May 14, 2015

25 Weeks Pregnancy Update

How far along: I am 25 weeks and 5 days

How big is baby: The baby is as big as a Cauliflower!
Weight Gain: I was pretty shocked to see I put on 9 pounds since my last appointment. My doctor wasn't worried about it, but I was a little taken aback. I have never put on that much in-between appointments. I don't know if it was a combo of the bloating I am still dealing with, the food I ate in New York (we indulged! haha), or if baby girl had a growth spurt. She had to have had some kind of major growth spurt because since about Sunday I have been feeling her move SO MUCH more than I was, which I think it is because she is so much bigger. Anyways, my doctor told me that we all put on weight differently, and in different spurts. Some people put a lot on in the beginning, and not at the end and vice versa. She even said you could be super active and eat right and still be above average in the weight gain department. My sister put on 58 pounds, and my mom put on around 40 with each of us kids. It is looking like I will be on the high end of the average just based off genetics, but I plan on getting back into my more active exercise routine. It has been really hard to fit it in with working full time, and being tired at the end of the day, but no more excuses, I am going to step it up and eat a little better too!
Sleep: I have been avoiding getting sick and was really proud that I got through the winter here without catching anything, which is surprising since a really horrible cough spread around like wildfire, I swear Trevor was sick three different times. But alas, I did get a little head cold this week. Nothing too bad, but enough to annoy me. Because of this sleep hasn't been great, my nose clogs up and I have to breath through only my mouth which gives me that super dry throat. Oh you know, the usual. Hope to get over this quick!  
Craving: Cereal is still holding strong. Nothing new this week! Speaking of diet I am going to try and cut down my refined sugars, I have been eating a little too many of those lately. New York was basically pure sugar with every meal, haha.
Random: At my appointment this week I found out that I have an anterior placenta, which means my placenta is located on the front of the uterus. My doctor said that because of this some or most of baby girl's movements could be cushioned from the placenta, making me not feel her as much. I really feel bad for Trevor who has been trying to feel her for weeks now and this is probably why he hasn't yet! I feel her move every day but had noticed she didn't really kick that much. Turns out she very well could be kicking and I am just not feeling it because of that extra padding between us! Go figure! I guess I am a little sad in the sense that I want to feel all the things everyone talks about, like how they run their hands and feet across your stomach. But, as long as I have a healthy baby growing inside me, that is all that matters! I did read that with an anterior placenta you are more likely to have back labor or a sunny side up baby... which is not something I want to hear when planning to have a natural child birth. But I guess you can't plan for everything. My doctor also told me that if I end up needing a C-section, an anterior placenta, depending on the exact location of the placenta, (they will have to do an ultrasound before surgery) can complicate where they can cut (aka a higher incision than normal) because I would be more prone to over bleeding. For now it looks like it is in a good position, soooooooo yay for all of this! haha The LAST thing I want is a C-section, but this just adds another reason as to why I don't. I just want a natural, vaginal delivery, and I hope that is what can happen for me.
Feeling: Better! My mom ordered me some compression socks which have made ALL the difference in the world to my poor swollen feet. After being home from New York for over a week I can finally see my ankle bones again, yay!


  1. So glad your swelling has gone down! I always get so swollen and gain so much weight (50lbs both times), but you'll be surprised with how much of it is water weight and kind of flies right off a couple months after the baby!


  2. You look great!! And try not to worry too much about weight gain. I gained 59 lbs from eating basically fruit and veggies. I think it is just what my body needed to gain. After Henry was born, a lot of it came off right away (I think it was mostly water weight) and when I added exercise in, the rest came off.

  3. dang! she is so close yet so far haha so excited for you and your family!! It's amazing that you have a life growing inside of you! My sister in law had all C-sections and she actually said she loved it and wouldn't have done it any other way haha I guess everyone is different but if you did have to have a C-section I guess it's good to know some people prefer them :)
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  4. I gained 9 lbs in between appointments once, too. I was shocked! My doctor was not as nice about the gain, but all of my preggo friends had one month with a lot of gain, too. So I think it's normal! :) I also had an anterior placenta, and forgot it was even an "issue" because I was still able to feel SO MUCH movement, and see all the movement on the outside, too. And no back labor or sunny-side up baby for me, so keep the faith!

  5. Yeah, for compression socks & no more cankels! Awhoo hoo! :)

    Mandie ~

  6. Hurray for compression socks! I hope you feel better soon :)

  7. Your doctor is a wise woman: don't stress out too much about gaining weight!!! I remember I gained a lot in between appointments because I had actually started drinking boatloads of water! I was so swollen! haha.

  8. Glowing has always you looks so pretty

    1. Thanks Nicole! That makes this bloated mama feel a little better haha

  9. Glad your swollen feet and ankles went down! Also, I went to the dr. last week and he said I gained more this time between appointments too-but I was also on vacation so I tell myself that was why :) He wasn't worried but I was kind of sad to hear that because I was consciously trying to still eat healthy and work out while I was on vacation. Oh well. Funny we were both on vacation and came back to find out we gained the most this time between appointments. My hands are getting swollen, I can no longer wear my ring-it was hurting too bad to get it off at night. Yikes!

    1. We have had so many similar things with out pregnancies so far! I really think it was the vacation and bloating from the plane because I weighed myself the other day and I was a good five pounds lights than last week?! haha what? And I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring for the past month! hahaha


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