Dec 28, 2014

Theorie Giveaway - Your Choice of Blow Dryer or Straightener

If you read here regularly you would have seen the review I did on the Theorie blow dyer and hair straightener! I was such a huge fan and I am so stoked to be able to collaborate with Theorie and the sweet blogger Missy Sue (who knows a thing or two about hair, let me tell yah!) to offer one of our readers their choice of a hair straightener or blow dryer! You guys WANT one of these, dare I say NEED ;) Enter BELOW for your chance to WIN (9 ways to enter)! Good Luck, & hope you have a great New Year!

Enter here, and make sure to submit that you have done it through the Raffle Copter Below! :)

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1 comment

  1. Generally like to use hair dryers for my hair styling. Even I also own a good sedu hair dryer that is working so well for me for last few years.


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