Oct 24, 2013

moving the party


Well, it is official folks. Trevor has accepted a job offer and we will be moving to Las Vegas next year! Moving from Provo to Sin City will sure be an interesting change, talk about polar opposites! This move won't be happening for a solid year, however the wheels are already in motion.

We are very excited and feel very blessed that Trevor has this opportunity. I am happy that he will be able to relax his last year of law school without having to worry about employment, such a blessing

Ever since I came to Utah I had this nagging feeling that I couldn't wait to "leave." Don't get me wrong, I loved attending the University of Utah, but I was always comparing Utah to San Diego. It was too cold, and I didn't know anyone, yadda, yadda, yadda. Oh what missed opportunities. Over the last six years here Utah stole my heart. If only I had realized sooner what an amazing place it was here! If only I had been more open from the start.

Honestly, it has only been the past year that I have really grown to appreciate everything Utah has to offer. Such beauty, such great people! While I am excited for what is next, my heart aches to leave what we have built here. Somewhere along the way, with my bad attitude and everything, Utah became home. I will miss everything about it. Well... maybe not the part where I have to scrape snow off my car for most of the year... HA. But really, I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I could look at Vegas and not see its potential until we have to leave again. I want to soak up everything it has to offer. And Vegas has a lot to offer us. 

We will both be so much closer to family!  No more twelve hour drives to see my family and friends in San Diego! And only an hour away from Trevor's family. While there are three hot almost unbearable months in the summer, the rest of the year is pretty dang great weather. I am so ready for a 58 degree winter! And let's not forget the shopping... oh the outlet shopping. And something we both couldn't be more excited about, THE FOOD. Trevor and I are foodies. When he was living there this summer he kept going on and on about all the amazing cuisine and different restaurants. I can't wait to take advantage of all of that.

I guess the hardest part will be having to make new friends! We don't know anyone in Vegas! But that is the one really cool thing about moving in my opinion. When I came to Utah, I knew no one. But now I am leaving so many wonderful friends that I know will be in my life forever. The same can happen in Vegas. It is time to keep on moving forward, expand and grow. Who knows where we will end up living "forever," it doesn't matter, I will always try to make friends where ever I go. And I can't wait to see what special people are waiting for us in Vegas :) Here we come!


  1. Congrats!!! That's so exciting! What an adventure. You'll make friends easy :) and Vegas has a really great and pretty big LDS community. I mean, nothing like Provo haha but I think most people are surprised by it!

  2. Congrats girl! What a fun crazy opportunity!

  3. Exciting is right!! We have family there in Vegas and friends in Henderson. It's beautiful and awesome!

  4. You'll have such a great time! It's fun to be in a great food town when you're working for a law firm...there'll be tons of events that he'll get to take you to!

  5. SO exciting!! I am so sad you are moving away from here though!! :( NOooo!! People that live there, LOVE it! I am sure you will too! I am so happy that you are starting your real life! At least you have a year though, so we still can hang out before then! :)

  6. Exciting news! Relocating can be a little scary, but I always find it comforting to have a plan after things have been up in the air. And closer to family is always a plus. Good luck!

  7. Congrats! I had the same attitude about moving to UT 2-1/2 years ago from AZ. I super dislike the cold and snow and I havent really made any new friends but the people I did know living here I have been able to strengthen my friendships with them. I cant wait to move out of state though and I do love Las Vegas and have some friends who live there and love it. I def want to live in AZ again but if not, Vegas is a close 2nd!

  8. Congrats! That will be awesome :) It will definitely be different, but a new fun adventure

  9. Awww! That's so exciting! I'm sure it will be tough to adjust at first, but I'm sure you'll make new friends quickly and fall in love with Las Vegas! I absolutely love that city!

  10. Congratulations! I've lived in Utah my whole life and am still sick of all the snow and cold! What a fun new adventure that will be for you two!

