Feb 25, 2010

Watch out Chile...

My little brother Alex got his mission call last night, to serve two years for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint as a missionary. We were all very excited to see where he would get called. His call came yesterday and we opened it last night. As a joke me and Trevor said he would go to Chile, because that is where Trevor's youngest brother just got called. LO and Behold.... Alex got called to the Santiago Chile West Mission. I could not be more proud of him. He will be an amazing missionary. He has the best personality for it, an amazing testimonyony and can totally relate to people. He will do some amazing things, I have no doubt about that. I have been so blessed to have three amazing brothers who continue to be examples to me everyday.

(For some reason blogger would not upload the video I have of Alex opening his call
I will have to post it later, so stay tuned for that!)


  1. I love the picture Alycia. Thanks for sharing this and for videoing it for us and including your other siblings. It means the world to us. We love you all!! :)

  2. awww your brother is adorable! tell him congrats for me!

  3. Thanks for the video. Between your video and Skype I felt like I was there.


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