a family that runs together, stays together...

I mentioned a few months back that I was going to be running a Marathon with some of my family. So far I have been doing most of this training on my own, since my family lives in California. 

However I have been lucky the last couple months to have seen my family. Last month some of my family (&some of our marathon team) happened to be in town. It couldn't have worked out better, because they were going to be here on the day where we needed to run our longest distance yet. 10 miles.

You guys, I hate running. You might be asking yourself why on earth I am doing a marathon then? You see, I hate running, but I absolutely love the feeling I have after I run. Have I mentioned that on the blog before?

Sprinting comes much easier to me then Long distance running. Long distance running for me is a challenge. It doesn't come naturally to me. It is funny because I grew up playing sports. I always joked, the only way I could enjoy running is when I am focused on something else while doing it. For example Lacrosse. My love in high school was Lacrosse, and for me I could sprint the whole field and back over and over again without even thinking because I had a stick, a ball, and a goal. My mind was so focused on the game, not the fact that I was running.

When all I am going is running, I can't stop listening to my body telling me, "What are you doing? This isn't fun? Stop it." But I get a strong sense of accomplishment when I push through that voice and do something I know my body didn't want to do and was fighting against. Mind over body.

And that feeling?! Best ever. The endorphins and stress relieving doesn't hurt either :)

With my family in tow we woke up at 5:30 and ran a 10 mile run down along the Provo Canyon. It was breathtaking, and when I felt my body want to give up, when the blisters forming on the bottom of my feet began to scream, my knees started burning, I had my family rooting for me. Literally. At the end I was in so much pain and just wanting to walk the last mile and they kept telling me that I could do it, we were almost there. Encouraging me for the last mile, we actually even counted it down haha. 

Might sound silly, but I am so grateful for the type of family I have. We make an effort to be involved in each other's lives. We like to do things together, and encourage each other. During that run they were my support. It is great to know you can lean on your family, even for the little dumb things like a long run, haha. But truly... I just love that I have them no matter what.

If I hadn't had them to help me push through that run, I just know I wouldn't have been ready to handle the long runs that were to come every Saturday from now until the race. I was able to do the 11 and 12 miles without them, with much more ease, and felt great! I know that success is because they helped me get past my "wall."

I was lucky to have my family there for the 10 miler, and this past weekend I was lucky to be home for the longest run yet. This weekend I ran the longest I have ever run in my life. I was so scared to do it, and almost decided not to do it. But I knew I had my family there for support, so I went for it. 16 miles. I did it with my Dad :) I don't know if I could have done it without him, I probably could have, but having him by my side sure made it that much easier. It is fun to accomplish something together with someone you love.

Here is to 26.2 miles together with them in October, we can do it! :)


  1. this is awesome. i'm only up to 2 miles, but I totally agree - the feeling after is what's worth it :)

  2. That's really cool that you and your family have that goal to run the marathon in October! When we all lived in Utah we would do 10Ks and this is making me want to do that again!

  3. you can so it alycia!!! you are so inspiring! xoxo

  4. That's awesome! Once you get in the grove you may start to like running a little more. =) I've ran 1 marathon and that's all I vowed to ever do. Now I stick to 1/2 and under. You will do great as long as you stick to the training! KEEP IT UP! PS - I find it better to train alone sometimes, just in case you are alone during the race. =) xoxo

  5. I ran my first Marathon in May. (Ogden Marathon) It was literally the hardest thing I have EVER done. When I finished I said that was the stupidest thing I ever did and what was I thinking? Well, of course I want to do another one. IT was such an accomplishment. You will hate yourself right after but will be so proud of yourself for finishing. You can do it!

  6. You're my hero. 16 miles?! Incredible! I love all that you've written about your family too, family is the best. Good luck!

  7. I totally agree with you; it's not so much the running I like, but that amazing feeling afterwards. Good for you and your family for setting a goal and doing it together!

  8. Wow! That is soooo cool! My fam would never be able to do this since everyone is out of shape haha. Good for you guys though! That's awesome!

  9. That is so inspiring! I love that you and your family are tackling this goal together, and helping each other make it the whole way.

    Congratulations on your 16 mile run!

  10. You go girl! You should be proud. I am not sure I could ever do that.

  11. I'm so in awe of you! Wow! I hate running also and I can't imagine going more than a few blocks. You are going to do awesome!

  12. That is awesome Alycia!! Good luck and keep it up!

  13. I agree! I was getting really into running and stopped when I got married but I want to get back in the swing of things.

