
Oh baby Hayley. This girl is just so sweet and calm. She is the quietest baby ever, just such at peace. (Although my brother informs me she is much more talkative (as in making baby sounds) now. Which I will get to see for myself when her and her family move here for the summer. I am SO excited :) Hayley is probably going to be out of that adorable little baby stage by the next time I see her. She will  be 1 next September. I can't believe how fast the time goes. She is the youngest grandbaby of our family, and the youngest of my Nieces and Nephews so far! I love her so much, I love to kiss her head and her puffy cheeks. One thing I love about Hayley is her big eyes. They just stay open wide and glare at everything around her, taking everything in. Babies really are the most amazing thing, &you can tell this one is very special. She is a sweet girl :)

 Yes my brother (her father) drew a smiley face on her back... lovely.

Love you Hayley!


  1. Awww she is precious!! Thanks so much for stopping over at my blog Hayley! You have a pretty amazing blog here!

  2. i am loving these ongoing theme of cute little sweeties :) makes me miss my nieces and nephews mucho!

  3. how cute are your nieces & nephews??
    & ps i LOVE your wedding dress!

  4. hi! you have really really adorable neices and nephews. and you looked sooo beautiful and happy on your wedding day. love your blog! :D

    p.s. and thanks for your comment on my blog. i am now following yours! :D


  5. She is SOooo cute!

  6. She does have big inquisitive eyes and the sweetest nature. She was soooo good when I went to Disneyland with them. She never even cried when it was time to eat. I love her and I love the picture where you put her to sleep.

  7. She is SO cute! I love babies--especially at that age. :)

  8. She's a doll! I love having little nieces running around too!

  9. What a little angel! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I absolutely love yours and am now a follower <3

  10. Girl you are so georgeous! Oh and the baby is cute too ;)


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