Feb 18, 2010

Almost Friday?!

For those of you who really know my mother you would know the fun little facts about her. One thing I know about my mom, is that she tries... oh does and has she tried... but she hates sushi. It is one of THE funniest thing to watch her face before she tries it, while she is trying it, and after she has tried. While I am sure I can think of some Sushi she would love {that might take some convincing for her to try some more, haha} I think I found some Sushi she could really get into with no problems at all....

There you go mom, Sushi Cupcakes.
I think I might just have to make you some sometime haha :)

On another side note... to all the girls out there who like to wear leggings: OKAY, I like leggings just as much as the next girl. I see their purpose, I see their fashion ability... but PLEASE Make sure if you are wearing leggings as your only bottoms... PLEASE, PLEASE make sure your shirt is at least long enough to cover the butt. So not cute when it doesn't... so not cute &really not fun for those of us who have to look at you walk around in it! You all know what I am talking about...


  1. I do think I would like that Sushi :) and I agree with the leggings!!

  2. Haha those cupcakes look so realistic, I totally thought it was sushi until I noticed the cupcake paper holder things. Very cute.

  3. Oh am in! I like this party its so full of love and whimsical post!! soooo witty you guys are adorable your probably sick of people telling you this but its true!! Have a great day and I think and sticking around and enjoying this party hahahaha!….take care …..Love Dye♥

  4. I don't remember Mom ever trying Sushi. I can't imagine her eating raw fish. I'd love to see that.

  5. Dad, remember when we came to Utah and Elder Kim wanted us to come to his family's place? haha How can you NOT remember that?

  6. You're right, that was a fun evening. I think the only sushi she will try again is the kind in your picture.


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