
As you could probably tell, I kind of disappeared the last few weeks. But in my defense, I was busy sucking up every last minute of my husband this past week. After his first year of Law School and recently being apart for so long... getting some actual time together this past week has been amazing! My anticipation for him to get home got the best of me, and I decided to put together a great warm welcome home for Trevor last week! I had a couple banners hung up around the house, made him some baked goods and left some notes around the house :) 

We then decided to go get all you could eat Sushi, which was divine! We spent the afternoon at the water park, and since it was such a hot summer day, I decided I had to take him to the amazing shaved ice place  that my sister introduced to me. Trevor loved it :) But who wouldn't? Ice cream and condensed cream on your shaved ice? Perfection I tell you.

It was a night of celebration :) celebrating being back together. He really does work so hard, and I am just so proud of him.

When you don't see your spouse for well over a month... you really do appreciate the little things. A great reminder to not take each other for granted. Be a little kinder, listen, and love more. Love you Trevor... welcome home :) 

"Home is wherever I'm with you."
♥ ♥


  1. D'awww...!

    That's awesome that you guys had such a wonderful reunion -- I can only imagine how rapt you both were!

    Also, loving the new banner, veeeery cute. :-)

  2. reading this post make me happy too. glad that you 2 finally reunited :)

    i love the banner

  3. So happy that you guys got to spend time together! My husband and I hardly got to see each other during tax season, so I understand!

    Also, shaved ice with sweetened condensed milk is DEFINITELY the best combo ever.

  4. i think your excuse is perfectly valid - we all need a break from the blog!

  5. You'll never regret spending more time with your husband if it only means getting behind in blogging! :)

  6. Mmm that shaved ice sounds INCREDIBLE!

  7. So glad you're reunited again! I'm so spoiled to never have spent a night apart from my husband yet. (and shaved ice is my weakness. oh i love it.)

  8. This is glad he's back with you :)

  9. Reunited and it feels so good! That's so sweet that you gave him a welcome home party. It looks like you both had a great week. I adore your new header!

  10. Hooray! You're back you guys are back together! Love that you've carved out some time to be with him.

  11. So happy for you two that you're back together finally! Glad you're enjoying each other and having a blast :)

    And uhhh that shaved ice/ice cream thing looks heavenly. Definitely googling to see if anyone in my area makes those types of creations!! lol

  12. No way! I literally JUST came home from Utah and I definitely had some of that fantastic shaved ice on my trip.. too funny!

  13. I'm glad you're back together! That would be so hard to be apart that long! And what a sweet welcome home you did for him!

  14. oh it's the best when they finally come home!! matt has been gone all of june and still has a week left.. boo!! but i loved how you decorated and left little notes.. i may just have to do that!
    glad you finally were reunited :)

  15. ADORABLE :) xxoxo

  16. glad you're back together! and i love the new blog design. -stephanie

  17. I'm so glad you're back together!!!

  18. aww i'm so glad he's home :) have fun spending every second together!

  19. aw, you both are just so precious! i'm sure all that time apart really does make you appreciate the little things.
    p.s. it's been forever since i've visited your blog. loving the new layout, girl!!!
    xo TJ

  20. Aw! So cute - love the banner!!!

    AND, that new layout is adorable, too! :-)

  21. I love shaved ice - the perfect summer treat! Yummy!


    Sarah Lee Weaver

  22. yea! I'm glad you are back together. Distance really does make you appreciate loved ones.

  23. i'm glad he is home. :) i've missed your blog posts, so i am glad that there is going to be a wealth of crowley party posts coming. ;-)

    p.s. that sushi looks divine.

  24. so glad you guys got some quality time together...and shaved ice sounds so refreshing on this warm summery day!

  25. Aw so glad you have your husband back home with you! Looks like you gave him a fabulous little welcome home party. So sweet. I can't imagine going that long without seeing my husband!

  26. cute cute cute banner! cute cute cute post! Cute cute cute couple!! Love this post!

  27. awwwww cute pictures! I bet he felt so welcomes to have banners all over the place! You both look so happy together! That shaved ice looks sooooo yummy!

    Visit me at

    See ya there!

  28. So happy your hubby is back! Enjoy :o)

  29. I love this post. My husband too is in law school, and has left me for the summer to work so he can get a job after school and make a good life for us and all that great stuff... mostly it just kind of sucks that he is gone. I know he's working hard though for us and I should be more proud and less winey.

    Glad you two made it! I still have 6 MORE weeks until mine comes home.

    (Love the coming home party ideas, I might have to steal a few)

  30. What a fun way to welcome back your husband. Being a part is so hard even though I feel proud of and grateful for what my husband does, you still miss each other. The shave ice looks like it's from the Hokulia, which is one of our favorites too. Yum!

  31. sweet! :) And I need to come over for some of that food. Because between the baked goods and sushi, I'm drooling.

  32. Yay for being reunited and sharing all of those lovely moments together again! So happy for you! xo

  33. Yay for being reunited and sharing all of those lovely moments together again! So happy for you! xo

  34. Looks like you had a nice reunion. Im glad your back together and cherishing every moment. Thats what is important.

  35. Awe! So happy you are back together right now! Yay! Enjoy!

  36. How wonderful! All-you-can-eat sushi is probably number two on my list of favorite things...behind my husband :) So glad you have yours back again!

  37. Holy cow, this food looks delicious. Whhhy, oh why did I have to see it when I'm already starving?!

  38. Welcome back! All the food looks incredible!

  39. I can just imagine what a beautiful and sweet reunion this would have been for you two!! Having done long distance a couple times, for different lengths, I know all too well that simply amazing feeling of seeing them IN REAL LIFE again :) :)
    Sooo very happy for you both!!

  40. The banner is adorable. I love the pictures. Glad you are back together :)

  41. this is the cutest thing ever. i'm so glad you get to spend time with your hubby now! well deserved. :)

  42. That shaved ice looks amazing!

    I'm glad you guys got to spend some quality time together.


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