Jun 7, 2016


I met sweet Emily (The Freckled Fox) years ago at a blogging event. I was instantly drawn to her because of her sweet demeanor and that gorgeous red hair. I was sad to hear she lived in Idaho and not Utah, but I had the pleasure of running into her as she came down for different blogging events. Last year we had been talking back and forth about both being pregnant with little girls. Only a short month later she posted about her husband, being only 34, had been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer. It was devastating, but their hope and positivity has been contagious. They have been in the trenches for over a year now, and are currently facing some extremely difficult things, as they prepare to say goodbye to Martin. They are in need of prayers more than ever at this time! I am passing along their fundraiser in hopes that others can help in any possible way. More prayers, and a community to lift this family up right now.

Emily really is an amazing woman. I thought this before, as I watched her juggle everything so gracefully with five children under the age of five. She was wonder woman to me! She was the example of a devoted wife, mother, and saint. So of course it was no surprise that she has dealt with these challenges with such grace and poise and I know that the Lord is going to work miracles through her. Martin and Emily have been  an example to so many.

“I could feel my heart getting heavier with every word of her explanation. Then she took a deep breath and said those words so apologetically, “I mean we’re talking a few weeks here, maybe.”  I can’t even explain what that felt like. All I know is that I was holding his warm hand, and I saw our five little babies in my mind, and I knew that no matter what happened to Marty that we would all be together. That our family was forever, and that everything would be OK, no matter what.”
Please keep the Meyers in your prayers. You can read their story on her blog at The Freckled Fox or on instagram @thefreckledfox.  If you have the means, please consider donating to her fundraiser to help with medical expenses. You can find that here, every penny counts. As my beautiful friend Abby put it, "I think most of all, just be inspired by her story. Let it motivate you to cherish your relationships, to hug those you love just a little tighter and to be grateful for all your beautiful blessings. Their story has the ability to change lives, to bring people closer to Christ and to heal broken spirits. This life is not the end, and there is a beautiful plan in place for each of us. The Lord is mindful of you and he’s mindful of me, and He is certainly mindful of sweet Emily, Martin and her five babies."

If you can, please spread their story of faith and courage on your blog, instagram, personal facebook page or share it with your family and friends. #HopeForMartin WE LOVE YOU EMILY!


  1. So, so sad! I have followed Emily's blog for years and I am glad we are getting her story out there!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  2. I've went back and read her blog post about 6 times now... each time reducing me to tears. I can't begin to imagine all she's feeling and going through in this moment, and every moment. She does handle it all with grace.

  3. This is so completely horrible and heart breaking and my heart breaks for her and her family. They will certainly be in my thoughts.

  4. I've never been so heartbroken for someone I don't know.

  5. Ah my heart art is aching for her. x


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