Jun 1, 2014

Life Lately

Coming home from vacations always suck, but the last few weeks coming back from Thailand have been worse than normal. (I promise to update on the rest of our trip soon!) Trevor and I have had a lot on our plate. He started work the very next day after getting back, and was commuting from Provo to Salt Lake. He eventually got tired of it so he started staying during the weekdays at his good friend Stanton's house. While Trevor has been working and studying for the bar, I have been focused on apartment hunting, job searching, and packing up our current place. All the things I absolutely hate doing, and lucky me, I have been doing them simultaneously. Thankfully after a few weeks, I found the perfect condo, a great job, and have almost packed up our whole apartment - YAY! 

Life hasn't been all work though, we had a little get together to celebrate Trevor and his good friend Stanton who both recently finished their graduate degrees. Trevor's parents came up for a visit on their way to a fun road trip down the California coast. I attend the wedding of one of my dear friends from high school. And we spent Memorial Day with friends, which of course included having a barbeque and playing croquet and card games outside in the beautiful weather. Spring through Fall in Utah is pretty amazing. It is as if it is trying to make up for the bitter winters that last way too long in my opinion. I'm not complaining! One thing I will complain about however was that Trevor made me change our tire this weekend. He didn't help at all and wanted to make sure I knew how to do it step by step. While I complained, I secretly admitted to myself it was something I should know how to do and was happy to be finally learning. Honestly, it isn't hard at all, I just hate getting grease all over myself. I sure would hate to get a flat while wearing anything half decent. 

And a fun little side note, this past Monday was also the same day, five years ago, that Trevor got down on one knee and proposed :) Crazy how time flies!


  1. My one tip for tire-changing preparedness is to keep an old blanket and comfy/old sweatshirt in the trunk, just in case. I would rather ruin an old sweatshirt than a cute dress! (I've never had a flat tire, but I have this sinking feeling that when it happens, I will be wearing something amazing that I really, truly, do not want to ruin!)

    Good luck with the move! I hope that you find an amazing place.

  2. You've definitely been busy these last three weeks. I'm so happy the dust has settled and everything is coming together. Love you!

  3. I totally now how you feel, we packed up and left Provo the day after finals this year, which meant that we were doing all that terrible stuff during finals! I am so glad you found a place to move to though, that part always gives me the most anxiety :)

    Lovin' Lee Life

  4. Those chocolate dessert look good. They almost look like oreos. lol

  5. Oh my gosh!! Eric keeps threatening to do the same thing to me, and I'm dreading the day it happens! But I know I need to learn how to change a tire!!
    Ah! Condo and job? I want details. Text meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  6. I'm right there with you! My husband and I just moved back to our hometown. For some reason, I chose the worst time of the year to move! I teach college and would be to move during the last two weeks of classes. Packing, commuting and unpacking was NOT fun. But, we're finally settled in. I wish you the best!

    The Tickled Life


  7. Excited to hear about the new job and what part of SLC you chose! I miss it!

  8. You have a good man to want you to be able to change a tire. I love that's how he wants to take care of you.

    Congrats on getting all the exciting things ahead!

  9. Learning how to change a tire by yourself is such a valuable thing. My boyfriend's tire popped a couple weeks ago and he had no idea what to do. So, I found myself on the side of the highway changing it myself in my Easter best...and yes, my clothes were ruined!

  10. I have no idea how to change a tire, and I really need to learn!


  11. Sorry things have been rough since getting home! Congrats on the new place, and the new job though!


  12. I love holidays but returning home can be so much work, yeah congratulations on your new place

  13. Wow. Sounds like a crazy few weeks, but so happy to hear that it's all positive. Learning how to change a tire is so important. I have yet to learn how to change the entire myself. Will put it on my list. Looking forward to hearing more about Thailand. We are thinking about planning a trip there.

  14. Agree, coming home from vacation is no fun!! But yummy deserts are amazing!!!


  15. The first time I needed to change a tire I was dressed up nice and it sucked. My dad was close so he did most of it but you're right, it's impossible to not get grease on yourself :/

  16. Congrats on their degrees! Y'all do have a lot on your plate, but it will all be worth it soon ;)


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