May 9, 2009

Bump in the Road....

Well as some of you know i have a new job at the company where Trevor works at. The building is by this really big beautiful man made lake. It has attracted some wildlife and one of those main animals being ducks. The ducks are everywhere, and they love to just sit in the parking lot. Well everyone is so use to them now that they just drive around them. It kind of scared me at first, i was on the phone with mom pulling out of my parking space and started driving. I see this duck just sitting in the middle of the road. I assume that it would fly away as i started to get closer and i was shocked when i realized it wasn't going to and i had to totally swerve to not hit the duck! The duck didn't even flinch! I couldn't believe it. This was a couple days ago. Well yesterday i was at home (i get off work before Trevor does) and Trevor calls me. He says, "Well guess what I just did?" I say what, and he goes on to tell me "I RAN OVER ONE OF THOSE STUPID DUCKS!" I was stunned. Then he proceeded to tell me how he did it on PURPOSE! OH my gosh, i couldn't even believe that he did something like that. He said he was sick of those ducks being so spoiled that they just expected everyone to get out of the way for them, and that by driving around them all the time were making it okay for them blah blah blah. Anyways I am still in shock that Trevor purposely drove over a duck, although he looks at it more like he was just driving and the duck didn't move and he wasn't going to move. Sooooo i guess its not like he TRIED to drive over the duck, but still. He sure didn't try NOT to drive over it. hahaha Anyways this is something that just reminded me so much of what my father would have done. Oh brother! haha


  1. LACROSSE WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO...greaterst game on two feet....I am an OLD retired lacrosse player....grew up and played in New Westminster...retired in the rockies now...tryin to get my grandaughters into the great you write poetry?...anyways keep it up

  2. I can't believe he ran over the duck either and that is something your Dad would have done!!!

  3. How sad! I remember when i accidentally ran over a skunk and dad drove out of the way to church the next day just so he could look at it. RIP duck!

  4. Trevor probably slide into the duck when he hit the brakes.

  5. Way to go Trevor. The ducks will soon learn that the road is for cars.


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