Aug 15, 2012

forever 21 haul.

 I obviously need to get better at this whole "thumbnail" not having a nasty screen shot thing hahaha.

You guys, I have been shopping at forever 21 since I can possibly remember. It is probably the only store from my child hood that I still shop at, haha. They are the go to place for cute, cheap clothing! I also love to go there for their jewelry - such fun, and again cheap affordable pieces!

I personally like shopping online when it comes to forever 21. I feel their slection is so much better online. I have pretty much memorized how their different sizes will fit me and what not, haha, so I got this thing DOWN! haha

Today I am doing a forever 21 haul on some great things I have gotten the last little bit! Below is a list of what I could find online that I got in case you were interested :)


  1. F21 is also the only store that I still shop at from my childhood. I can't help it but the inexpensive price and the cute stuff gets me everytime!

    And I agree, I am always checking out their jewerly.

    I wish I could watch your video but I can't so I hope I remember when I go home!

  2. I loved seeing what you bought, looks like some great pics! Polka dots AND hearts, LOVE. I totally feel you on shopping at F21 online, sometimes going into the store can be waayy overwhelming. Same great stuff online, and you don't have to fight people to get it!

    perfectly priya

  3. NEON HEART TOP!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE WEATHER TO COOL SO I CAN WEAR MINE! seriously.. im obsessed with it!

  4. Forever 21 only came to the UK about a year or so ago and I think there are still only a few of them throughout the country, luckily 2 are in London, I love it, I got some really cute dressed their.

  5. So going there this weekend, and this made me so excited to see what they have!


  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE FOREVER 21. A girls dream paradise on earth, I tell you. At least it is mine. I recently went to a F21 in Las Vegas, and it was soooo huge I was in heaven, but my finite mind got totally overloaded. It. Was. Amazing. Cute new stuff by the way! Lovin it all :)

    Holly Noel: The Artist Who Never Starved

  7. Those are high-low skirts! (AKA Mullet Skirt) I have a few of them and I like them personally. I'm sure you look great in them!

  8. Oh my goodness your video had me cracking up! You are just too cute:) Love all the things you found!!

  9. haha you have such a fun and cute personality. Love all the cute stuff you got at forever 21. If i wasn't currently pregnant i would go buy me some awesome stuff. I guess I'll have to go check out their jewelry though. That always fits.

  10. I actually have such a hard time shopping at forever 21! It's so weird because everyone else loves it. I ususlly just walk in there and get overwhelmed and leave. You did pick out some really cute things though! Maybe I will have to give it another shot. :)

  11. Such a cute video! Love your purchases! Sometimes when other people find stuff I see it in a different light. I sometimes make my friends try stuff on just so I can look at it on someone to see if I really like it! I LOVE Forever21 as well and am still shopping there now that I am a big girl! You said you have memorized their sizes and can order online. I never shop online there! I think I am afraid of the fit, I am tall and every dress there is a shirt on me! Any advice? How tall are you, do you find the same thing?

  12. Forever 21 is the best store.. Ever, yes.

  13. Great. NOW I need to go to F21! Thanks a lot for making me spend more money! :)

  14. My sisters and I love F21 too. Like you, it's also the store that has transition from high school into adulthood!
    It definitely is not a fashion faux pas to buy things as the end of the season. That's being a good bargain shopper, one point for you! We do it all the time.
    Love the heart shirts and the yellow skirt.

  15. And I agree.. Better stuff is always online

    My vote -- the cutoff skirt is cuteeee!!

  16. you are so cute & funny!

  17. dang you found some awesome stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are hilarious I loved watching this haaahaa

  18. you are hilarious. I loved your accordion moment. Loved the clothes.

  19. YAYYYY youtube videos!!!! you are adorbs, as always, and i swear i NEED that heart sweater. i saw it a while ago, and it's been sitting in my online f21 wishlist, just waiting there for me to click "buy." stupid shopping ban i put on myself, boo :( but you look so cute in it!!
    i just made my first video, too, with my hubby! you should check it out ;) we could be youtube friends, too!

  20. OK you talked me into it. You are now my personal stylist! An accordion haha and I like that skirt with the shorter front. Its grown on me! Now I want to go shopping, thanks a lot!

  21. Love this vid. You are too cute and you remind me of someone who use to be in my ward. I really can't believe you all the cute stuff you find at F21. The F21 closed in my mall and I don't have the patience to shop of their webside. I feel like it could be organized better. and btw where did you get your watch? :)

    Method Clothe

  22. Love that you have started these videos on youtube!! And I loved this one! F21 is the best! I now live in Michigan and the closest F21 is forever sad. So I'm going to have to start buying online but I never know what size to buy, their sizing is wacko. What size did you order in the heart sweater?

  23. This was so fun to watch. I can see why you are addicted to these videos. The mustard color is also a total favorite of mine for summer/fall transition. I cannot wait!

  24. Yay for heart sweaters! they ARE cuter, you're right. the mint/gold is awesome!
    I laughed when you held up the heart earrings... :) you crack me up!

  25. gahhh cuteness overload! i LOVE f21, the prices just allow for so much more damage to be done!!

  26. I find it easier to find things online - sometimes the Forever 21 stores are too complicated for me!

  27. Cute video. Love the stuff you got.

    I personally don't like the high-low skirts.

  28. I love it too! You just can't beat their cheap prices!

  29. Mullet skirt?
    Haha I don't know if that's their official name, but its what I've been calling them since the start :)
    For me? I don't like them...but they do look cute on more modern people. I just can't pull it off.

    Also, I about died over your heart-earring misplacement! Ohmygosh! toooo funny!!

  30. I was totally in love with a high-low dress that I bought from Kohl's. It is grey, white, and navy. Totally nautical and cute. I wore it on vacation and loved it, but now when I put it on, it feels... weird. I don't think I'll be wearing it again. HOWEVER, you are far more fashionable than me, and I know you can pull it off without an ounce of effort!

    Also, how did I not know you were this outgoing, kooky, and random?!


  31. Oh my god you are freaking awesome haha! I love your quirkyness, I normally get bored after one item in these kind of videos but I actually watched the whole thing and I didn't even realized it untill it was done haha. And those fatshirts are so nice, every girl needs her fatshirts, right? And I'm swooning over those heart sweaters!

  32. love forever 21 and love your shirt!

    xo SideSmile,

    SideSmile Style Blog

  33. You're killing me... first of all I love the fact that you played your accordion pleated clothing like an accordion. That.Is.Awesome.

    I went to the mall with my husband yesterday (which was a big mistake) and he kept saying things like "those earrings look like peas" or "what is that tablecloth doing in there?" (while looking at a scarf).... haha. Men just don't get it. ;)

    Your haul video is making me want to get my butt to Forever21


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