Jan 23, 2013


I have been learning that is helps a ton if you research the menu of where you are going to meet up with friends so you can find something on the menu that is a healthy choice - so you know going in exactly what your getting! I went to Zupas the other night with my friend and got Cafe Zupas Summer Chicken Salad, super healthy, and yummy! Now you need to go try it... I mean it.

Okay folks, I guess this weight topic is a popular one, am I surprised? No. We ALL face issues with eating right and working out, and we all want to be better at it. 

My last update was full of sad and happy feelings on how I had gained WAY more weight then I initially realized but had already lost 5.5 pounds. I went on to loose .5 more... and that is it. 6 pounds isn't bad at all, but I hate that dreaded week after you have lost a lot of weight.

When you drop weight fast you can pretty much expect the weight loss for the next week isn't going to be as high, but somehow deep in the back of your mind you don't care and all reason goes out the window and your left wondering why you didn't lose more weight, or the same amount since you did everything the same.

I wouldn't say I fell off the band wagon this weekend, but I definitely stretched the "free day" farther then it was meant to go. I got to that point of being bummed out I hadn't lost anything after being on such a high last week. It is fine, I am back to eating right today. I guess that is the important thing, to not get hung up when you aren't "perfect" with your eating and instead of throwing in the towel you just start eating better again, because reality is, we are never going to be "perfect" eaters.

However, with that said, I am very nervous about this week. I have all these goals of dropping the extra weight, but I am going out of town this week for about four days. Four days of eating out...

I am really worried I am going to put the weight right back on. So I am going to try and be prepared and pack myself some healthy snacks so I don't find myself grabbing the horrible stuff. But with that said I am going somewhere fun and want to enjoy myself and indulge a little. Indulging every now and then is totally fine, but I am not at a point yet where I am ready to just maintain the weight, I am trying to LOSE! So indulging is something I probably SHOULDN'T be doing right now. 

To make matters worse my brain is starting to do what it always does, JUSTIFY my horrible eating habits. For example, I am going out of town, and then at the start of February it is my birthday, so of course I am going to allow myself something for my birthday right?! Maybe my whole birthday weekend?! AH. So my brain says to just not worry about the eating for a bit since I will be eating bad on my birthday weekend... BAH! See how it happens?!

Finding the balance is what is key and I am obviously still working on that. I need to really fit more gym time in too but I am finding it difficult to find a schedule I can stick to with, with so many things going on right now.

I am trying really hard to not get that defeated feeling, but alas, that is sort of wear my emotions are right now! Just being honest! I just don't want those feelings to overtake the progress I have made. I know I wont let it stop me like it has in the past, because I am tired of always being SO close to what I want when it comes to a strong, lean body and healthy eating habits. But it is rough this week...

How are you guys feeling these days?! BAH!

Getting Healthy in 2013...

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  1. I love your weight posts lately...sooooo ringing true with me too! After my holiday weight gain (for the first time ever might I add) I'm just like terrified to fully commit to losing it all. No idea why! I've been emotional eating lately and that's SO hard to stop. I have good days then bad ones, I can't seem to find my happy medium yet.

    1. I hate that holiday weight gain, always frustrating! Still trying to find my balance as well - obviously haha

  2. you go girl! just keep up with the healthy eating. i know i have to constantly keep my fridge stocked with healthy foods like carrots and hummus or else i go overboard with the snacks. congrats on loosing 6 pounds! xo

  3. your post rings true for so many women. what i've found is this: we, as women, as humans, need to stop beating ourselves up over our diets. if we make a bad choice, we should accept it and simply move on versus dwelling on it. easier said than done, i know- but honestly, if we aren't on our own teams, who will be? it's all about taking it one meal at a time, not worrying about future meals (except for how you mentioned: it is quite wise to look at menus beforehand, to get an understanding of what you can/will be eating)... as long as we make the best choice at this current meal, the rest will be easy- err.. a little easier..? (: we DO have to stop justifying our cravings though- because cravings are not hunger, cravings are something we can control even if we don't want to..

    ok.. i'll stop off my soapbox now and go make a green smoothie or something (; thanks for sharing this post! i hope the worry goes away for you (: as long as you are focused on eating healthy, everything else should take care of itself!

    1. I really learned that this week about how I just need to eat good in the NOW and not worry about what I ate bad yesterday because I can't change what happened yesterday! &the justifying this I have found was a bigger problem for me then I even realized... :(

  4. Check out the My Fitness Pal app! Seriously, it sounds so silly, but it WORKS. You enter in what you eat and how much you work out and it point blank tells you what you'll likely weigh in two weeks if you continue at that rate. There's no justifying when you're looking at that! It both makes me more active and makes me eat less. And just like you said, I've found meal planning really helps. And not bringing the real bad for me things into my home! This is getting long winded, but don't feel bad about eating poorly on your birthday -- just get right back to eating healthy after. You're allowed a break! :)
    grey et al

    1. I have actually been using that app for awhile now, as well as the Jillian Michaels one! They are great!! Thanks for the tips! I find it is the weekends when friends want to go out that gets me... bah

  5. Balance is definitely key, giving yourself a little free day but not for too long because your old eating habits will suck you right back in. I would know :/ I lost 3 pounds, and then only .6, had myself a small cheat day... gained it all back. Can you believe it!?

