Jan 23, 2012

arm pit hair.

As I mentioned in my curling hair tutorial post.... it has taken me a long time to grow my hair out. I got my first hair cut when I was in the 3rd grade, and I didn't even need it. I just begged and begged and begged my mother to let me get one. You see my older sister had hair down to her butt, and I was so very jealous. My goal when I was younger was not to be an astronaut or a vet... it was to have long hair. Mermaid hair to be exact. Don't know what Mermaid hair is? Well, it means your hair was long enough to cover your cha chas :) haha I am dead serious, that is exactly why I called it that when I was little.
 Here I am on my first day of First Grade. This "waterfall" hair-do as I called it was my go to favorite at the time. Along with wearing newborn headbands :) haha

It never really grew that long over the years and I finally decided to chop off what little I did have around my freshman year of college. I thought having short hair would make my life easier... but I came to find out that my naturally curly/wavy hair... became uber curly when it was short. It slightly resembled Shirley Temple, but after she had blown up in a microwave. So I started to grow it out after my Freshman year. I haven't cut it since (not counting trims) It should be past my butt right now don't you think? I mean... we are going on three in a half years...*sigh*

It has taken forever but I think I can finally say I have made it there, haha. How do I know this? Well I recently got a gym membership and have been going to lots of different work out classes. The other night at Zumba I felt a tugging on my pony tail.

First thought....

"Who the heck is pulling my hair?! I am attempting to drop it like its hot right now! Not cool."

I turn around and see no one trying to pull my hair. Then I thought maybe I was imagining things. Hmm, that was odd.

Then I feel it... something is in my arm pit? Hair? Okay, it is totally normal to find hair in your arm pit... but this hair was blonde and long, what?!

During my dancing around, my pony tail had found its way into my arm pit! I was pulling my own hair the whole time!

From a girl who has never had long hair... this was a whole new experience for me! I had no idea this could even happen! Has this happened to other long hair girls? Please share! haha

I think that night was my initiation into the "Long hair club" and I must say... I was pretty excited haha :)


  1. The best is when you roll it up in your car window! I've done that a time or 2! And I totally can relate to the arm pit hair ;-)

  2. Yay! You've finally achieved your goal :) Love you!

  3. Mermaid hair! I love that!!
    There is something so AWESOME about long hair ;-)
    Much love, Bailey from Vanilla Blonde

  4. Just the title of this post drew me in, too funny!

    xo Shane

  5. YES DAD, IT is BARLEY Mermaid Hair :) hahahaha

  6. I have finally acheieved the arm pit hair also!
    You have beautiful hair!

  7. I am so glad you call it mermaid hair. I have been working on the same thing for a while. It seems like whenever it gets to what we shall call mermaid level it thins out so I just keep trimming it trying to get it nice and thick, but it is so difficult. :( good luck

  8. Haha I feel like I wrote this! Except I always ALWAYS wanted Katherine Zeta-Jones from Zorro hair...aka long enough to cover your boobs if a masked man cuts your dress off. See, same concept really. ;) Also, I remember when it finally got long enough and then I would roll over in bed at night and end up leaning on it and pulling my own hair. Not fun, actually.

    But...after about 4 years of growing mine out and 8 years of past shoulder length hair, I actually cut it off in the Summer--luckily I LOVE it or it could've been traumatic.

  9. First of all, your hair is gorgeous! I recently cut all mine off and I'm already trying to grow it back out because I just miss the length. But, I can definitely say that when my hair was long, I had pretty much the exact same experience in zumba! The weird thing was, I was quite sweaty that day and I kind of had to un-stick my hair from under my arm. Gross. TMI. I'm sorry.

    Well welcome to the long hair club! Haha


    I would love to hear any tips you have, on getting it to grow that long, keeping it healthy, etc.

    In the past few months, I have been better about washing less, heat styling less, and have been taking prenatals and evening primrose supplements.
    I CAN'T WAIT to have hair long enough to cover my lady assets ;)

    Congrats, I bet it feels great!

  11. We used to call it mermaid hair also! I have super long hair (not freaky long though) and there are always weird things I have to remember. Like, never bend down without pulling up your hair (it will touch the ground. Ew).

