Feb 13, 2016

JTV Jewelry & Giveaway!

So often Valentine's Day is centered around a significant other, when I think it is much better to focus on anyone who is special in your life. I recently talked about this in my post about the Galentine's Day Brunch my friend hosted for a bunch of her girlfriends. It was fun to just have some girl time and talk about appreciating our friends and loving ourselves.  Celebrating the love in your friendships and relationships with others is just as fun as having a hot date ;) But either way, if you are looking for a gift for your friend, your husband, your boyfriend, you name it, JTV has something for everyone! 

Seriously. They put together a great Valentine's Day Gift Guide which you should probably check out. I mean they have Darth Vader cuff links, does it get much better then that? haha They have gifts for children, and your more classic pieces for women. They have it all. They even offer the ability for you to design your own pieces. 

In honor of Valentine's Day coming up this weekend, I am teaming up with JTV to give away this bracelet. I picked it because first off, I am a total sucker for Turquoise anything, and this piece is GORGEOUS. I love the bright classic teal and the green center. Southwestern is my thing when it comes to turquoise jewelry, and this is beautifully crafted in sterling silver. This piece is high quality, and retails for well over $200. I also like that it is something more for the every day, and you can get a lot of wear out of. If you want to win this bracelet for you or a friend, head on over to my Instagram to enter. I like to keep my giveaways super simple so it is easy peasy! Giveaway ends tomorrow night. GOOD LUCK!


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      I was crushed when my lover of three years left to be with another woman. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help.And i saw a testimony of a spell caster Dr DAN who help alot of people like my case and i said let me give it a try so i contact him for help on website http://blessedspellhomewebsite2.me/ and he cast a love spell for me which take just 48 hours and now i am a happy woman. For what you have done for me,i will not stop to share your goodness to people out there for the good work you are doing.I hope God bless you as much as you have help me to get my Love back,visit him on blessedspellhome@gmail.com is the only answer to your problems. call him +1(310)-751-7818

  2. So cute!Those colours are so pretty together for spring

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