Jun 2, 2013

Memorial Weekend in Vegas...

Over Memorial weekend I finally got to see Trevor! After not seeing him pretty much the whole month of May, I was pretty excited! Trevor had the whole weekend planned and I was excited to feel like I was going on a little vacation with him.

First things first, I have traveled a lot and have been to many airports, and the Vegas airport is probably THE WORST airport I have ever been to. That place is horrible. Just wanted to make that point known. Anyways, Trevor picked me up late Friday night and had a pizza waiting for me in the car, man that guy knows me :) I was disappointed when I realized I forgot my nice camera, but thankfully cell phones these days are pretty legit so I had my trusty IPhone to capture the weekend.

Trevor had gotten us a hotel for a few nights, so we could have some time alone and away from his roommate. Once we got there we realized we have not stayed at a hotel together since our honeymoon, about four years ago! It was too late to really go anywhere so we just cuddled up and watched the new episodes of Arrested Development. We promised each other we wouldn't watch any of the new episodes without each other. We only watched a few, and to be honest, they just are not as good as the past seasons. We shall see if they get better, but the jury is still out.

The next morning we were up bright and early to start our day! We got breakfast at Hash House A Go Go. We have heard so many good things about it and it did not disappoint. They had a dish that was featured on Man Vs. Food that Trevor got, it was the Fried Chicken Benedict. I am kicking myself for not getting the Rosemary Chicken Waffles because someone at another table got that and it looked scrumptious. I mean, my waffles were still great, but it became obvious I got a much more boring dish! Trevor shared with me though, and his was divine I tell you, divine! We can't wait to go there again sometime soon, I feel like their menu is full of amazing surprises that takes time to navigate.

After breakfast we headed to the casino because Trevor really wanted me to gamble for my first time. While I don't condone gambling, I don't see any harm in having a little fun. And by little I mean, I was a BIG spender and gambled around $20.00 on the Roulette table ;) haha We actually did make some money, so there is that! After our quick gambling session, we decided to hit up some of the outlets. I really restrained myself when it came to all the amazing outlets and Memorial Day sales!

Obviously it was a pretty hot day, so we got some gelato that reminded me of when I visited Italy, it was sooooo good. We enjoyed our gelato while watching the Bellagio Show, and walked around enjoying the warm weather. We then headed back to our hotel and got ready for dinner and a show. We had heard about this place called Heart Attack Grill. It seemed like a funny place to eat, because the whole idea behind the restaurant is a hospital themed. Well when we entered they put us in a hospital gown and give us a hospital bracelet. The waitresses were dressed like nurses and the males dressed like doctors. Customers over 350 lb (160 kg) in weight eat for free if they weigh in with a doctor or nurse before each burger. It all seemed pretty harmless at first, but about half way through our meal we were both pretty disgusted by it all. The food was okay, and the environment ended up just grossing us out. I could see why the place has had so much controversy. It is pretty safe to say we won't be going back...

After dinner we headed off to see The Variety Show that my brother-in-law suggested we go see. It was so GOOD! I don't think any talent show will ever impress me after seeing that! There really are some amazingly talented people out there.
The next morning we went swimming and took our time checking out of our hotel. We then drove over to the house Trevor is staying at for the summer and got ready for lunch. We went to a pretty yummy local Mexican restaurant before heading to the Aquarium at Mandalay Bay. Growing up in San Diego my favorite thing to do was not Disneyland, but Sea World. I have always been fascinated and intrigued with ocean animals, and it was fun to pet some sting rays and stare at beautiful jelly fish. I mentioned on instagram how much I love jelly fish. I have decided I want a tank full of jelly fish someday, I think they are so mesmerizing and gorgeous, I love just watching them.

After the aquarium we headed back to Trevor's place to get ready for yet another show, when in Vegas right? I was so excited because we were seeing Mystère, a Cirque du Soleil show! I have always wanted to see a Cirque show. The show was honestly the strangest thing I have ever seen, yet the most incredibly impressive thing I have seen as well. It amazes me what the human body can do! It makes me feel so pathetic for complaining about some push ups after seeing the incredible strength that one can develop in their body if they put all their focus on it. It was truly something to see, and motivating if that makes any sense.

After the show we headed to Grimaldi's Pizzeria, which was divine (thanks for the suggestions on instagram!) After the dinner we walked around the strip, the weather was perfect that night! We went home pretty dang tired.

Monday morning was more of a normal relaxed day. Trevor had to grade some papers from Law Review and I cuddled up on the couch next to him and read a book. The day was going great until the Bronco wouldn't start. We had been having issues with it the whole weekend and Trevor finally concluded it needed a new battery. So we changed that, and by the time we were done we were ready to try this BBQ place that one of Trevor's co-workers had recommended. This place has become one of my FAVORITE restaurants ever! It is called Lucilles Smokehouse BBQ  and I believe they only have locations in Vegas and California? Anyways, where do I even start? The place is adorable, the food is amazing. Some of the best Strawberry Lemonade ever, which was perfection on such a hot Memorial day afternoon. They have these amazing sweet biscuits that come with apple cinnamon butter... these things are amazing! Trevor who isn't a huge fan of bread (he always says it is a waste because it just fills you up) even loved them. He even asked them to bring out more! I need to find the recipe for these things!! Go there! You will not be disappointed.

After lunch we went home for a little bit and rested. That Vegas sun sure knocks it out of you when you are as white as me, ha! We then got ready to go out and see the new Star Trek movie. I grew up watching Star Trek every night. My dad is a huge Trekkie, so I was pretty excited to see it. I thought it was great!! After the show we headed over to BJ's, another restaurant I love that they have in California that they don't have in Utah. I love them for their Pazookies. We got a light dinner since we were still so full from the BBQ at lunch and topped the night off with the best hands down Pazookies there are. I love the peanut butter one they have!

