Jan 21, 2013

a hairy situation...

You may remember way back in August when I wrote about our third wedding anniversary and how Trevor wanted to go see Wicked last minute? You can go read it if you feel like it, but basically for Christmas Trevor wanted to kind of "make up" for the fact that we never did see a show that night, haha and he got us tickets to see "Hair" that was going to be playing up in Salt Lake City.

Now I don't know if we just have bad luck with going to try and see musicals haha, but neither Trevor nor I did any research into this show before we went. I knew the classic "Hair" song, and knew the show was based in the 60's but had no idea what it was really about. Trevor had even less knowledge on the show. So with that said we were very, um surprised?! hahaha

If any of you have seen the show then you would know what I am talking about. It was just a tad risque! Trevor and I were actually shocked at some of the stuff in the show, for example, full on nudity in one scene! WHAT?!

To make it even more awkward there was a father who had brought his two kids with them, both under the age of probably 11, and I was shocked he didn't walk right out with those kids after some of the language and terminology that was being used. I mean I was wondering if I SHOULD be walking out haha. My word.

All in all the voices were amazing and the music was great, but we learned a lesson about doing some research before we just go see something. We at least had fun looking over at each other wide eyed haha and covering our mouths! haha

But even the flop of a show couldn't get me down because of where we were. The show was done at Kingsbury Hall on the University of Utah Campus, the same hall Trevor took me to, to see a Keane Concert as a surprise, and I was SO convinced he was going to propose to me that night... but he didn't, haha. Every time I go back to Salt Lake and esp. the University of Utah I am flooded with so many memories! That campus is where Trevor and I first met. Where we had out first date. One block to the left is where Trevor proposed, and one block south is where our first place was together after we were married. I can't go up there and not just remember it all, the dates, the kisses, all the memories :)

At the end of the night we met up with some good friends, Billie and Stanton and had dinner at a place I love and never get much because it is only up North. Pizzeria Limone. I had their signature pizza for the first time though and was in HEAVEN! Who knew lemon and cheese could taste so good together?!

Now speaking of "hair" I actually went platinum on top this weekend! You can't really see the difference in pictures, but in person you can. Not THAT much of a change, but it is the most change I have ever done so it feels big to me, haha.

 I hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did :) Cheers! 


  1. Oh how I love Wicked! I've seen it twice and it just came back on tour near me and I'm considering going for a third time...I just love it!

    Your hair looks great! =)

    1. Isn't is great?! I saw it in London and it BLEW ME AWAY! Really hope to see it again someday and Trevor needs to see it because I know he would love it!

  2. Oh no! That's too bad the play didn't work out. At least you had a delicious dinner! That pizza looks amazing. PS- very cute hair.

  3. Next time you go see a show, let me give you my review first. I can't believe that guy brought his 2 kids!! Ahhh. Yeah Hair is probably my least favorite musical of all time. At least you saw it, though! :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love the new hair! Your makeup also looks nice in the last picture. My blog

  6. Haha, now you know not to take your future children to see Hair!! ;) And speaking of hair, your hair looks amazing!

  7. Hahah this made me laugh out loud. I love the musical Hair, but yeah there's lots of nudy parts and songs called "Black Boys are Delicious." If you rent the movie all that stuff is in it and it's only rated PG!

  8. Ha I doubt those kids even knew what they were talking about and they are going to see it someday, right? That's way funny though.

    1. Well the bad part was they kept asking what certain words meant! haha I was DYING!

  9. Oh my gosh- as soon as I saw "Hair" I gasped! Maybe you subconsciously thought it was like Hairspray? Hate when that stuff happens. Come back up to see West Side Story :)

  10. Yet anther time when I realize that pizza in the States looks totally different than pizza in Rissia =)))

    1. Really?! I wonder what it looks like there and what makes them so different! haha

  11. Heheheh. Your experience with Hair made me chortle!

    That pizza?

    OM NOM NOM! Seriously, I want some, like, yesterday. Looks amaaaaazing.

    (Thankfully I'll be having awesome woodfire pizza with my boy and BFF Kat on Thur...yay!)

    Love the hair, you look gorgeous!

    Btw, I'm hosting a small giveaway over on my blog (now THERE'S a phrase I never thought I'd utter, hahah) so if you're interested and feel like entering, feel free to take a gander at my most recent post.

  12. My favorite. Pizza place in SLC is the Pie. Oh what I wouldn't give for some pie food:)

    1. Oh I feel yah. We used to live just a block from the Pie, we had many dinners from them haha :) One slice could fill you up!!

  13. Oh goodness. Thanks for the heads up. The BF and I have been talking about seeing a musical, now i know we need to say NO to "Hair" lol!

    BTW your hair looks amazing and that pizza looks delish!

    1. Yeah I wouldn't recommended, def. my least favorite musical I have seen haha &not just cause of the risque nature, just kind of boring in general haha

  14. I've never seen Wicked but I'm kind of getting the feeling that I'm really missing out...

  15. Ahaha this is too funny. You're right, though. A name like "hair" doesn't reveal much. When I first saw it (the movie version), I was totally thinking of Hair Spray and was like yeah they have a lot of hair, but I thought it was supposed to be styled...
    I didn't make it through the whole thing- I just didn't think it was that interesting and put in a DVD of Les Mis (the theatre version on dvd) instead.

    1. haha agreed! it wasn't only that it was risque, it was that it was BORING! hahaha

  16. Oh yeah! Hair is REALLY risque! Not all musicals are as wholesome as The Sound of Music and Phantom of the Opera. It's surprising how crude that one is.

    1. Yeah... we learned that the hard way hahaha

    2. Now that I think about it, there should have been a warning somewhere! haha

  17. I love musicals SO MUCH and really wish they were all clean like Wicked was- I loved that one! You are so pretty!

    1. I didn't know all musicals weren't! haha lesson learned! &thanks Shay :) You too!

  18. Yeah, Hair is the weirdest. I knew about the nudity going in, and was prepared to chalk it up to a "cultural experience"...but then I just didn't like it very much. And I am a major musical theater lover, so...it's just bizarre, haha!



    1. a "cultural experience" haha EXACTLY what I will call it haha

  19. Glad I've never seen that one. Those pizza's look sooooo good!! I should try it the next time I am up there. Your hair looks great :)

  20. Lemon pizza sounds amazing!! And your hair looks gorge :)

  21. I love the last shot of you! Such a natural beauty... I'm Kaara by the way! I just joined you on gfc... Feel free to view my blog at inthekitchwithkaara.blogspot.com ;) and I'm loving the fact you are so comfortable with who you are! It's inspiring and your eyebrows I love them... watched your you tube vid ;) m! I'm naturally blond, but with dark eyebrows and I've always thought about what I would look like if they matched my hair... anyway just thought I'd say hey! xoxo- K

  22. I just had pizzeria limo for the first time when i was in utah...that was some good eats. coming from a girl ho isn't even a big pizza fan!


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