  12. Haha, that's great. Definitely had that happen to me before!

    I know how you feel about the hair growing out thing. I've been trying to grow my hair out, and it sucks. I decided in July that it would be a fabulous idea to chop 14 inches of my hair off. About a week later, I was really regretting that choice. It's finally past my shoulders, but I'm still working on it.

    And... I always called long hair Zorro hair because of the Zorro movie with Catherine Zeta Jones, where he cuts her dress off and the hair fell over her lady parts.

  13. Your hair looks so pretty! You look very close to mermaid hair!

    I've been trying to grow mine out like that for years now and in late 2011 I chopped it all off because I needed a change but now I've just been trimming it so it will grow.

    -Madeline Grace

  14. haha amazing. Your hair and bangs looks so gorgeous on you! I wish I had the guts to chop bangs, i may wait until the summer just in case they are god awful i wont have to see anyone. But i think your hair is super long and gorgeous!

  15. "I'm attempting to drop it like it's hot right now." hahaha that killed me. I was a little worried when I read the title of this post, but I totally get it now :). Welcome to the long hair club!!! I love long hair too...it's hard work growing it out! We should get a medal right?

  16. This is too funny because I always wanted that look (mermaid hair) as well! Ariel was pretty much the bomb back then. Your long hair looks great! I loved your tutorial as well, you rock waves well.


  17. Lol I used to put my hair back behind me and then bring it through the front through my armpits and then show my brothers my armpit hair, just to gross them out. I think the whole hair, armpit thing is just a right of passage and doesn't it feel great?! :) your hair is really gorgeous, and I love that my dad isn't the only one who comments on his daughter's blog!

  18. haha! that's pretty awesome. welcome to the long hair club.


  19. haha my hair gets stuck in my arm pits all the time. But that's not why I'm commenting.

    I WANTED MERMAID HAIR TOO and I called it mermaid hair and my definition was...hair that covers my ta-ta's! haha :) weird!

    My hair is super-duper long now...and if i had smaller boobs, I would totally have mermaid hair already. Just a few more inches left to go! :)

    Cute post!

  20. I have never had the armpit thing happen, but I have occasionally gotten my hair wrapped in screws on the back of old chairs. That is not comfortable.

  21. Haha this post made me laugh so hard! Your hair is so amazing. And Zumba and Pilates this week? I missed you on Saturday and I need my Alycia fix! :)

  22. Haha! Amazing! I didn't know where you were going with this post title... ;)

    I've been growing out my hair for what seems like forever too. I go every 8 weeks to get the ends trimmed (because they say you "should"), but I feel like she chops off what just took me 2 months to grow. It's an ongoing battle. I'm wondering it hair & nail vitamins really work?? Yes, I want mermaid hair THAT badly! ;)

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  23. I can totally relate to you. I had short hair for a LONG time but then decided to grow it out in middle school. It took FOREVER. I felt like I was making no progress. It wasn't until I was 19, I just stopped coloring my hair and it grew CRAZY FAST!! do you color your hair? If you stop it will help! I haven't colored my hair now in about 4 and a half years. My hair is crazy long now. I could tell you lots of stories of it getting stuck on things! It's a lot of work to maintain long hair but it's so worth it! Keep it growing girl! :) and welcome to the club ;)

  24. ahahaha this made me laugh so much!

    i've never been able to grow my hair out long either, so i wouldn't know! mine grows slower than yours...believe it or not. So annoying. I finally just gave up! haha

  25. This post cracked me up. I'm in institute giggling..LOL..
    Oh, and Welcome to the Long Girls Club. It's pretty fun ;)
    What I don't like about having long hair is when you're about to kiss your love one and then the evil hair gets on your way and the love one kisses the hair instead of the mouth...hahaha..

  26. Seriously. Happens all the time, and like Susy said above- When I am kissing Ev from above my hair will just create a little tent around his face and it will get all in the way.
    I don't mind.
    It's worth it...

