May 20, 2014

Lip Product Addict TAG | YOUTUBE

By FAR the most common make up item I have in my stash are lip products... I have a problem! So when I saw this Lip Product Addict Tag floating around on YouTube, I couldn't help but want to do it. I had a lot of fun picking out my favorites for different things and hopefully one of them catches your eye. Enjoy & Subscribe! XO


SEPHORA Universal Lip Liner - would like to try this! 


  1. Love this video! You are so much fun - I adore watching your videos. I am just starting to get into makeup - and I LOVE experimenting with different things. I used to hate lipstick and now I am obsessed with it. However, I have found that anytime I go to the store to find a lipstick I get home and am a little disappointed with what color I chose or how long it lasts. LOL. I am going to the store today to find Fuchsia Flash! Thank you so much :)

    <3 Ash

  2. I am TOTALLY a lip product junkie! I am constantly drawn in by lip products and have to talk myself out of buying them all the time. I have bags full at home of lip products and often times forget what I even have. I've tried to tell myself to use all of them up before I buy more, but that never ends up happening! haha! I'm terrible. :)

  3. You're so cute haha I'm pretending you tagged me so that I can do this tag too! ;)

  4. I LOVE the elixrs!! Love them. I also laughed at your nipple and balls comment. hahahaha!

  5. Have you tried DOSE lip products yet? They are flipping amazing.


  6. You should try lip tints and do a video about lip tints vs lipsticks!

  7. OKay...just stop! You're too cute! :) love this video! Definitely going to get the Kat Von.d red lipstick!

  8. Loved this! Your videos are always hilarious. I've always been afraid of trying lip color but have recently started experimenting with it a bit. Will try some of your suggestions! -emily richter

  9. beautiful video!

  10. Seriously love these!!! You are too cute!

  11. the NYX butter glosses will be the death of me. I need them all!

  12. you have really good lips. i hope that isn't creepy! but they are the perfect shape. haha I LOVE lipstick. I buy them all the dang time. It is kind of a problem.


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