Dec 5, 2011

renovations & some changes.

Oh changes... I got bangs again! You see... it is really really hard for me NOT to cut my hair. I get bored and want to chop it off... but I have been trying for so long to grow it out, and I know I would hate myself if I actually did cut it. You can read more about why over here.

So in attempts to get a change without cutting the length off, every now and again... I get bangs. Then I grow them out and repeat the cycle. So here we are again... bangs! &Every time it makes me feel like I am back in middle school. But they looked a lot worse then... I digress...

Remember how I was wanting to make some changes to the blog?! Well there is nothing like a fresh new start. New bangs, new blog? I say . I have spent a lot of hours learning how to design my blog, and I am pretty darn proud of all that I have taught myself to do. However I have been wanting to take my blog up a notch in design, but have had no time to teach myself like I had in the past. I work 9-5 and then try to get my errands done before places close at 6, and then have to pick up Trevor. Then I need to come home and cook, clean... you know all that domestic nonsense. I have been busy to say the least.

I have always loved Connie's blog design, and she is self taught herself too! Obviously she has way  more tricks up her sleeves then I do, so I was very excited to pull in her help. I think she did a great job putting together what I wanted.
Along with the new fresh look, I took some time to go get recharged and am ready to be back to blogging in full force. Like I said before, I just needed to regroup and get some direction, decide what I wanted with certain things. Thanks for those who bared with me as I learn to simplify my life and fit blogging into that.
I needed to get some balance and order, and I am so happy I did.

P.S. Did you win a giveaway from last month? Check it out...
Bijou Market Giveaway Winners: lower case letters Emma Meredith Kylee
(I will let you guys pick which prize you want, by WHO e-mails me first!... ready set GO!)
Sheer Ribbons Body Lotion Giveaway Winner: Kacey!
French Macarons Cooking Class with me Giveaway Winner: Mandy!
e-mail me if you won.


  1. Love the new blog look and especially love the bangs girl. So cute!


  2. You are adorable and I love your bangs...super cute! Fabulous new layout too...the header is lovely!

    Liesl :)

  3. your bangs are WAY cute! makes me want them again...

  4. LOVE your bangs!! now i want some :)

  5. You are adorable!! Love the new looks! :)

  6. i have the same problem with cutting my hair. every time i do it, i regret it but i never seem to learn. i love your new layout too! i need help with mine. can you give a quick layout help post for the layout-challenged like me? :)

  7. Very the new design. I also do the same thing...get bored with my hair and always end up cutting it. Although, I have FINALLY gotten past the awkward stage and now like my hair, so no 'choppy-chop'. Love the bangs girl :)

  8. Ha, i do the same thing with my bangs even though i really think i look better without them! love yours though, and your new blog look :)

  9. High school? No, no, no! This look is much sexier than your middle school days :) (Oh yesssss... I just said that!)

  10. I love the bangs! I remember my middle school bangs... it makes me cringe a little haha. I am trying to grow out my hair too. Love it all! :) Awesome

    If Work Permits

  11. Love your bangs! Fresh new start! Sounds awesome! I want to update mine too...just need the time to learn how! :)

  12. Love the new bangs! I just redesigned my entire blog too, and I've never been more in love! I hope you love it forever. :)

  13. welcome back! your bangs look gorgeous, and so does your blog! can't wait to hear more about what's been happening in your life. :)

  14. i'm so happy you're back.
    i love the new blog look and don't even get me started on how cute your bangs are. really. i think a fringe is perfect for winter. they make beanies so much cuter.

  15. I love the bangs! I immediately noticed :)

  16. YOU AND YOUR BLOG ARE BANGIN'!!! I love the new look of both.

  17. i love the bangs. i just grew mine out.....but i think bangs just make people look better. and a good way.

  18. You look really great and I love the blog changes :)

  19. bangs suit you very well! You look so pretty!
    I have the same cycle: I cut bangs-then grow it out-then cut again-......

  20. You look adorable! SO glad your back :)

  21. I love the new blog design. She did an amazing job!!

  22. I love the new design and the bangs! I am self-teaching myself blog design too, and it is hard! work! I'm glad you're refreshed. Sometimes a little break is all you need.

  23. Oh goodness- I am the exact same--- I get bored- and want to take scissors to it myself...

    I am trying to grow mine out, and I just cut my bangs too...

    Yay for staying strong!


  24. I like the bangs. The pictures are darling :)

  25. P.S. Glad to see you are blogging again.

  26. Loving your hair!

  27. love the bangs! you look just adorable! :-) I use to have bangs and grew them out b/c I needed a change...change is good :-)

    Oh and you should most definitely try the pomegranate jelly...let me know how it turns out for yoU!