We came home, cuddled up and watched some more Arrested Development and got to bed early since I had a 6:00 a.m. flight the next morning. Event though I got to the airport an hour early I almost missed my flight because the airport was so jam packed. Once I landed in SLC I found out the train that was going to be taking me back to Provo wasn't going to be there for another hour. It then proceeded to rain. Now imagine me wearing sandals, with no jacket, outside in the rain waiting an hour for my train. BAH! The only thing that made that better was that I ran into Jackson from the Biggest Loser (AGAIN) and he remembered me! Or at least pretended to remember me, who knows :) Who cares, it still made my day. Finally I got back to Provo, but had to head straight into work. In Utah time I had been up since 3:45 and didn't get to bed until midnight that night... it was a pretty long and rough day.

So basically the weekend was full of stuffing our faces, seeing shows, and hanging out. It was such a jam packed weekend, but it was so much fun to see Trevor and spend some time with him. I feel like I miss him more now though, like seeing him again made it worse! I can't wait to see him again in a few more weeks :)

Hope you all had a great Memorial Day with friends and family!

P.S. The irony is not lost on me that this post of eating a ton of crap all weekend came after my healthy eating post, HA!

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  1. so happy - glad you got to see him and that you had so much fun!

  2. Fun!!!!! Looks like such a great trip :)

  3. I love me some Vegas! So happy you got to spend some time with your man! I'm loving your platinum hair, but maybe I'm biased ;)

  4. fun trip.since i am from vegas, it is fun to see what other people do when they are there. good choice on Lucille's. it is a family favorite. we always go there

  5. Seems like a fun trip! Its great you were able to see him. Hanna

  6. How fun and I need those sandals!! Ps. Your hair is amazing!

  7. Vegas looks lovely! I've never been, I need to go! :)

    Alannah | www.keddiescloset.blogspot.com

  8. Hahaha!! That was a lot of restaurants ;) the weekend sounds perfect! I've always wanted to go to Sea World :)

  9. Love that you got to try Lucille's! We had one within walking distance at our old house in Rocklin, California! The back porch lemonade is so yummy! Glad you two had a great weekend!

  10. As soon as I read that you were in Vegas I hoped you would say that you went to a Cirque show. I have been to two and I'm absolutely amazed by them! They're great!

  11. So fun! Happy you were able to see your hubby! We were just in Vegas about a month ago. We had gelato by the Bellagio water show and saw Mystere too! Isn't that show insane! I feel like my jaw was dropped from start to finish! The two strongmen? Who lift eachother while doing handstands and hamstring lifts!? Honestly, I was gasping out loud. Seeing a cirque show always makes me want to run straight from my seat in the auditorium directly to the nearest gym :) Happy you had fun!

  12. shut up!! He brought you a pizza???!!!!!! That is amazing.

  13. you are so BEAUTIFUL!!!! and that food... well goodness. It's making me weak...

  14. looks like you had a great tip... Don't worry about eating that food you been doing so good eating healthy . its always good to have fun and eat whatever you want... hehe :O)

  15. so fun! Looks like you guys made the most of your time together!

  16. What a wonderful memorial weekend. I am loving the food photos!!

  17. Looks like you had a blast! I was there that weekend too and had a lot of fun. It literally wore me out! We stick to the strip though because we don't like to drive. It sounds like you ventured out a lot which is cool.

  18. I love your hair in this photo and these aquarium shots are so cute, I love aquariums!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  19. Love this post. I'm heading to Vegas next week so this post was super helpful! Let me know if you think of any other tips for me!

  20. Looks like you had a nice much needed vaca with your hubby. I'm sure it was nice to spend so much time with him after not seeing him for a month. I'm not sure I could do that. You are one strong girl for being away from him for so long.

  21. Replies
    1. haha Just got back from it! I don't have cable so it is funny to think I am on television right now and can't even watch myself.

  22. Looks like a lovely little getaway!! I love the photos!


  23. Oooh! I love Vegas! I'm totally jealous of your weekend away! Those aquarium pictures are amazing, and ohmygoodness the food...

  24. Super jealous you were in Vegas! I bet it was even hotter than when I was there a few weeks ago. I think I've seen every Cirque show there except Mystère, so it is next on my list! And you're right, the Las Vegas airport = suck. Glad you had a fun weekend! :-)

    Sarah @ Life As Always

    1. It was sure hot!!! It sucked the life out of me, ha! I really want to see the rest of the Cirque shows now!

  25. Lucille's is so so yummy!

    So glad you loved the Cirque show - it is my goal to see all of them someday! Next time you go back I would recommend seeing Le Reve. It is my favorite Cirque show ever!

  26. Oh my goodness, sounds like an amazing weekend! Eating out at great restaurants and seeing shows- and the aquarium sounds so fun!! I am obsessed with sea animals too, I will even happily watch documentaries on them haha. Glad you had such a great weekend:) (Oh, I'm reading "The Happiness Project" too, how are you liking it?

  27. I love staying in hotels with my husband. It just seems special. Also, love your sandals!

  28. They have a Lucille's in AZ too (Tempe). It was where the BF and I had our first date!

  29. Looks like so much fun! I like Vegas but only in small doses. And doesn't like bread??? If all I could eat was bread alone for the rest of my life I'd be fine!

  30. loving your platinum hair!!

  31. What a perfect weekend together! You two totally deserved it! And the food sounds amazing! I totally want to try that bbq place now!
    Hope we get to see you this weekend?!

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