Jan 11, 2013

holiday break via instaLOVE♥

 trevor & i getting lots of cuddle time with baby mia just one of the trash plates for the crab legs we had on christmas eve - yum! me holding mia for the first time having dinner with my big brother ben :) since our in-laws live in the same city lots of snow and fun with the family best scone i have ever had, with honey butter on it of course :) new years eve kiss from the hubberz &the most confused baby with all the noise &streamers haha finally seeing les miserables, even though we were sick, it was amazing!

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Beautiful pictures - that's one grand break! Is there an app that lets you do the circle shape for photos? I'd love to know! :)

  2. Sad face that you're sick! Get well soon!

    1. We were sick all last week, and we still have a little cough but for the most part, all better now :)!

  3. if you don't mind me asking, what size did you get of the polar bear sweater you bought at forever21? we don't have one where we live, so i have to order online, and i'm a bit leery of which size to choose....
    thank you!!!!!

    1. I don't mind at all! I got it in a medium and it fits perfectly! Let me know if you have any other questions!

  4. You are so pretty! Love the pictures of you and the sweet babies!

    1. Your sweet shah, and yes, the best part of my break was so log up the amazing babies :) love new nieces and nephews :)

    2. Sorry Shay* not Shah, dumb auto correct on phones haha :)

  5. I always enjoy seeing other's instagram pictures! Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!! - Nicole from insidethemindofnicole.blogspot.com

  6. i still have yet to see les mis. great shots!

  7. I love that heart sweater! And that scone looks amazing right now-mmm!

    1. Me too! Pretty sure it is still available! I linked it in my "winter lovin'" post if you want to check it out!

  8. I just love instas!! Your family reunion looked like so much fun! What a blessing to have such a big supportive family!!!! Happy new year Alycia!!! I don't comment often anymore but just know your on my blogroll and I read everyday:)
    Love ya girl!!! Let me know if you want to button swap again:). Xoxo hanna


    1. Hannah you are so sweet! Thanks! My blogging has gone in waves over the last few years, but I think I have finally found my rhythm, thanks for always being such a good online blg friend :)

  9. looks like an amazing time!
    my best wishes for you in this new year

  10. So adorable!

  11. I STILL haven't seen Les Mis. And I am a huge fan of the other interpretations. I need to get onto this asap!


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