Sep 20, 2009

"Second most Beautiful Voice."

Well I had an interesting experience today at church. Me and Trevor have only been to our new ward three times, one of those times being Stake Conference so we really still don't know anyone. Well there we were sitting in the pews and it came time for the sacrament hymn. Were singing the hymn everything is normal and were coming to the end of the verse. Well you know that big pause that happens in between a hymn, and a sacrament prayer? You normally don't hear much, the shuffle of legs and scriptures, maybe a kid burp or something? Well all of a sudden this middle aged man sitting by himself in front of me and Trevor turns around looks right at me and in a quite loud not reverent voice at all says, "That was the SECOND most BEAUTIFUL voice I have ever heard!"

You should have seen Trevor's face, and mine I am sure as well! It may not seem funny while telling the story but if you had been there. It was like everyone heard it, and his compliment ended up becoming well really embarrassing. Everyone turned around that was near us and looked right at us. Trevor couldn't stop himself from lightly laughing during the sacrament prayer, and he wasn't the only one, I heard others. Anyways once the giggles and the awkwardness of the situation went away I was sitting there thinking about what this man had said. He thought I had the second most beautiful voice in the world? What a compliment! Of course I came to the realization this man has probably not heard many people's voices then! Either way, I was deeply flattered by his comment, and it made me think of my voice. I am from a musical family, and I really believe everyone in my family has a natural ability when it comes to music. I have played flute, piano, and sang in choir growing up so I know I am not totally musically challenged. Anyways, so here I am sitting and thinking about my voice, and well I am about to divulge a secret. I sometimes love to listen to my own voice (now before you go thinking I am the most conceded person in the world just wait).... I sometimes love to listen to my own voice because I swear, to me, It sounds JUST like my mother when she sings. Now I am sure if my mom is reading this she is thinking about all the times she would elbow me in Choir when I would purposely sing the wrong notes (because I thought it sounded better haha) and when I was out of tune, haha and is very ashamed I think I sound like her. But I really do. I have never told anyone that before because it... well kind of sounds weired. I don't think it is just me I hear it when Kira sings too. We all kind of sound alike... maybe its a genetic family thing like how all the Leavitt's have the same smile. But anyways, I love that I have this. I love that even though I can't always be around my mom, and someday she will be gone, every time I sing I think of her, because I really do hear her. And I think my mom has one of the most beautiful, clean voices. Maybe if she had been next to me today in church that man would have given her the honor of the "First most beautiful voice he has ever heard." haha.


  1. When I first started reading that story I never imagined it would continue to go the way it did. Wow! Thank you for the compliment Alycia. You made me cry. You know I've always loved music and ever since I was a little girl wanted to learn to play an instrument but never had that opportunity. The one thing I could do was sing and I would sing my heart out to my records, as I walked to school, all the time. I always wished I could have had more formal training especially when I would hear people at church who have. I have just always considered myself just a simple singer who sings by ear. Nothing special just someone who enjoys music. You made my day by making me feel like I do have a special talent - at least to my kids and that's what is most important to me anyway. Thank you sweetie! I love you! And you made me laugh at the memories of you singing the wrong notes on purpose in choir :)

  2. You mother does have a very beautiful voice; and so do you.

  3. wow! I think you are right though that it could be a genetic thing. I love being musical ... congrats on having the second most beautiful voice in the world! :-)

  4. You are very lucky you come from such a musical family. You all have great voices and can read music well. I sat in stake conference today and sang a hymn and my sister in law sitting in front of me turned around and laughed that I was singing the baseline, nobody else sung the baseline so I kind of stood out. We all had the words printed in our programs but the baseline was omitted. I knew it belonged so I sang it...I had a lot of heads turn toward me...I didn't do anything wrong, it was just funny that I was the only one singing it.

  5. So I forgot to mention this in my earlier post but I wonder who had the "First most Beautiful voice?"


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