    Stop by and follow my side of the blog-world, because when I reach 200 followers {4 to go!} I will be throwing a "Super Yay" 200 Follower Giveaway Party! You won't want to miss it!

  27. bahahhahaa. I am dying right now. That is amazing! Yes. I had the longest hair ever...and in attempt to be trendy I got the whole A line bob a few years back. Super cute. Loved it. But I am still growing my hair out. Yesterday at church I leaned back in the row and leaned on my hair. I got super stoked because that means it's getting longer!

    congrats on the long hair.


  28. The best part is when you give someone else a hug and your hair gets caught in THEIR ARMPIT! Yeah... its gross/weird. And yes it has happened to me multiple timesa

  29. Shutting it in doors, trailing it in your meals or drinks, having enough after a shower to wig a baby... yep, welcome to the long-hair club! haha

  30. Yup, I totally refer to boob-length tresses as "Mermaid Hair." I'm so glad we're on the same page about that.

  31. This totally happens to me all the time. Or I'll sit down in a chair and my hair gets caught between the back of the chair thus yanking my head...yeah, it's awkward.

    Another awkward fact: I may or may not wake up in the night being strangled by my own hair. Yes. Strangled. It's so long it wraps completely around my neck and then some.

    Oh the joys of long hair! Haha.


  32. Ha this is too funny - I love why you called in mermaid hair :)

    Congrats on joining the long hair club - it looks great on you!


  33. i've tried growing my hair one too many times and every time, i fail! i commend you on your efforts! seriously, you go girl!

  34. Is it bad that this post had me cracking up?? Shirley Temple after she blew up in the microwave hahaha Love it! My hair takes forever to grow as well so I feel your pain.. But your hair is very pretty :)

    Congratulations on your armpit hair ha!

  35. Love the "arm pit hair." I'm currently working on my own mermaid hair for my wedding day :)

  36. Yes, back when I did have long hair (high school) it would get caught in my armpit all the time. Especially under my backpack straps!

    Congrats on achieving mermaid hair. Now you need to jump in a pool (probably a heated one), and come shooting out of the water with your head back just like Ariel does after she grows legs.

  37. I've never had armpit hair, but I've had mermaid hair for most of my life (save for 2 years in college when I cut it off to look more 'mature' or something. I ended up looking 12).

    One thing that I had to deal with was those horrible chairs in school growing up (and still from time to time with crappy office chairs). I'd get my hair stuck in the screws on the backs of the chairs all. the. time. It's *awful* because you stand up full speed and yank half your hair out!

  38. hahah So funny! I am trying to join the long hair club, but I'm afraid I have a ways to go. Congrats on your initiation! ;)

  39. Welcome to the long hair members only club girl! I've been part of the "club" since my junior in high school, and I love my long hair! I have wanted to cute it lots, but am not brave enough to do it! Your hair is so pretty a blonde : ) This story is pretty dang funny!

  40. Bahaha that is too funny and something I would do!! I actually have "mermaid" hair :)
    It's almost to the back of my knees and I love it. Your hair is so beautiful and silky!

  41. Yayayay! I grew out my hair throughout all of high school, and then I chopped it off to my collarbone after my freshman year of college. About 3 weeks after I did that, I regretted it dearly. It has now been 1.5 years since that sad day and I've only had one haircut since then. My hair is back to being long!!! I'm kinda greedy though when it comes to length....it's gotta be longlonglong for me to be satisfied.

    Anyway, your hair is just so lovely!!! And now it is long!

  42. Haha thats a hilarious story! And you are very lucky. My hair will.not.grow! Im trying tho!(:

  43. And when you wear short sleeve or sleveless shirts, your hair will brush your arm and you'll think it's a spider! Or at least I do. I can't tell you how many times people have laughed at me when I jump & swat my arm for no reason.

  44. happens to me alll the time, it gets pretty old after a while haha. also, there's been numerous times the wind caught my hair and i've closed the car door on a chunk. that hurts. there's many other unfortunate things that happen and hurt but i'll let you figure those out as they happen.

    oh, and i have to sleep with my hair up in a high bun now otherwise i wake myself up constantly with it pulling and tugging from either my arm pit or from under my back/shoulders. and i barely even have mermaid hair!

