Dec 9, 2013

The Year of Hair!

Growing up my mother never let us touch our hair. No drastic cuts, no hair dye of any sorts, she wanted her daughters to be "AL NATURALE." Which is probably why the second we left the house we have all had our turn with doing some crazy things to our hair. My older sister Kira always has several different colors going on. Last time I saw her she had bright purple and orange in her hair! My younger sister is always trying on different persona's with her hair, going all black to a blonde within a few months.

I on the other hand have been pretty conservative when it comes to my hair until recently. I had white platinum hair up until the age of twelve when it started to get a little more dish water blonde. The tragic fate for most of us blondies out there! I didn't start highlighting my hair until a few weeks before my wedding. For years I had wanted to try being platinum, but was always talked out of it. But finally this year I just did it. And I loved it. I recently decided to transition out of platinum, which makes me sad, but honestly, the upkeep was just too much for me! I have loved having it platinum this past year, however, I hated the outgrowth. Outgrowth on platinum hair is even worse because it looks black against the white, no matter how blonde you naturally are. So because I hate outgrowth, I would be getting my hair done almost monthly. 

So after months of getting tired of the upkeep, toning, and a quick stint of being lavender, I was ready to back to be less maintenance and go back to my more natural blonde. I had to make it darker first, which was weird for me seeing my hair that dark, and now back to this! And since I chopped a good chunk of it off when I went platinum, I decided to start wearing some clip in extensions just to give myself a change when I want it. So here is to the year of hair! I think I went above and beyond this year when it came to number 20 on my list of 25 before 25!

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  1. It looks so good! I totally know the sad fate of being a blonde child. I still haven't "dyed" my hair, I just spray it with peroxide maybe once a month to brighten it up a bit. My mom was the same as your mom, but I'm 30 and I still haven't really done anything drastic (well I have done some pretty crazy cuts, but no color)

  2. i think your hair looks great. your mom's like my dad about hair department. he never lets me and my sister cut our hair short or do anything like that. and it stuck with me. i'm so conservative when it comes to my hair. haha.

  3. So gorgeous! Love how it looks!

  4. My mom is the same way! She thought I was crazy when I told her I was going to put some blonde chunks in my hair . . . I am pretty sure she'll flip because I'm thinking of dying all my hair for real sometime in the next month or two :) Your hair looks great though! :)

  5. I loved the platinum but this looks equally as gorgeous! I have dark brown hair but I'm not really brave enough to do anything adventurous with it!

  6. When your natural hair color looks good on you why with mess it? That's my motto. I like this much better than the platinum :) Now we need to get your sister back to her natural color. The color she has now does not compliment her skin tone.

  7. I think it looks great and I really want to try extensions!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  8. I love the look of long hair but prefer short hair if that makes any sense at all

  9. I just found your blog and I love it! I'm pretty sure we're in the same ward, but I'm in primary so I don't know many people above age 5 haha. But I love your 25 before 25 post!


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