Mar 27, 2013

tid + bits of life via instaLOVE♥

Yes, this happened. I ran out of gas on the freeway. This has NEVER happened before! Thankfully Trevor came to save me, and didn't give me too hard of a time about it. Trevor and I love creating new dishes in the kitchen together. I love that I am married to someone who loves to cook! This was the start of something pretty great. Think, peppers, bacon, shrimp, lemon butter ;) For Trevor's birthday we stopped by the good ol' Nordstrom Rack and he picked out a few things he wanted. You guys, Trevor picked out this PINK polka dot tie, all on his own! He said he wished they had, had a different color, but he liked the polka dots. Either way, I am so proud of him :) Trevor calls these my "leprechaun" shoes, so I figured they were an appropriate pick for St. Patty's Day! ♥ Why did it snow over the weekend?! &Why is it cold even when the sun is out?! These San Diego sisters can't handle it. Fun surprise visit from Courtney and my adorable niece Mia. So of course we made a thing of it and got waffles. You guys, I fall in love more and more everyday with my job. My favorite part is working with the students (hence why I went to school to be a teacher) these girls are so much fun and SO talented. This was a shoot they did the hair and make up for last week! My sweet baby nephew Cameron had open heart surgery yesterday afternoon. The surgery went well, but he had complications throughout the night. It seems like everything is finally stabilized. Please keep this sweet little boy in your thoughts & prayers. In just a short time he has already brought so much happiness to our family 

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I own those EXACT shoes! WIll be praying for your nephew :-)


  2. Love the shoes! Wish my hubby had the ability to make yummy dishes, or yet, just the urge to cook. Your nephew is in my thoughts & prayers.


  3. Prayers to your nephew <3. And love your shoes. I have been on the verge of glitter Toms for a while and these may make me take the plunge!

  4. Love that tie!! Thoughts to your nephew...

  5. i am infamous for driving on fumes...thinking, eh, i can make it! i know one day i'll learn my lesson.

    i spy courtney :)

  6. Sending lots of get well wishes to Cameron from the UK.
    Yey to a man who can cook and wear pink ;)

  7. I love those shoes... Sparkly shoes are my weakness. That photo shoot likes like it was so much fun. I am definitely praying for your nephew now!:)

  8. the sucks running out of gas! At least it wasnt on a road trip in the middle of no where! Glad trevor came to the rescue! so glad everything has gone well with cute cameron :)

  9. I love your insta feed-so full of life & color!

    The gas thing is a bit scary but you & Trev have a great attitude about it :)

    -Britt (

  10. Thinking about your nephew <3 I love those shoes!! Gorgeous

    Jaime xx

  11. Looks so fun! Love these pics!


  12. Your pics are so cute! Thanks so much for taking the time to find me! I've been scrolling through your blog, and I love it! I'll definitely be following along via Bloglovin!

    Also, I SWEAR there is something in the water out there in Utah- every time I find a blogger I love they're located in Utah! I don't know what you guys are doing out there, but keep it up! Haha


    1. there are a lot of bloggers out here, thats for sure! Thanks for your sweet comment :)

  13. I will pray for your nephew. He'll surely get better soon. The tie your husband picked out looks fabulous. Love the pictures! :)

  14. Darling thanks for your visit and kind comment on my blog! I didn't know yours but like it so I'm following on GFC and Bloglovin'!!
    Wait for you!! ;-)

  15. you are too cute! love those shoes and that photo shoot looks like an absolute blast!

  16. oh no, haha, one of my biggest fears is running out of gas, yet I always try to push it further!

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  17. I seem to have a bad habit of running out of gas. I really hate the gas stations. :) We had snow here in TN this week! I thought it was Spring?! I am praying for your nephew! He looks so handsome! Also, love your new layout! I've been out of the blogging world for a little while! Looks great!

  18. Oh no! I can`t believe you ran out of gas, scary! At least everything was OK in the end. Gah!! That food dish looks delicious. Anything with bacon usually is, though!

    Some Snapshots Blog

  19. Your nephew is so adorable. Glad he's doing okay and will definitely be keeping him in my thoughts for a full recovery.

  20. Such fun pictures! Definitely went to check your instagram - I'm a sucker for photos. Also praying that your nephew heals quickly!
    FashionEdible Blog

  21. Ahh! Love those gold shoes + that rug! Super fab.
    Also, my niece had open heart surgery at 3 months and 3 years, she's 5 and healthy and rambunctious! But it was tough to see her go through it. I'll say a prayer for your nephew and fam!

  22. Hope your nephew is doing well now. He's a brave little soldier. :)

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