May 14, 2014

Sharing Style : Bright Whites


So I am going to say something that may sound a little funny. I love how white I am in these pictures. When in Thailand I noticed a lot of whitening cremes, and lotions in the shops. One day we had a tour guide and I decided to ask him about it. He told me that many Asian women want to be lighter, and so there are a lot of products out there to help lighten their skin tones. I was a little shocked because all the women I know want to be darker and tanner! Didn't they know that what they already had was beautiful?
It really made me think about how women think and feel about themselves and their body image. How our insecurities are not just weight related, but can be skin deep, racial. Growing up and even now I would make comments about how horribly white I was. I would often put myself down because of something I honestly don't have any control over. And for what? A culture that has told me I should be tanner? I guess we all just want what we don't have? Some people might think I am too white... but I have decided there is something beautiful about embracing what you are naturally. That might be confusing since so much of my blog is style and beauty based. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't think it is bad to get a self tanner, or wear make up and play around with our appearances to make us feel more confident or beautiful, but I think it is so important to always love our foundation, love who we are. Realize that the brightest white skin, the blackest of black, is all beautiful because it is what we are at the foundation.

Embrace those things that make you different or unique, because when you do, it can be absolutely stunning. So while some people might think I look like a vampire, I am starting now to make the effort to really start loving my creamy white skin tone. I want to see the beauty in it :) I hope you will join me in seeing the beauty in YOU as well. 

These shots were captured by the beautiful and wonderful Katie Perkes. I will be doing a lot more work with her and I am so excited. I look forward to sharing her amazing skill sets!



  1. You have BEAUTIFUL skin lady! I understand what you mean about putting yourself down about your skin sometimes - I am whiter than white and always have been. I was always jealous of my other families who got the more "italian" olive skintone but over the years I've learned to just love what I have. Great message!

  2. I know exactly what that is like! I've definitely seen those whitening soaps/creams. My family is Filipino and growing up here I always wanted to be tan while the rest of my family think it's better to be more white! I'm trying to embrace my natural color well! I love this post!

  3. Gorgeous.

    And yes... many Asian cultures believe the lighter the skin the better because those with tan skin (historically) was a sign that they were farmers and not upper class. Also, many Asian cultures understand the damaging effects of the sun. People wonder how I look so young and I tell them it's because I don't go out in the sun. I always cover up.

    1. And I feel stupid saying, "Asian cultures" because I know not all Asian cultures are the same. This is a gross generalization, but I know you get it so I'm not going to get all PC. And.... peace out!

  4. You are gorgeous Alycia!! I envy your confidence in your own skin! I have always felt like I NEEDED to be tan. Love this post and love you!

  5. Love this look! And your very inpsiring message!

  6. This was a great post, Alycia! It's so true, Asians want to be white haha! In Japan if the sun is out, you will see everyone carrying around a parasol and even wearing gloves to avoid the sun like the plague! My mom's Japanese friend is really dark, and I asked her if she went tanning.. and she was legit offended because it's not something Japanese people want! It's so interesting

  7. I adore your skin tone, and it doesn't surprise me one bit that women of other countries would embrace your beautiful look! Way better thank fake baking, so let's not even go there ;)

  8. You sure are beautiful. Globally, there is definitely a desire for women to be whiter. This unfortunately goes back to class privilege and white superiority that's existed practically forever. Actually even now in America, the trend is moving toward whiter ("porcelain") skin. Tanning is viewed as dangerous due to the cancer risk and stylistically is seen as outdated and trashy. Whatever the trend, though, the bottom line is we are all capable of so much more than being looked at. Some people are naturally darker-complected and it's sad to me that as people, we place social value on skin color. Racism is not dead.

  9. We all need to learn to accept what is and make due with what we have! Beautifully written post.
    - McKell

  10. Love the pairing of the dress with the jeans, fun and lighthearted! And yes to the whiteness, I too succumbed to the "must be tan" theory when I was young, and that has left me with dark spots on my face and body. Woot woot. Here's to teaching both ourselves and young girls to embrace themselves as they are as someone else desperately wants what they have, even if they don't, so love on it!

  11. Couldn't have said it better myself!! I'm pale as they come and I love my fair skin!! I've never been into tanning because I like my skin the way it is, I love being pale! Haha. Beautiful photos girl!!



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