Oct 21, 2014


For those who asked about my shoes, they are on major sale right now!

Last Thursday Trevor was sworn in and officially became an attorney! This day was better than his graduation for me! Graduating from law school is more like a tease because you aren't actually done. You now have an entire summer of grueling studying to do for the Bar. And Trevor had to do that while working, making his summer extra stressful. But now we are now officially FINISHED with the entire process of becoming an attorney, and it feels amazing!

 Trevor swearing in :)

Our parents came up for the big day, and it was nice to have them be apart of it. My mother couldn't be at Trevor's law school graduation because she was in Canada with my sister who was about to have a baby, so it was more important for her to be there. I really appreciate how much my parents love my husband and treat him like their own son. It means the world to me that they love him like I do.

After the swearing in we hit up Alamexo, a new place down in Salt Lake City I have been dying to try. It did not disappoint, and was really good. I am thinking of starting some restaurant reviews on the blog soon, so I will give you more details about the lunch then! ;)

I know I have gone on and on about how proud I am of Trevor, but I am going to say it again. He amazes me. From start to finish he never let up in his dedication to do his best, and that drive is one of his most admirable qualities. I look up to him, and I love him. I trust him with anything. He has really paved the way for himself to have an amazing career as an attorney, and I can't wait to see what that future brings for him, and for our family.


  1. Woohoo! You have every right to be proud and happy for your man. That's a big accomplishment. Congratulations to you both for surviving school! We're three years removed from a masters program and I can tell you, it was totally worth it.

    1. Thanks Jessie! I can't wait to see what life is like in three years, NEXT CHAPTER :)

  2. This is the big time. Congrats to him and you. Wishing your family the best. Take care,


  3. Congrats to you both on this school graduation, I'm sure that Trevor couldn't have done it without you and it's so sweet to see these photos, how much joy, love and pride there is on them :)


  4. Congratulations to both of you! A lovely post :)

    Hannah | The Crafty Fox

  5. What an amazing accomplishment!! Congratulations!

  6. This is seriously so exciting! We are soooo happy for you guys!
    (and I hope you know, we love you as if you've always been in the family!)

    1. I DEF know you guys do :) Trevor and I joke that you all like me more than him! haha

  7. You are so right! The swearing in ceremony was waaaay more exciting than the actual graduation. Congrats, you guys!!

  8. Congrats to Trevor and to you! In blog land, you read so much about people being in law school or medical school and it seems to go on and on and on, so it's nice to finally see a post about the light at the end of the tunnel! :)

  9. Congrats to both of you. What an accomplishment (-:

  10. absolutely darling dress! and congrats to your husband. huge first step!


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