary just a favorite local spot. My dad will go on and on about this place and their amazing shakes.... which if I might say, were pretty dang yummy :) It was fun to go there and see that it has hardly changed after so many years!

Such a fun filled day :)


  1. looks like a fun day! i love the zoo...and always love the monkey exhibit! :) cute pics!

  2. Looks like a fun day :) cute pics!!

  3. I love ZOO and this looks like such a fun family day:)
    Btw: Love love love your maxi dress....very cute:)


  4. cute pictures! i love your outfit, you are so adorable!

  5. I love the zoo! It looks like you had such a great day, and you look so pretty!

  6. I'm surprised you didn't mention anything about the special treatment Evan gave you on his wheel chair :-)

  7. oh my goodness that gorilla looks like he's smoking a cigar!!! love the giraffes.... see any elephants? they're my personal favorite! :)

  8. Hey, thanks for your comment on my blog! Yours is super cute! I totally just sneaked a peek at your wedding video... Ho.Ly. Cow. GORGEOUS! I pretty much covet it. ;-)

  9. thank you!
    you and your husband are gorrggeeeoous.
    your blog is pretty cute too.
    okay, pretty cute is an understatement!

  10. It was a hot and great day! The best was having Grandpa show up :)

  11. Your blog is the absolute cutest. All the pictures of you and my man :) following for sure x

  12. your outfit is so cute! and i absolutely love the zoo!!! i just went to one last week as well!

  13. what beautiful pics! looks like a fun day!! love the dress by the way!

  14. looks fun..
    Nice picture..
    Hope I can be there myself

  15. Oh Darling am so glad your doing fantastic and are having a blast!! The Zoo i love the Zoo, even more so when i go with family my mum is amazing and my brother makes a Micky of everything!!! and the rest of my family plain goofies!!!

    Amazing pictures! you love you charming and happy yay!!!♥

  16. that last photo is ADORABLE! love it! looks like you and your family always have tons of fun...so cool to see!

  17. thank you for droppin' by my blog. I love your photos and you have a really beautiful blog here. I'd surely come and visit often. Take care!

  18. oh my gracious, how adorable are you??!!!! (i absolutely love the striped dress!) My husband's family are from Canada as well, & this is our first year not headed to Waterton, so it's nice to meet someone from (around) there as well!

    thanks for leaving me a comment so i could find you! i love your blog!

  19. my sister & I make it a point to go to the zoo together once a year. its my favorite part of the summer. (we ended up going in December last year). so cold!
    love the bright colors in your pics. and your dress is cute!

  20. Oh my gosh, your family is adorable! And I looove the last pic of you. :) And don't get me started on your dress. I need it. :)


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