  45. as someone with hair below my waist, yes, it happens. my ponytail also has an unfortunate habit of whipping me in the eye, which usually happens during yoga and is quite painful. good times :)

  46. Love this! Your hair is gorgeous!

  47. When my hair use to be long in college it got stuck in my armpit when I was in the shower and I actually shaved a chunk of it off by accident!

    I am currently growing my hair out now and hope it can get to "mermaid" status by the end of the summer! :-)

  48. TOTALLY happens to me! hahah! Congratulations Alycia!

  49. this is hysterical alycia!
    and congrats on finally achieving your life long goal of long hair :P

    side note: we're having a byu/student/surrounding area blogger meet up in march and i though with your husband going to byu law and you having graduated you might like to come? we'd love to have you!

  50. This has happened to me many times! although this wasn't what I was expecting when I read the post's title haha. When I was in first grade, my dad had my hair styled very puffy and hair-sprayed for my school pictures. I'm sorry your hair wasn't as fortunate as mine to be long, thick, and full, and made to look like an old person's.

  51. I've been trying to grow my hair out for a few years as well. I went from a bob to about shoulder length and it won't go any further!

    Ps...love that you're sporting the stripes today after you commented on our mutual love them!

  52. Haha this is great. Congrats on your long hair!! ;)

  53. im in the long hair club & that has never happened to me! i bet if anyone noticed it was hilarious! :)

  54. I have friends like you who it takes forever to grow out their hair. I am pretty fortunate in that I have naturally thick, straight hair that grows fast so I can try new things knowing if I don't like it, it will grow back.

    But guess what? I totally want curly hair. I love curly hair. I guess the grass is always greener huh?

  55. Oooo.. I want mermaid hair- but I always get tired off growing it out and chop it all off! Glad you finally reached your goal!

  56. I love mermaid hair! I have it and it has taken me years to get it that long. I'm not cutting it any time soon.

  57. I long for mermaid hair. I had mermaid hair. I will have mermaid hair again.

  58. Baha! That is hilarious! Yay for having long hair though! Your hair is GORGEOUS!

  59. I absolutely love your hair. Congratulations on joining the long hair club :) haha i love your story that is so funny. I to want to join the long hair club. So hopefully soon i can have a great arm pit hair story as well!!

  60. Yay for joining the long hair club!

    It's totally counterintuitive but long hair is definitely easier to maintain than short.

    I usually put my hair in a bun when I work out, I can't stant it getting in the way.


  61. So funny! I totally know "mermaid hair", I also posted about it here on my blog. As a perpetual long hair girl, yes, I get my hair caught in my armpit often...even better it gets caught in other people's armpits. Let me know when that happens ;)

  62. Ha ha ha, this totally made me laugh out loud!
    ♥ Kyna

  63. Way to go! Yeah hair in the arm pit is the weirdest thing. I always got it stuck under my purse strap or back pack straps.

  64. Ahhh, my hair gets stuck in EVERYTHING! Armpit, car door... this morning my hair was stuck in my jacket sleeve while I was running out the door. Welcome to the club! Also, my goal too is for 'mermaid hair' I'm almost there. ;)

  65. Congrats on your armpit, er, I mean mermaid hair! Long hair will bring a whole new set of challenges to your life but don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

  66. Haha! Welcome to the long hair club :) It's better over here.

    And the armpit thing? Yes, that happens. I usually opt for the messy bun while I'm working out!

  67. Ah, that's such an funny story!! I can't say I've ever had that happen to me, but I do love me some long hair. I've been growing mine for 2 years and it's finally getting to the length I like. Yours is super super pretty, lady!!

