Aug 6, 2013

$1,000 Back to School Giveaway!

It is August, and August always reminds me that school is just around the corner! I haven't done a big giveaway for awhile now, and figured you guys would appreciate this one! So take a gander at all the amazing blogs participating. I know entering can seem daunting, but the pay out is pretty great if you win ;)

For Lauren and Lauren// Sami's Shenanigans// Back East Blonde

A Complete Waste of Make Up// Pretty in Pink Megan// Lipgloss and Crayons

Helene in Between// Shannon Hearts// Freckled Fox

Living in Yellow// Crowley Party

Winner will be announced on Wednesday, August 14th.  International readers may enter, but the prize will be sent in the form of a $1,000 visa gift card in American dollars.  ALL ENTRIES WILL BE VERIFIED. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A vacation getaway with my babe I think :)

  2. We've been saving all of our money for a new house and spending all of our time fixing up the current home to sell, so this money would be great to put toward a vacation. Since I'm teaching AP Language and Composition for the first time this year, I think I'll need a vacation from grading AP essays!


  3. I would definitely spend it on books! And then the rest on a new fall wardrobe. :)

  4. A much needed vacation! My hubby is in med-school and I can't remember the last time we went on a real vacation! Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. What an awesome giveaway! I would spend it on a new laptop!!

  6. I'd use this money to pay for my last semester at school along with the many supplies for my art classes!

  7. I'm going to the university this year so money is always welcome!

  8. First thing on my list? A BOB jogging stroller!

  9. A new pair of sunnies, some Fall pieces from J.Crew and some gorgeous ankle booties!


  10. awesome! I'm a follower on BL and GFC

  11. Thanks girl for being a part of this!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  12. This would be amazing to buy some much needed school supplies for my 3rd grade class!! Here is for good luck and hoping!!

  13. Definitely a vacation -- that would be a blast!!

  14. Some good shopping and a weekend away!

  15. I am currently saving for a massive shopping haul in London so that I can really start giving my blog readers some great, and exciting new posts! This is a great giveaway I will enter it now:)

    Charlotte xxx

    I have a giveaway if you would like to take a look? :)

  16. I would probably spend the money on a vacation! :)

  17. I would spend it on a little bit of everything! Pay off some credit card, maybe get a new dress or so and use it for my vacation coming up!

  18. College text books! And then the rest on some new clothes :)

  19. Hopefully on new clothes, but let's get real I'd spend $20 on clothes the rest on boring things like food and books :) Life of a student right?

  20. I would probably spend it on clothes, house stuff, or even a fun getaway with the husband. :)

  21. TUITION & my New journey together with my soon to be HUSBAND!!!! :)

  22. Definitely use it for some new clothes. And possibly a new stethoscope for school. :)

  23. I think I would spend it on a holiday or clothes and shoes......for a holiday...........

  24. I am a 5th grade teacher at a Title I school close to Dallas, Texas. I would use this back to school money for back to school stuff! A lot of my kids need new uniforms, school supplies, and I might even be able to get some technology in my classroom! And maybe even an outfit for me…

  25. I would love to spend it on a new computer!

  26. Makeup and brushes for my MUA kit ^_^

    Elena Rudaya
    queen-of-pain at yandex dot com

  27. Oooo! What an amazing giveaway! I would probably spend my money on a computer to help me finish school. 3 classes left at BYU and then I'll be all graduated!

  28. I would spend the money on a vacation.

  29. I just got married so my hubby has us on a tight budget so I would buy a whole new wardrobe! Such a fun giveaway!

  30. Just found your blog today! loving it so far. I'd spend the money on painting supplies for my furniture refinishing hobby :)

  31. I'd use the money for some new clothes and shoes!

  32. AWESOME giveaway! I'd totally use it for a fall wardrobe shopping spree :)
    Oh and p.s. If you ever do one of these big giveaways and need extra people I'd love to do one! :)


  33. This is so great! I would work on building up my closet! There are a few pairs of booties I've been eye
    ing on shopbop!!

  34. i would use it to buy airfare to our family florida trip!


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