  14. That's so awesome Alycia! Seriously, having people to train with makes such a difference. I'm training for my first half, and ran my longest distance yet this past weekend, 6.4 miles. It is SO cool seeing what our bodies can do, and nothing beats that feeling after a good run is done!

  15. Love this! I'm running my first full marathon in January (taking the plunge after doing so many halves} and my husband signed up for the half so he can train at the same time as me! I'll be running longer than him but at least we'll be training at the same time!

  16. Gets job, pretty girl! That is awesome!!!! I've always wanted to run my entire life but I might die if I try running a marathon. :) you're going to do great, and p.s. how is the sunburn? :( hope you're feeling okay! XO

  17. i am IMPRESSED girl. i could never run a marathon!

  18. Absolutely amazing. 26.2 is so scary to me! I don't think I'll ever get there BUT maybe, just maybe I'll do a 1/2. Love this post about family, it's so true and awesome that you have a family like this. :)

  19. So great you have your family to train with. I come from a running family and the support you get from them on long runs and on race day is invaluable. I ran my first full two years ago and my dad ran the last seven miles with me and it was something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Best of luck with your training. Make sure you figure out how to fuel properly! Haha, that's my best advice :)

  20. That is awesome the you are doing a marathon even though you don't love running! I have been thinking about doing one as well but I am not sure. Ha I also love that your last post was those s'mores and now you're talking about running a marathon. It's perfect :)

    Xo Amy


  21. What a great way to bond with family! I have been running a lot lately, but I'm with you on that point... I hate it! I think it's because I just get bored... Even while listening to music, my mind tends to wander, and it'll just keep on asking itself ... "wait... why are you doing this again? Time to go do something fun!" HA, but the feeling afterward is bliss... Well, that or the fact that I let myself eat a cookie afterward is bliss ;)

  22. thats beyond amazing! congratulations you're going to do amazing! xo

  23. Wow wow wow
    I played soccer for 10+ years, and that is exactly how I feel about long distance running.
    Good for you!!

  24. I can't imagine running a full marathon - and I love running!

  25. I can't imagine ever feeling like doing a marathon. Seriously. But I admire anyone who does! Good luck with training!

  26. i went on a run with my dad (instead of by myself) a few days ago and i ran farther than i ever had! having someone there talking to you really does help, instead of just listening to the voice in your head that is telling you to stop.

  27. Congrats! My whole family runs as well.. and its the best feeling when we run together. I totally feel what you're feeling! Great job... I'll be running a marathon in October too. Good luck!

  28. way to go girl!!! im training for a half right now and have no idea how im going to be able to do it. god for you for doing a full! thats an accomplishment! love that you are doing it with family too, what a fun thing to do together.

  29. way to go girl! hope your burn to is getting better :) what a sweet dad and family! 16 miles is amazing!

  30. That sounds like such an awesome event to do with your family. I just imagine that the training and running would be such a bonding experience. Best wishes to you in your continued preparation!

  31. how fun to do this with your family! I HATE running...hate it. But I think if my family was running with me I'd be pretty dang motivated too!

  32. You are amazing! I've been trying to get into a habit of running, but I want to stab someone every time I do! haha I probably average 2 miles now. but I do feel really good afterward. How great that your family can do this together!

  33. I am proud of you and you can do it! One thing off of your bucket list :)

  34. Woohoo! Isn't finishing a run the greatest feeling ever? I just ran a half and am planning on doing a full in November. So excited for you! You're going to have a blast :)

  35. Hey There I haven't been following your blog so I don't know what marathon you are running but am wondering!! are you doing St. George? or TOU? I ran the SLC back in April and even though it sucked, I don't regret it. I've run two halfs since and a ragnar or two. Hit up my Marathon Journey at keeprunningonestepatatime.blogspot.com It's different from the mommmy running blog I do with a few friends that you have commented on. The journal goes through the ups and downs of training for a marathon (and a few side notes of life and fitness) Let me know what you think. Good luck in Oct. you will do AWESOME!! Keep it up!


  36. congrats on this new running milestone! I can totally relate to everything you said because I ran my first marathon this April with my husband, and I know all too well the love-hate relationship with running. Best of luck to you with the rest of your training!

  37. are you doing the Sojo? I ran my first marathon this summer so I died laughing reading this and remembering those exact same feelings :)

    Good luck! Eat lots of food and get some Goo!


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