  68. Hahahaha! Aw...can't say that ever happened to me when I had long hair, but Zumba wasn't around then :)

  69. Adorable blog! Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower of mine...so glad I found yours, too :)

    ~Christina @ Marriage from Scratch


  70. AHHH totally happened to me before. I am seriously laughing so hard right now.

  71. haha! congratulations :) next time, you could wear your hair in a bun? :)

  72. Hahaha hilarious!

    Husband always seems to be getting my hair stuck underneath him. Like in bed he will roll over on top of it and then I'm completely stuck. Annoying. But worth it for mermaid hair :)

  73. I love that you're a natural blondie like me...blonde hair, blonde eyelashes and all!

  74. this is a great story. before i chopped my hair off i remember the armpit thing happening all the time and it was quite disturbing! adore your blog! xo

  75. hahahahah oh yes! I have the opposite problem. I swear, my hear grows and inch every night! It's not as nice as it sounds! It's hard to have bangs because they grow so quickly! One year I completely chopped off my hair in March. donated it. 12 inches. it was nearly all back by the end of summer!! haha, I just cut it short but i definitely had those kinds of problems. When I danced It would whip in my eyes and burn. I get it caught in the car door. hahahha can't win em all

  76. Oh my goodness! I don't think I have ever pulled my own hair with my arm pit, but it does get caught up in my seat belt sometimes when I get out of the car.... it just gets rolled right up with the seatbelt ouch. Your mermaid hair looks so long and pretty! (:

  77. this post CRACKED me up... seriously, i will get my long hair caught in OTHER people's armpits when i hug them & then pull away. it's real awkward. oh, man.

  78. Haha this post made me laugh so hard! I'm just waiting (not so) patiently for my hair to be that long again.
    Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog! It made me smile :)

    life in a nutshell

  79. Your blog is so cute! I love the design of it!
    And YAY for long hair - I'm determined to never cut mine short, even when I'm an old lady. I love long hair.

  80. I really hate when that happens haha or when I'm laying down and I have to pull out from back. Congratulations long hair is the best!

  81. Girl, your hair is gorgeous! I have super thin crappy hair, and when I was a kid I used to think that the older I get the thicker and longer my hair will get too. I may have believed that until a couple of years ago too. Haha.
    But you and your long hair look beautiful!

  82. i just love your blog! it is WAY cute!

    i'm a member of the long hair club, it can be dangerous! i lean back on my hair all the time, and it like gets stuck between my back and the chair/couch/seat and try to lean my head forward for something and get yanked backwards.
    i remember thinking this was people pulling my hair on the bus at school, till i figured it out, lol.


  83. what in the world?? how have i not been following your blog? welp, i fixed that :)

    your long blonde locks are lovely! *cheers* to you for being patient and growing them out! You were such a stinkin' cute 1st grader in that photo...your shorts, I legitimately want them for myself :)

    and your story about the hair getting stuck under your arm while working out...haHA! totally happens to me at the gym on a regular basis ;) yay for being apart of the long hair club!

  84. totally relate.
    i had short hair for most of my life, but decided to grow it out. It's officially to my hip bone and I get it stuck in everything- I can't even begin to count how many times I've driven across town only to discover a good seven inches hanging out the side door....

    but it's the price you pay. Besides, long hair chicks can be topless at home at modest at the same time. :)

  85. Ohhh, yes. This is sounding familiar. It definitely happens the most to me when I'm working out/sweaty because it just sticks. Ugh :( Oh, well. I love having long hair. Have you gotten it stuck in the car door yet? That's not quite as fun... :)

  86. Okay you guys are all scaring me! Car doors?! OTHER people's arm pits?! hahaha WOW.

  87. I am dying over this post. Classic. Man so many "incidents" with my long hair. The worst has got to be get in the car when it's windy and shutting the door only to feel like you've almost snapped your neck because your hair got caught in the door. HAHA! Welcome to the club.

  88. i just came across this and i am dying!! oh goodness. i love having long hair, but it gets caught in everything! in the seat belt, car windows, car doors, and i have this crazy mole on my neck that it gets wrapped around. ouch (that ones a little personal but i'm willing to share :) you know for the cause.)

    so funny!

  89. "drop it like it's hot" hahahahha! you crack me up, alycia!

  90. Hahaha! This is great. Someday I sincerely hope to get my hair caught in my armpit, too.

    Lesley / bytheporchlight.com

  91. My hair always gets caught in my armpit!!! I totally think everytime that it means my hair must have finally reached long status, hahaha.

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