Apr 22, 2014

Back to the 801


So life does this funny thing, where it likes to be unpredictable. Last year Trevor spent months interviewing all over the country, and by the fall had accepted a job offer in Vegas. Accepting a job offer a good eight months before you graduate is extremely comforting, but also hard to explain to people. People were confused about when we were moving. They didn't seem to understand how law school and jobs after work. The idea is you work for firms in the summers, and hopefully (fingers crossed) have a job offer before or by the time you graduate. It is normal and ideal to have a job secured going into your third year. But it is also possible to have other opportunities come up during that time as well.

Since the fall I have known there was the possibility that our plans could change. However the possibility seemed small because typically grades etc. don't change much during the third year, and as the year progresses, more and more positions are being filled, creating less job opportunities as you approach graduation. So it was set, we were going to Vegas. I was surprisingly sad about leaving Utah. Somehow, somewhere along the way, Utah stole my heart. I fell in love with these mountains, and made some pretty great friends. All of that made me realize how much I was going to miss it here. When I came to Utah to attend college I always knew I would eventually move away again. It was as if it was a fact. I had every intention of leaving eventually. Then life happened, I met Trevor, got married and we ended up at BYU Law School. We almost went to law school out of state, and when we decided on BYU Law we both were still pretty sure we would leave Utah after school. Getting the job offer in Vegas confirmed that for me.

Well, that all changed when Trevor got a job offer he couldn't refuse here in Utah. We have been sitting on this news for awhile now, but since graduation is this week I thought I would officially update everyone on my blog. We are both really excited about this opportunity, and Trevor couldn't be happier. So here we are, moving back to the 801 - where we met, fell in love, got engaged, and started life as a newlywed couple. I can't help but shake my head because every time I have thought we were going to leave this State we get sucked back in. I have spent so many years thinking about "when we leave" that I never thought about staying and really making a life here. Looks like we will be creating many more memories in Salt Lake City then we had originally planned. And again, I am  surprised how excited I am to stay. I can't complain, Utah has been so good to me. I guess I am officially now from Utah! BAH! We are both very excited :)  


  1. How exciting! and congrats to Trevor! What a huge accomplishment to be graduating!! :)

  2. Congrats! I loved Utah too! I was so anxious to leave when my husband got a job offer here in NC at the beginning of last year, and then when we left we realized how much we want to be back there, which is completely not in the cards for us until retirement now probably haha! Congrats on being where you love!

  3. Congrats!! What a great feeling! I can totally relate. My husband and I were SET on getting out of here as soon as we were done with school. Buuuuuut here we are indefinitely, and we're surprisingly ok with that. What is it about this state?!

  4. exciting and wonderful! congrats to Trevor!

  5. That is so exciting! You look great also!


  6. It's amazing how when you make peace with it, Utah really is great! There's a lot to offer, and you just have to remember to stay grounded, leave often, and not get caught up in the very few bad pieces of it. Congrats to you guys- that's exciting!

  7. Utah IS one AMAZING state and I am very glad that the two of y'all AMAZING people get to call that place home together. All my best wishes are with you on all fronts - educational, professional, familial, and all. I'd love to visit y'all when in Utah next.

  8. I'm so excited for you, Alycia! I guess this is just where God wants you guys. Congratulations to your sweet hubby for graduating Law School. What an enormous accomplishment. I'm sure you're so very proud. Post lots of Graduation pictures! I would love to see! :)

  9. Very exciting news Alycia! Congratulations to you and Trevor!

  10. So excited for you guys! I love how God's plans are always wayyy bigger than we could ever imagine.

  11. What can I say? As you know I had a strong impression that you were to be in Salt Lake City even though Las Vegas is closer to us. I'm very happy for you and Trevor and very proud of Trevor! Love you both!! Sad I won't be at graduation but glad Dad will be there :)

  12. So exciting! Will you be moving up to SLC?

  13. I don't blame you for not wanting to leave. Me and my husband are here visiting his sister, she is graduating from BYU on friday and I love it here! I can't get enough of the gorgeous mountains! And being this close to the Salt Lake temple is a major plus too! I will finally get to go inside it this friday and can't wait!!

    1. Love to hear how much you love it! :) I have sure fallen in love with it.

  14. When are you moving and which firm will Trev be working at?? Did you guys know my dad is on the Utah Supreme Court? So I get excited about where my friends end up working in the valley, thinking they might get to know him.

    1. Probably as early as May! How cool is that about your Dad?! We will have to talk sometime, Trevor likes a little more privacy so I try to keep those details more quiet ;)

  15. I am catching up on your blog and am SO SO SO excited to hear this news! Where in Salt Lake will you be living? We need to hang out now that you'll be closer to me!


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