  11. Wow Alycia! What big changes! This will be an amazing chapter for you and Trevor!! And you couldn't be more right or more honest about how attitude affects everything. I've been in many situations where my attitude was similar to how you felt about moving to Utah. And only towards the end of those seasons did my heart and mind begin to open up to see tremendous opportunities/people that had been surrounding me the entire time. Right now we're in the middle of some pretty big changes with our jobs (both my husband and I) and with our home life, as we're waiting for our home to be built. But through it all I keep reminding myself to have an open heart and mind. I want to be present in each moment, so that I capitalize on all the wonderful opportunities surrounding; opportunities I could miss if I had a poor attitude. Excited for you lady! The future is promising!!

  12. so excited for you guys it will be so fun to go somewhere different & new. congrats!

  13. Congratulations! It will be great being that much closer to family. I love the optimistic attitude you have toward moving. Lots of luck to you over the next year and into your move.


  14. congrats to you & your husband! change is SO FUN--& a new place is always refreshing :) enjoy that heat!!

  15. Oh how exciting!!! I would love to live in Vegas someday. St George is our dream city, but we would love Vegas too. And being closer to home (CA) wouldn't make me sad either!!

  16. I went to UNLV in Vegas and my husband is from there. So when we go visit the in-laws I would love to grab lunch or coffee with you! I think you will end up liking it. It can be an overwhelming city and feel like a sprawling suburb, but the good definitely out weighs the bad. Getting outside the city is lovely, the shopping is the best in the world, you will never be bored or run out of things to do, people will come visit you constantly and although it's the city of sin, you'll find a lot of like minded people there. I swear it isn't all crazy. lol

  17. Yay!!! I'm in LA, so closeby!


  18. You will love Vegas. Since I'm from there, I would know. haha. Its really hot for most of the year, not just 3 months, more like April-September, but you get used to it somehow. Your body just acclimates and it'll still be hot, but you won't die. There is so much to do there and actually a large number of members. You'll be surprised, not quite like Utah, but a lot more than people assume because its Vegas. That will be exciting, and I always thought it was in a great spot, 5 hours from Provo, 6 or so hours to San Diego, can't get much better.

  19. fun! you will love it:)) yay, about his job!

  20. congrats!! i absolutely love vegas, it's probably one of my favorite places to visit. i love the weather and totally agree with you about the food! i hope you love it!

  21. Wow! Congrats! I've never been to Vegas, but I'm sure you two will have a blast living there!

  22. I moved to Vegas 3 months ago and I love it here! So welcome, and I'm sure you'll love it too!

  23. Congrats! It will surely be an adventure! I admire your courage! :)


  24. CONGRATS to Trevor! That is awesome! Eeeeep! And... SO excited! Much closer to me so totally celebrating! We will def have to figure a meet up! Excited is the understatement of the century! Trust me that you won't mind the 120 degree temps in the Spring/Summer/Fall "seasons" when you're lying poolside :) Love ya!! XOXO

  25. How exciting! Can't wait to see what new adventures head your way in Vegas ;)
    xo TJ


  26. I'm thrilled for you! There are sooo many strong Saints in Vegas, I promise! You'll do amazing and I can't wait to see it through your eyes!

  27. Congratulations to you and Trevor! What a blessing not to have to worry about that as Trevor is in the throes of finishing up his last year of school. I cannot wait to read and follow along with this new part of your journey.

  28. Wish I still lived down there! But my in-laws do, so we make frequent trips. Anyway, congrats!! What a fun new adventure!

  29. We came to UNLV for my husband to go to law school six years ago and never left. We love our little corner in Henderson and the Las Vegas community. I tend to wonder how I ever lived in snow! Hope you love it here too!

  30. I'm sure you will at least know a few bloggers ;) I have had to move SO many times in the last five years, so I feel ya! Congrats on the job and move!

  31. So happy for you - you guys deserve a smooth move and a successful relocation - best wishes!

  32. If you ever need a fun Mormon friend in Las Vegas I'm open! You'll love Henderson, I promise!


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