Oct 20, 2014

Buying a Home and other random rants

I love this rustic meets modern home I found on pinterest. Totally my style!

Can I just take a minute to say how grateful I am to have such a sensible and frugal husband? Without him I would probably be a Carrie Bradshaw with all of my money hanging in my closet. We recently started the adventure of buying a home. After renting for years, we are finally in a place where we can settle down. We are done with school, and looking for our first place and the whole process should probably be more exciting but stuff like this tends to just stress me out. Trevor is very practical, while I of course dream a little bigger. I want something "more" while my husband talks me back down to reality. The only debt Trevor and I have is student debt, which is pretty common for people our age, and in an effort to get that sorted out as fast as possible it is important that we don't just live within our means, but below our means.

I have never been someone that really cared about Keeping up with the Joneses, but with the rise of social media I feel like that has infected a lot of people, even me a little bit. "But why can't I have the gorgeous all white kitchen right now?" I am embarrassed to admit I even have thoughts like this sometimes, but I am just trying to keep it real here. Let's be honest, I know a lot of us have thoughts like this. Thankfully my husband is nothing like me in that regard, and he is grounded, smart and savvy. I guess we make a good match in that way, he brings me down a little bit, and I lift him up, meeting somewhere in the middle where we both become better.

And while we are on the topic of day dreaming and wanting things, have you all seen Lauren Conrad's digs? I mean, hello. It is Lauren Conrad after all, and she has always done everything right, expect that one time she picked that one boy over going to Paris with Vogue, but we all make mistakes once in awhile so I forgive her for that one.

Anyways, for those who have gone through the process of buying a home, bless your hearts. It is going to be an interesting adventure over the next few months. It will be nice to finally paint a wall without having to ask someone else for permission! I am looking forward to that place called HOME.


  1. We will be going through that process next spring. I'm scared! But you souond just like me. I am pretty practical, although sometimes its tempting to do whateverone else is doing. Loved this post :)
    XO Ellen from Ask Away Blog

  2. So exciting you guys are going through the Home buying process. I wish I could say I was close to that stage of life. Soon enough though :)

  3. okay - you made my day with the LC reference - she should have gone to paris, and jason is stupid, right? her apartment though, i almost cried when i saw it - i want everything so bad. good luck on finding a new place - and no matter the size or the price tag, i'm sure you'll style it up perfect & make it yours :)

    1. Jason was totally the stupid choice. Who chooses a BOY over PARIS? Oh well, it was a life lesson she needed to learn I guess haha ;)

  4. Alycia, I read you blog often and usually don't comment but I just wanted to reassure you that all of this is completely normal! My husband and I bought our first home 3 years ago when he finished school. It is a great little house, much nicer than anything our parents had as early in their married lives as we were, but now we are thinking about building. I am not even in my 30s yet and I keep having to remind myself as U browse around in Pinterest that we may not be building our dream home right now and to really reevaluate what my "dream home" is. It is important to be happy in the time-of-life you are in and it sounds like you have that pretty well under control! Good luck with the house hunting...you and your husband are super cute!

    1. "U" was supposed to be "I" whoops! :)

    2. So true about being happy in the time of life you are in! That just resonated with me so much and summed up exactly what I am feeling. It can be hard to stop looking "ahead" and enjoy the journey sometimes, and yes, I am happy I have a husband who reminds me of that when I get a little of course there. You guys sounds just like us! I have been reevaluating a lot of things in my life right now. Thanks for the sweet words Adi :)

  5. Buying a home is certainly an adventure for sure! But it's one of the greatest there is! Have fun & good luck! XOXO

  6. Congratulations!!!

    My husband is sooo lucky I don't care about how nice my home is or what I put in it. He's really really really lucky or I would want everything. Kind of like my clothes! Haha. I'm very happy for you.

  7. I am sooooo excited for you two! You know I'll be living vicariously through you since we are obviously not buying a home anytime soon!!

    p.s. You won't want that all white kitchen when sticky little hands mess up the cupboards anyway ;) ;) ;)

  8. yay for buying a house! My one piece of advice? Don't lead with your heart. Keep focus and don't let your emotions dictated which house you get. Just be practical, which it seems like your husband is. (like don't fall into the trap...I'm never going to find any house that I LOVE let's just get this one because we need a house now, no you don't) Also look at the structure of the house, not the paint colors, flooring or furniture...look at the bones and see where/what you can do with it!

  9. Congratulations on starting this process! It's so very grown up of you :) Yesterday, a friend was talking about accepting a job offer and thinking about buying a house and a car, and I was freaking out like, when did we get to this point??? So crazy!

  10. I am so excited for you and Trevor! You guys can come move out our way and we can be neighbors :) Although your practical husband will likely have you land somewhere a little closer to work... dang. Just remember, cabinets can easily be refinished... so you might just get that white kitchen after all without having to pay the premium for it :)

    1. Oh I love me a remodel, so I am totally with you! And yes, why can't Trevor be less practical... it can get annoying sometimes, haha

  11. Can't wait to hear all about it!! We haven't bought a house yet, but I LOVE looking at open houses. Kinda of weird, I know!

    1. Not weird at ALL. I LOVE going to open houses and model homes. They are the best!

  12. Prayers during this time - it's not always an easy thing but it's a sweet season that you will look back on for years to come!

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