So Sister Riches, my piano teacher growing up, held my San Diego bridal shower for me. It was amazing! Her along with Jamie and her mother all put it together and it came out great. It was a little Garden party outside with desserts etc! It was great seeing a bunch of people I hadn't seen in awhile and I got a bunch of great stuff! I got to say, I have the best friends in the world.

For those of you who want to know the story behind this quilt you can ready my Dad's Blog (a link you can find on my list to the right) it was pretty cool.

So the second bridal shower was thrown for me by Trevor's family! It was so sweet of them to do it for me, and I called it my "Utah Shower!" It was a lot of Trevor's family, and a couple of friends from Utah and then I even had the special treat of seeing some women from my PQ3 ward growing up that had moved to Utah, it was sooo cool! Even my Aunt who I hadn't seen forever came and my mom and sister Sarah drove up, how lucky am I? It was great. WAY fun, and I still can't believe how lucky I am (:

The PQ3 Women!

P.S. I have SO many pictures from these two bridal showers, if you would like to see more you can go to this link:
P.S.S I also have this link for those of you interested in seeing ALL of our Engagement Pictures!
You are lucky and both of the showers were fun! I am so happy I could be there for both.