Senator, Zuckerberg, & Jimmer.

Sorry for my lack of posting on Friday with my Learn Something series. I have a good excuse I promise! As some of you may know from reading my blog, Trevor works in Senator Orrin Hatch's office. His latest project has been organizing a big event that was held at BYU last Friday. Senator Orrin hatch invited Mark Zuckerberg to come speak to students and the public in technology forum. For those of you who don't know who Mark Zuckerberg is, he is the founder of the social networking website Facebook (duh) and Senator Orrin hatch is the Utah Senator. I was really excited to go, and to get VIP floor seats! I was in the 3rd row on the floor and was so up close I could see details and lines on their faces (sorry to geek out, but I never get that close to anything!) The forum was great, and there was a huge turn out. I was excited to help Trevor and be apart of the event ----I cut out the note cards and questions for Mark and Orrin :) haha

After they held a luncheon for some "special" people, the Senator and Mark. I was told before hand by Trevor that he probably wouldn't be able to get me into that, so I had made plans to go and have some yummy bread with honey butter from the BYU student center. Last minute someone from the office asked if I could come to the lunch and help take pictures of everyone especially Mark and the Senator. I was thrilled :) I got up close and personal, and felt totally awkward taking picture of Mark, with him looking at me out of the corner of his eye etc. haha All in all in was a fun day and was very exciting! The Senator recognized me from a previous event and gave me a big hug, sweet guy. It was also nice seeing my hubberz in full action at work. He is a dependable guy, and it was a fun bring your wife to work day :)

Of course my camera died before I got a ton of pictures on my personal camera, but the other staff have a ton that I can't wait to get copies of. Until then.... here are some I found on the web of the event.
Mark is known for always wearing a hoodie, so the office thought it would be fun to give him a sweater/hoodie from all the different schools in Utah. Trevor actually bought the BYU one that they gave him. I wasn't so impressed with the University of Utah one they gave him, which was a shame (go UTES!) haha Oh well...
Oh and if the day wasn't good enough.... we hung out in Provo that night and who was in line in front of us? The Jimmer of course, haha! What a day.... sorry for geeking out people.


  1. That is so cool!! I would have totally geeked out too! So jealous!

  2. Wow that's so cool! I"m super jealous right now ;)

  3. What an amazing day and experience! You are one lucky girl :)

  4. That is super cool! I heard he was coming to BYU, darn that I missed it!!

    Livy Love

  5. How fun! This post actually kind of makes me miss Utah.

  6. What an incredible experience for you! You Senator sounds so sweet =)

  7. how amazing! i just found your blog and i love it. i'm going to steal your button and put in on my page {:
    check out my blog if you have a min.

  8. Wow I wish I could have been there! Looks cool!

  9. I went to that forum too! so neat.
    and I'm happy to know that you appreciate a good Jimmer sighting:)

  10. How awesome!! Sounds like a great night and experience.

    I just watched The Social Network a few night ago.. so Zuckerberg is still a current topic of conversation in our apartment!

  11. Wow, that stadium was packed! Looks like an awesome event and so neat that saw those people!

  12. You are such a social butterfly.
    Love you GPa

  13. Ok I totally spaced texting you back but I laughed when I got that picture!! I would've totally geeked out too! Or maybe I wouldn't have even known it was Jimmer?
    That's so cool you guys got to experience this!!

  14. uummmm ... you are a papparazi now!!!


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