May 2, 2009

Well it is Over...

This past Thursday was our last lacrosse game, the season is officially over! For those of you who didn't know i have been coaching at Brighton Highschool. I was an assistant Varisty Coach, and the Junior Varsity Coach. It was such an amazing experience! I Loved IT! I wish it didn't have to end, and it went by way too fast. Our Varsity Girls are ranked Number One in Utah and are going off to play offs. They do Lacrosse differently here then they do it back in California so the JV don't go to play offs and their rankings don't really matter. All my girls were beginners and they have improved SO much! To tell you how much they have improved lets just put it this way, their last practice they scrimmaged the Varsity and really kicked butt! They gave them a run for their money. It was such a cool Job to have that I look forward to having again someday!! :) GO LAX! We took these pictures after our last game. I WILL MISS THEM!


  1. Way to go Brighton! Congratulations!

  2. What a neat experience for you!! I'm so glad that we got to see your team play in April. I'm sure you'll get this experience again. Fun pictures!!

  3. Hi P
    I bet the girls had fun with you as well. You are awwwsome!!

  4. Oh how fun ... and sad! It is amazing how close you get to these young girls isn't it? Congrats on a great season!

  5. I forgot to also say that I love the mountains in the background of your pictures. They are beautiful!


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