    Just gotta keep swimming ;)

  6. I definitely need to recover from NY Restaurant week soon! My body definitely agrees since I've been craving a lot of raw veggies recently :)

  7. Um... that looks delicious! You are doing so good! Keep up the great work! And thanks for the sweet comment on my blog the other day. :)



  8. Oh honey, I totally get it. I have been feeling just the same way - I had an incredible loss a few weeks ago, but I've gained for the past 2 weeks. It's sad. But we'll both launch ourselves back into our best eating habits and over come. And even let an occasional cookie into our lives!

    1. Thanks Maggie, I am sure we will get there!! Just can't happen over night right?!

    2. I didnt know JILLIAN had one, love her, whats it called?


    3. It is just the Jillian Michaels app!!! Very similar to my fit was pal!!

  9. The salad looks really good. But I understand exactly what you're saying. Eating right isn't easy, at all. My blog

  10. i'm feeling so similar this week. i definitely have a hard time after i've lost weight not falling back into bad eating habits, and honestly i don't like healthy food. i'm trying to force myself to fall in love with it.

    1. Brittany I totally understand! We just need to make sure we don't get stuck in that! Hope I can somehow offer some motivation!!

  11. Man...this is exactly how I feel! I always start out really strong & then if I don't see enough improvement I kind of "let go" and stop being healthy...then I start again, then fall away again. It's a vicious never ending cycle. I definitely need to find that balance of allowing myself to have a treat now & then but not going crazy.

    When you're out of town, order grilled chicken with veggies when you're out. Or salads with dressing on the side. That way you can have a small dessert & not feel so guilty. =)

    1. Here it to not"letting go" I am more worried about food that is just provided for me and not nessicarily me ordering!! Haha

  12. You are doing so great! 6 pounds are GONE! :)

    Just remember that it's one day at a time. You only make one choice at a time. You got this, girl!

    The Daily Sarah Jane

  13. It's fun to see so many people embark on a lifestyle change this time of the year. I definintely know how your feeling, it's normal. I don't know if you ever saw on Studio 5 their 10 challenge? But they have a fb page that gives you great information and motivation to stay active and eat clean. Recently she shared this and it was exactly the push I needed to keep going so I'd thought i'd share with you :)

    "Day 17 Food Challenge: Don't Quit! ;)

    Seriously, I got your updates yesterday... some of you are discouraged and it's okay. You are at the mid-point. Your body responds quickly the first week, tries to fight back the 2nd week, and then goes "hmmm, they are going to keep doing this" and starts to respond again weeks 3 and 4.
    Be consistent! Don't Quit! And YES, this isn't just about 10 pounds. But 10 pounds was your motivation to start, so combine that motivation with the positive energy you feel right now (from daily exercise and sensible food). You are not on a diet. You better not be starving. You should be feeding your body FUEL that makes you feel good. Small amounts, good stuff. Stay with me! ♥

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!!! I'm going to go check the Facebook page out!

  14. Eating out AND healthy is pretty simple if you plan ahead! Like you said, check the menus before. (I always do, since I don't eat gluten.) I believe in you!

  15. Before I got pregnant I was doing weight watchers and was able to loose 22 pounds. I remember those feelings of high and low. Anyways I travel at least once a month for my job and am gone for a whole week. I was afraid of how i was going to loose weight while out of town so often. I just really had to make sure I was familiar with the choices at different restaurants and for room service. Most places are starting to list calories so that was helpful as well. I always knew that even McDonalds could provide me with a healthy cup of oatmeal for breakfast if that's all I could find. Then i would just save my points, or calories, for a meal I knew I would want to indulge on. That helped me from feeling the need to over indulge all week. Sorry if this isn't making any sense but I know you can do it and you'll be great at it. I think you are taking all the right steps for success and you'll totally rock that holiday weight and achieve you goal. Thanks for sharing what you're feeling cause it's what we all feel and we don't have to feel so alone in our weight loss journey. It can be hard! Have fun wherever you're going!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this with me! You rock! It really means alot to me that you would share that personal experience and be so encouraging! Thank you!

  16. Researching the menu beforehand is SUCH a good idea! Keep it up girl

  17. i am SOOO the same way....back and forth, back and forth....let's hang in there....and not be TOO hard on ourselves :)
    by the way, just got my polar bear sweater from f21 and i LOVE it!!! thanks for your recommendation and help with size!!!

    1. Yes we can!!! Thanks emily! And I am happy you love the polar bear sweater, I love mine :)

  18. that salad is my FAV! so good, so filling, and so healthy! just keep on track! if you lost six pounds a week, it'd be very worrisome. what's important is that you're feeling great, looking great, and living a healthy lifestyle! you're an inspiration!


    1. Very true, I don't know why we get so dillusional sometimes with weight loss! I knew I wouldn't lose as much but I still got bumbed out! Haha thanks Anna :)

  19. You are so not alone on this. I started with my weight loss journey around thanksgiving. Then around christmas i didn't workout and ate horribly! so I gained every bit of it back. I am finally back to it and have lost that weight again, plus some! I allow myself one cheat night, (like tonight since we are staying in a hotel for the night) and I am constantly thinking about what I take in. My biggest thing is finding a gym routine that I love!

    1. I am there right now with the gym routine, I need to figure out something consistent!

  20. ugh, trying to lose weight is so hard until you start seeing results! on a lighter note, the summer chicken salad is soo good. have you tried nuts about berries?!

  21. Nothing is hard!!! You can do it. Keep trying.

    Kids Games

  22. I always feel awful when I fall off the wagon. I end up turning a cheat meal into a cheat day and then I feel bad and want to give up sometimes. Don't give up though - you can do this!

    1. Thanks Amber! I do the same thing and end up having a bad week! :(

  23. I know exactly how you feel. It's so hard! But hang in there, it's worth it!


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