  28. so glad to have you back girl! the blog looks fabulous, you are rockin' the bangs, and you are fully charged for the holiday blogging season. what a great idea to get your relaxation on. i might just have to do that once i reach a few more followers.
    xo TJ

  29. Love the bangs and the new blog look!

  30. Love the bangs! ... of course, I have bangs, so I'm biased! xo.

  31. Hey Alycia! So I've followed your blog for a while now, and it reminds me of the good old days at the PAC where we'd get to catch up about our oh-so exciting lives. I've been meaning to comment on here for a while, cause seeing your blog was a big part of the inspiration for me to start a blog! I'm lightyears behind you though haha, still learning everything. How did you learn to give your blog style? That's one of the many things on my to-do list these days. Hope all is well! And I'd love to catch up soon!

  32. Thanks for the shout out, Alycia! :D
    You're so pretty!

  33. Love the bangs! I do the same grow out and cut cycle. I'm currently in the grow out phase :)

  34. K your blog is adorable. Mine obviously needs a lot of work.....Can I pay someone to NAME IT? HAHAH...but really.

    I love the bangs! I'm jealous of your ability to rock red lipstick.

  35. How gorgeous are you??? Ohmygosh, I am in love with your top.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  36. love the bangs look girl! congrats on a new style, it is always fun to change things up

  37. Love the new design, so so cute! You rock those bangs girl, gorgeous!
    Glad you're back, I've missed you.. Hopefully that doesn't sound too stalker creep status ;)

  38. Love the bangs!! I tried fringe bangs once and was never able to get them to look fab like my stylist I outgrew them. :)

  39. Bangs look really good on you! Which is a rare thing in my opinion. You are so pretty :)

  40. I came across your blog and I love it! The new design is super cute! You + bangs = amazing!! I'm always tempted to cut bangs and then I chicken out when the time comes. Newest follower right here! I'm doing a giveaway on my blog, you should come check it out.


  41. You are just oh so pretty & I love the new blog design!

  42. Absolutely adorable hair! I found your blog through your comment and I see you're from Alberta. I was actually born in Calgary and have dual citizenship. :) Fellow Canadian! :) teehee

  43. You look so cute with bangs! I get super sick of growing my hair out to and am about to take the plunge and chop it off :)

  44. thanks for stopping by my blog! yours is quite lovely too! can't wait to follow along! :)

  45. Aw man, I jumped over from Google Reader to comment on a post that is GONE! Please say it will be back. :) Love the bangs (especially in the disappeared post). Love the blog design. I have more to say, but I'll save it for the next one.


  46. You look fantastic with bangs. You have beautiful hair no matter what!

  47. Girl.. you are totally rockin' those bangs :) I could never have them.. bummer.. the one time my mom decided I should try it I was 3 years old. NEVER AGAIN after seeing pictures.

  48. i love it! you new blog design looks soo good!! and the bangs aren't too shabby either ;)
    i've been trying to decide if its time for a trim myself...hmm...

  49. love your new look and the new blog look!

  50. Of course you look fabulous with bangs!!! So cute Alycia!

  51. love the bangs and love the new look of the blog ;)

  52. you look great! welcome back to blogging after your tiny break!

  53. I love your blog! And your bangs! I've been thinking of cutting bangs myself. Hmmm.....

  54. It looks so good! I wanted to do mine myself, but with work it was just too much. I thought about it and was like- I can spend a month or two stressing myself out about it or just work an extra shift at work and pay someone to help me. Plus it's always good to have extra creative juices. Y'all did great!

  55. I really like your hair and I think the bangs look lovely!

  56. You are beautiful and your bangs look awesome, but really I am commenting to say that you have BEAUTIFUL lips. The end.

  57. love Love LOVE! You are so so so cute Ms. Alycia. :)

  58. i love love LOVE the bangs! as usual, i am jealous of your hair. i decide i want bangs all the time and it is always a look totally adorable! and the blog looks fantastic too. welcome back, sweetie :)

  59. Loving all the changes you've made! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    xo L.

  60. I'm with you. It seems like I have been growing my hair out for forever!!! The bangs look amazing on you!

  61. Your blog looks amazing! Great job! The bangs are really cute as well!

  62. i totally got bangs recently...oh and dyed my hair super dark. i think bangs make hair soo much easier to do, but i might be alone in this lol!

  63. you are just tooooo pretty my love!!

  64. love your bangs! you pull them off well! not all girls do ya know... :)

  65. Love your new bangs and your new blog design! I am SUPER impressed you designed it yourself! Wow!

  66. I love what you did with the blog AND the bangs! Good call on not cutting your hair. I made that mistake years ago. I'm just now finally back to where I was before I cut it. Never again! ;o)


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