Living Arrangments...

So mom, and Alex are the only ones who really know how our apartment is. It is small but still roomy all at the same time. We like it, but my only complaint is our outlets are randomly placed and we really don't have enough of them. For example most things that need to be done in the bathroom, are done in the kitchen. Yup, no outlets in our bathroom...crazy eh? So I came home once to find this in our kitchen and just had to take a picture. Trevor just leaves his razor on the fridge hahaha oh man.

Then I just took this cause I thought it was pretty funny, this is how I study for Geography! FUN TIMES! Trevor came home and saw this, and asked "what is going on in here?" I had papers everywhere and I tape my maps up all over the apartment :)


  1. I think both of those pictures funny. I also think it's a great use of space and a great way to study by putting up your maps right there by the computer - very smart!

  2. oh those "first" apartments are always gems!


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